Chapter Twenty-Three: Holding it Down

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Hiiiii! My new Endeavor chapter just dropped. This is a small time skip since the funeral. Happy reading!

Some time has passed since Kusheru's funeral. I've been doing whatever I can to help Levi grieve. I've been to his company to check on things and helping Amira out. Hise and Kenny has been reporting everything to me. Even if it wasn't related to Kusheru's death. Surprisingly, Levi's men listens to me. I don't really know what I'm doing but I do my best and it's gotten easier to understand both of his job positions. I didn't like that her killers were still on the loose. His mob life was stressful and I picked up smoking a cigar. I was in Levi's office at his company. His new second in command, Johnny was in front of me. He dropped a folder in front of me. "These are some of the shooters that invaded the Ackerman's household. Some are related to Chiara." Johnny reported. I opened the folder and looked through the photos. "Those are also photos of their families." "Keep an eye on their families. I wouldn't be surprised if she ordered them to kill each other's families. If the wives try to kill you all, kill her. Other than that, no women. No children. Keep track of their every move. Even if the men leave this country, let me know. Find a pattern in their routine as they watch their backs. There will be a flaw and that's our chance to strike. I hate to do this but I'm putting pressure on you guys. I don't like the fact that her killers are still breathing." I ordered. He nodded. "You really are the Mafia Princess. And a good woman. Thank you for taking care of our boss. Thank you for protecting me back then even though you didn't know who I was." "No need to thank me. It's my duty. And I didn't think you deserved to die. As long as you never do that again, we're all good. Even if they threaten your family again, let me or Levi know and we'll handle them. That's our word." I said to Johnny. " Be sure to give copies to Hise and Kenny as well. You're dismissed." I said and he left. I finished eating like lollipop I was sucking on for the last longest. I unlocked his drawer with the key and placed the photos in. All of the documents they gave, were kept in this drawer so Levi won't have it on his mind. I've had countless meetings and thanks to Amira training me, I was able to help her out a lot. His assistant was a big help too. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. The door opened, revealing Amira. "Hey. How is Mr. Ackerman doing?" She asked as she closed the door. "He's still in shock. He said it feels so unreal that she's gone. He has nightmares almost every night still from seeing her body in the hospital and at the funeral. I feel so helpless." I yawned. I haven't been getting much sleep because of his jobs and the nightmares. I don't mind it. I will do whatever it takes to take the load off him. Amira pouted. "I feel so bad for him. And you look so tired. Let me know if you need anything, I'll be glad to help." "No no you've done more than enough. Holding this place down alone until I came in. Then you showed me the ropes as a business partner. And that's why I enrolled you in Best Partner of the year award. We'll all voted for you." "You what?! Y/N why? I didn't do anything. And that's a national award." "Amira stop. You literally have done so much over the years I can't even explain it. You know it, Levi knows it and Barry knows it. You're the reason why this place hasn't fallen apart since Levi stepped away. And I cannot thank you enough. You're beyond amazing." "I'm just doing my best, so I won't get replaced." "Nobody's replacing you Amira. Nobody can do what you do. You're valued here." She smiled wide. "Thank you Mrs. Ackerman." I got up and hugged her tightly. I looked at the time, it was time to leave. "See you tomorrow." I told her. She left out and I grabbed my things. I closed the office door behind me. I was the last person in the building. I looked around. It felt weird. Not long ago I was just an assistant and now I'm helping Amira run this company while Levi is on his leave of absence. I got on the elevator and pressed for the first floor. I got off and got inside of the limousine. The driver pulled off. Multiple cars were behind us. Levi hired more security for me so they follow me wherever I go. I closed my eyes. It was a long day. All I wanted to do was be wrapped in Levi's arms. The driver parked and got out. He opened the door and I stepped out after taking his hand. I walked up and Marcel opened the door. "Good Evening Mrs. Ackerman." He greeted. "Hey." I stepped in and took my coat off. I gave it to Marcel and took my shoes off. I walked upstairs into our bedroom. I finally moved in with Levi. He was in bed. "Hey." I said as I leaned against the door. "Hey." I walked over and got in bed. He leaned over and kissed me. "How was work?" He asked as he pulled me into his arms. "Long and exhausting." I asked. "I'm sorry. I'll get back as soon as I can." "Don't push yourself. Come back when you're one hundred percent ready." "I want to thank you Y/N. For holding it down. Taking care both of my jobs. For never leaving my side. I know my nightmares keep you awake at night causing you to lose sleep and I'm sorry. You're the most amazing woman that has walked this earth. I don't think any other woman will do with what you do. You're truly my soulmate. You were meant for me and I'm the luckiest man alive." "Don't apologize for that. I know how hard it is on you. And I'll do whatever I can to help out. Don't forget to thank Amira when you get back. Oh and I enrolled her in Best Partner of the year award." "The national award?" I nodded. "She never let me enroll her." "That's why I did it behind her back and told her just now." "Smart thinking. She definitely deserves it. And I know she'll win. If only they had best wife award." He said as he kissed my head. "We're not even married yet." I looked down at my engagement ring. Hise found out it was pawned so he got it back. Levi kissed my ring.


"Come upstairs." Levi said. We finished eating dinner. "Why?" He held out his hand and I took it. Levi lead me upstairs and into the bathroom. Candles were lit and the light was dim. There were rose petals in the bathtub. Soft music was playing. "What's the occasion?" I asked. "Because I love you. That's the occasion." He replied as he started undressing me. I got in the tub and leaned my head back. Levi got in the tub and pulled me close to him. He started massaging my shoulders. I closed my eyes. "This feels good." He started kissing my neck. He wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like that for an hour before we washed and got out. Levi gave me a full body massage before I was in his arms again. We were watching a horror movie. Levi was out first. That's becoming a habit too. I fall asleep after he does. It used to be the other way around. "No. No. NO! Momma, please don't leave me." I jumped awake. I didn't realize I fell asleep. Levi was tossing in his sleep. "I can't lose you mommy!" I started shaking him. "Levi?" I started tapping him. "Levi!" He wasn't waking up. Tears was streaming down his face. I slapped him hard across his face. He jumped awake and gasped. He looked at me. He started crying. I pulled him in my arms. "Shhh it's okay. It's another nightmare." "I-It was so real. I saw-I saw her spirit. She was talking to me. She hugged me. I didn't...want her to go." I rubbed his back. He was in so much pain and I didn't like it at all. I really wish I could've prevented her death. "I'm so sorry Levi. I really am. But it's going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay." Tears fell down my face. I wanted to see him smile again. Happy again. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. He nodded. "My mother told me she was okay. That she accepted her fate when her father passed the business to her and her brother. She told me to be strong. She told me to smile because she doesn't like to see me in this state. She's proud of me in all that I've accomplished. She told me to tell you that she loves you. My mother said she'll be waiting for my father and I in the future when it's our time and until then, enjoy life. And she said to hold you tight and never let you go because you're an amazing woman. She wished she's gotten to know you more. She'll be watching over us as we build our family together." I wiped a teardrop with my thumb that fell from his eye. He looked up at me from under his long, fluffy eyelashes. "I miss her so much." "I know you do. And I know she misses you a lot. We'll get through this. Together." Levi kissed my forehead and pulled me in his arms. "Please get some rest. I'm sorry for waking you." "Don't apologize." Levi rubbed my back. We'll get through it, one day at a time.
I'm so tired now lmao. Levi missing his mommy🤧

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