Chapter Twenty-One: Chiara Russo

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!😊

We finally made it home. The entire drive felt like eternity. Levi was in the bathroom, washing his face. He came out of the bathroom. He hasn't said a word to me since we left the hospital. Levi sat down on the bed. "About Chiara Russo." "Levi don't start." "No, Y/N let me get this off my chest. It was an arranged marriage between our fathers twelve years ago. I was already in love with her so I didn't have a problem with it. I thought she was the only woman for me. She was everything I could ask for in a wife. The love of my life. The only woman I ever wanted. She was also five years my senior. Chiara was very mature. When we got married, our families joined together. Like she said, we were powerful. Overpowered actually." "I really don't want to hear this." I said as I started to walk away. Levi grabbed my wrist. "Please..." Levi begged. I sighed. "Fine. Continue." "Things were amazing and I was the luckiest man alive. Everything Chiara said was true. She was my first. And she became pregnant. I couldn't be happier. I boosted security for extra protection around her. I tended to her every wants and needs. She was very hormonal but I did everything in my power to make sure she had a comfortable and happy pregnancy. When welcomed our son, I was deeply in love. Future heir to the throne. To take over the family business. I was going to teach him everything my father taught me. Sixth months after he was born, we discovered a brain tumor after continuous crying. The first doctor said it's normal for him to be crying a lot. But we knew in our hearts, something was wrong. We went to a second doctor and we found out he had a brain tumor. We tried everything but we were too late. He died in his sleep. We both were devastated. That's when it went left. Chiara became violent. Ruthless. She fired my men behind my back and hired new men to fulfill her new rules. My men didn't want to harm women and children or petty robbery. I thought she was still grieving and I did everything I could to be there for her. I talked to her. Never left her side. Therapy and marriage counseling. Her only goal was to combine our families and take over. She never loved me or our son. That's when I filed for divorce and got my men back. I loved her but I couldn't accept or condone her ways of doing. It was against mine and my family's morals. She wanted to instill fear in the innocent people who did not deserve it. When our divorce was finalized, she was even more enstranged. She threatened to make my life a living hell for divorcing her. But this was years ago and over time I forgot about it when I started my company. I should've heed her warning. I at least thought she would've gotten over it after so many years. It pained me to divorce someone I love. But I was just her puppet. And I followed her like a lapdog. When I saw her today, yes all of my memories and love for her came back. But when I saw the look on your face after telling you that I do still love her, I wanted to murder myself. It pained me to see you hurt by me. By my choice of words. When you wanted me to die, I felt how you felt. No Y/N. I don't still love her. I thought I did. Seeing her just reminded me all of my memories. The good before the bad. I'm glad you killed her. In that moment I wouldn't be able to as I was paralyzed with past memories of the good times we had. I didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed. I was such a coward just standing there, listening to her taunting you about my history with her. A history Chiara never cared about. And you stood your ground. Chiara talked about our-my son as if his existence and death meant nothing to her. Overtime I healed from my divorce and chalked that marriage as a mistake. I've forgotten about it except for my son. I can never forget him. That's the story of my history with the Sicilian Mafia. I understand if you hate me and never want to see me again. I'll let you go, if that's what you want." Levi explained. "Idiot!" I yelled as I pulled him close to my stomach. "You're not supposed to let me go. It'll take a lot more than that to get rid of me. I'm sorry about your son. I don't hate you. I was just really angry and hurt. I am mad that you couldn't see through my ruse." Levi kissed my stomach and grabbed my shirt tightly. "I'm sorry." "I just can't believe she held a grudge for twelve years and then killed your mother. But I want you to take it easy Levi." "No I can't. I want those cowards who killed my mother!" "You are taking it easy. You're not going to be involved in this. I know you want to be but I've got this." "If something goes wrong, let me know immediately." "I have Hise and Kenny. What could go wrong? Besides all of your men are going to listen to your father and I. I need you to properly grieve. Take time off your company too. Your wife has it all under control and mama's got business to take care of." I pushed Levi on his back and kissed him as I sat on top of him. I kissed all over his face. "We'll avenge your mother and plan a spontaneous funeral. We'll celebrate her life and honor her. You have my word." I assured him. Levi pulled me to the side and wrapped me in his arms. "I love you so much Y/N. Don't ever leave me." "I will never." I said.
I'm sorry this probably sucked Lmaoo but I definitely wanted to lay out his history with her. Glad she's dead tho. RIP Kusheru🤧

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