Chapter Thirty-Three: The Ackerman's Princess

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Hiiiiii! I hope y'all don't hate Levi too much. This is a trigger warning because it will have suicidal attempts. Feel free to skip. Remember he has amnesia so he doesn't know he's cheating. Also this is back to Y/N's POV. Happy reading!☺️

"You set Levi's house on fire?!" Hise yells as he barges in. "Leave me alone." I mumble, pulling the blanket over my head. Hise yanks the blanket off me. "Y/N look at you. This isn't healthy. I know you're depressed but please let me help you. You haven't been eating or sleeping." "I don't need your help. I'm totally fine." "Setting his house on fire isn't fine." "I never said I did it." "Oh yeah?" Hise wave the empty gasoline jug. "I ran out of gas." "Cut the shit Y/N. I know you did it. And Levi wants to press charges. But he doesn't have solid proof you did it." "I don't care if I do get arrested. My life is already over." "Your life isn't over Princess." "Your son doesn't love me anymore. He has a perfect family now. And she can give him what I can't give him, kids. Just like she gave Daiki. She stole both guys that I loved. She won. Now can you please leave me alone?" "Princess..." "Don't call me that. I'm just an ordinary person." "Stop. You are far more than an ordinary person. Even before you became part of the family. That's what made my son fall for you." "Please don't fill my head up with lies and gas me up." "I'm not. I'm speaking the truth and you know it." I sit up and glare at Hise. "Then why doesn't he love me anymore?" "Because he lost his memory and is manipulated into thinking he's married to that home wrecking bitch." "He fell in love with her, didn't he?" "What? No." "Look me in the eyes and tell me that your son didn't fall in love with her!" I scream. "I-I'm sorry Y/N." I get up and leave the room. "Princess!" I run downstairs, with Hise hot on my heels. I run out of the house and run into the ongoing traffic. Cars honk and swerv. "Dammit Y/N!" I feel as Hise grab me and toss me on the sidewalk. We both fall down. Hise gets on top of me, holding my wrists. "Get off me Hise!" "Y/N please stop this. Killing yourself won't do you any good!" "Why should I live huh? I have nothing. I have no one. The only man I love, loves another woman." I scream. Hise looks into my eyes deeply. His eyes was filled with so much sorrow and guilt. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have told you." "Let me go Hise! Please put me out of my misery." "No!" Hise gets up and help me up. He escorts me back into his house. He closed the door. "Please Hise I can't take it anymore." "Y/N we can get through this." I walk off, heading towards Hise's office. I hear as Hise follow me. I grab his revolver gun out of the drawer and load it with one bullet. I spin the cylinder and close it. "Y/N...please don't. Put the gun down." I point the gun to my head. "Let's play a little game shall we? It's called Russian Roulette." "Y/N don't." Hise walks closer. "Stay back! If I can do whatever you want with me. Even put me in therapy. But if I die...I want you to tell your son what happened to me and give me the grandest funeral just like Kusheru's. Deal?" "Y/N please." "Do we have a deal Hise?!" I scream. "Yes okay yes we have a deal!" "Good." I pull the trigger. Hise flinches. Empty. "Well that was a doozy." I spin the cylinder again. I put the gun in my mouth. Tears fall down Hise's face as he watches helplessly. I close my eyes, pulling the trigger. I hear Hise sigh a relief. I take the barrel out of my mouth. "Y/N please stop." Hise whispers. "A deal is a deal Hise." I spin the cylinder again and point the barrel to my heart. "Third time's a charm right?" "Princess..." I pull the trigger. Everything went black.
I was thinking of Stockholm Syndrome from One Direction slowed down version while making this. I think it's Stockholm Syndrome x Wicked Games version. But I'm playing See-Line Woman while at work pfft😭

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