Chapter Forty-Six: Served

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Hiiiiii! That's the end of the flashback. Yeah they went through a lot before officially getting back together. This is Levi's POV. Happy reading!☺️

~~~~~~~~~~~(Levi's POV)~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up the next morning. Y/N was sleeping peacefully in my arms. I kiss her forehead and get up gently, trying to to wake her. She stir in her sleep and pull me closer. "Don't go." She mumble. I lay back down and she instantly got on top of me. I smile, wrapping my arms around her. She looks up at me. "Good morning beautiful." She smiles, her eyes sparkling. I kiss her. "Good morning." She replies. She sits up. I start kissing her scars and her branded mark. "I'm grateful we're back together, but...why did you take me back?" I ask. She shrugs. "When you broke up with me, I was out of that lifestyle. And I was right, there's nothing out there for me. Our relationship was toxic but I never stopped loving you. I've spend eight months alone, wasting away. I didn't want to look for anything out there. There wasn't anything out there." "There's plenty of opportunities out there for you. Especially for someone like you. You can tell the world you were single and everyone would ask for your hand in marriage." Y/N rolls her eyes. "Now you're exaggerating." "I am not. I'm serious. You don't know how lucky I am to have you. With me, right now. Being in your presence. Waking up to you. Talking to you. Kissing you. Loving you. I'm so happy we started over. Now we're stronger than ever. I knew I made the right choice when I broke up with Caroline. I couldn't love her properly." "Were you ever in love with her?" "No. I used protection even though she was on the pill. I don't want a family with her." I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close. "You are so beautiful. And I'm so sorry for making you feel otherwise." Y/N pull away. She stares at me. "I can't believe you hurt yourself." She says, looking at my scars and burns. "I will kill myself if it made you happy." "Fucking psycho." I chuckle. "Takes one to know one." I tell her. "Touché." She replies, tracing her name on my arm. "I plan on getting it tattooed." I announce. Her eyes look up to me. "Why?" "Because I'm your property. I belong to you and no one else." "I don't own you Levi." "You do." I roll on top of her and start kissing on her. There was a soft knock on the door. "Who is it?" I ask. "Daddy it's Rose." "Give me one minute Princess." Y/N and I both scramble to get dressed. "Come in." I say as I finish putting my shirt on. The door opens and Rose runs in. She climbs in to bed. I pick her up, placing her in my lap. "Morning Daddy!" "Good morning princess." I kiss her cheek. "Did you sleep well last night?" She nods. "You're not lying to daddy are you?" She remains quiet. "Rose..." I press on. "I had another bad dream." "Do you want to talk about it?" Rose was quiet for some time. "It was when mommy press something hot on my back." I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes. Tears rolled down my eyes. "It's okay sweetie. She won't hurt you every again." I say as I rub her back. I felt as Y/N hugged me from behind. "Promise?" Rose asks. I wipe my tears and pull away to look at her. "I swear on my life. Cross my heart and hope to die. I promise you, that woman won't hurt you ever again." I tell her. I lock my pinky with hers as I made my promise. I kiss Rose's forehead. "Otay!" I hear a knock on the door. I get up with Rose in my arms and walk downstairs, with Y/N on my heels. Marcel was at the door. "What's going on?" I ask my lawyer who was standing in the doorway. "Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman, you've been served." "What?" Y/N and I ask in unison. "Maria?" I call. "Can you take Rose for a minute?" Maria nods and takes Rose from me. My lawyer hands us both a envelopes. "From who?" I ask. "It's from Mr. Aomine and former Mrs. Ackerman's parents. They've claimed that they've reached out to you both in regards to their granddaughter Rose Aomine-Ackerman." Ileana informed us. "Son of a-" "Hey! It's okay baby. We'll get through this alright?" Y/N coos as she rubs my back. "Both grandparents both want full custody of Rose without either of you in the picture and co-raise her together." Ileana continues. "Hell no! She is our daughter and nobody is taking her away from us." I spat. "I know. And I'm working on it as we speak. When in court, you two need to bring out all the evidence of her mother abusing her. I will speak with your other lawyers and we're going to get all the dirt on all of them." Ileana promises. Just then...Caroline walks up to us, with my other lawyer Reiner. "Levi Ackerman, you've been served." He hands me an envelope. "What now?!" "For neglecting Caroline when she told you she was pregnant." Caroline opens her coat, revealing a pregnant stomach. Y/N walked off. I chase after her. "Baby she is lying!" I grab her arm. "Please tell me you believe me." "It's your baby Levi!" I whirl around to see Caroline in my house. "Get the fuck out of my house!" I yell. Y/N comes running out of the kitchen towards Caroline with a knife. "Y/N no!" I grab her waist, holding her back. Fuck she snapped before I could realize it. "Get off me Levi!" "Y/N I didn't get her pregnant. I promise you that baby isn't mine." "The baby is yours. You were the last person I've slept with." Caroline says. "You were on the pill and I used protection." I tell Caroline. "I stopped using the pill a month before you broke it off with me. Condoms can break y'know." I shake my head. "I never released into the condom in you. I was extra careful and I washed the condom out." "Remember that one time you threw it away without washing it? No you probably don't remember because you were intoxicated." I let out a sigh. "You either see me in court or I will go public. I have pictures and videos of us. Nasty, freaky pictures." Caroline sneers. Y/N throws the knife and Caroline ducks in time. "Get out of my home before I gut that thing out of you." Y/N spat. Caroline cackles and walks out, slamming the door behind her. "Why the fuck did you bring her here Reiner?!" I scream at my lawyer, while letting go of Y/N. "She threatened to expose you as the Mafia Prince and go public." Reiner replied. Y/N took off, going to the door. "Shit!" I run after her. Y/N already had Caroline by her hair, punching her in the face repeatedly. "Baby stop!" I grab Y/N just as she was about to stomp Caroline in the stomach. She yanked out a lock of Caroline's hair as I throw her over my shoulders. She cackles. "Bald bitch!" Y/N shouts. I slam the door behind me. "Reiner, get a DNA test. I need you to prove to her that I'm not the father. And erase all traces of photos and videos." "The trial is in two days, it'll take the results a week." "Did I fuckin stutter? Get her to take a DNA test. Once that test prove I'm not the father, I'm counter suing her." Y/N kept banging on my back. "And we're counter suing both grandparents." I tell Ileana. "Now please leave. As you can see, my wife snapped and I need to bring her back to reality." They left out. "Paraquay!" I say. Y/N goes limp. I let out a sigh and place her down on the sofa. I sit down next to her body. She slowly comes to. "Wh-What happened?" "Well you tried to kill my ex." "Did you get her pregnant?" "No. Even when I was intoxicated, I made sure I washed each condom out. I knew it in my gut to not trust her." I calmly reply. "Then why is she claiming she's carrying your baby?" "I don't know. But it's clear she was pregnant before I met her. She said her ex left her. That he couldn't be with her anymore. She never told me why. But baby, I promise you the baby isn't mine." "I believe you." "Really? Because you lost your shit and tried to stab her. Then you almost stomped the baby out of her." "I did? I only remember when she announced her pregnancy." "So that's when it turned off." I let out a sigh. "And she has videos and photos of us." "So a sex tape?" I nod. "She'll never fuck you like I can. She wants to play a game, huh? So let's play the bitch's game. Take a DNA test and when it proves you're not the father, you have two options. You can either get a restraining order on her or I kill her." Y/N says as she sits up. I pull her in my arms. "You're so fuckin crazy. Just don't get caught Princess, even though I'll bail you out." I pull Y/N into my lap. I kiss her deeply. "You're so fuckin hot when you turn into the Mafia Princess." I say against her lips. "You know we haven't slept together since we've rekindled." She says. I smile against her lips. I carry her upstairs.
Pfft I may or may not write the smut scene. But I can tell you this will be one hell of a ride. Looks like this story isn't ending quite yet.

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