Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Ackerman Twins

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Hiiiiiiiiii! Hope all is well! This is a major time skip. And it's time to introduce the Ackerman Twins. Happy reading!☺️

 Happy reading!☺️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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I've spent months in the hospital. The doctor said I couldn't walk again. The news broke me. I was in a wheelchair at home for months while doing physical therapy. There were a lot of times of when I've given up hope. Levi was with me every step of the way. Never leaving my side. I felt bad for him because whenever I needed to use the bathroom while he was asleep, I had to wake him up. It put me in deep depression. My injuries were more serious when the doctors ran more tests. My spine was fucked up and it took a miracle to fix it during surgery. I cried every day. I was numb every day. I was in pain every day. And I knew Levi was hurting. Watching me suffer. I can see it in his eyes that he was suffering too. That was the only reason why I kept going. Why I was so determined to walk again. I want to stand by his side. I want to walk down that aisle. I don't want to be a liability. It honestly wanted to make me want to kill Daiki. There were times where I forgot that I killed him. I didn't know I killed the Russian twins. Levi explained how gruesome it was. That I was playing with his head after tearing it off. His eye popping out after my stiletto got stuck in his eye. I felt helpless day in and day out. I was worried that Levi would leave me. What if he can't handle taking care of me anymore? He's not obligated to stay. This was worse than getting stabbed and branded by the Sicilian Mafia. I couldn't walk for a year. There were times I heard Levi praying. Apologizing for his sins. Begging God that I heal and recover because I didn't deserve it. How he wished it was him instead of me. He told me he'd never leave me and I believed him but I always looked at reality. All the reasons why he had every right to leave. I didn't make it easy on him mentally because it really fucked me up mentally. He took time away from both jobs, letting his father be in charge of his men. He told Amira that I was in a nasty car crash which paralyzed me. That was the most accurate lie ever considering it can happen. I told him to give her another vacation afterwards for however long she wants. I get out of bed slowly and make my way downstairs. "Morning Marcel." I greet. He looks at me and smile. "Good morning Mrs. Ackerman." "Have you seen Levi?" "In the basement." "Thank you." I slowly make my way down the basement. I hold on as I walk downstairs. I hear Levi using the punching bag. I walk closer slowly and hold onto the punching bag. "Morning Levi." I greet. "Y/N what are you doing down here? You should be upstairs recovering." He continues as he hit the bag. He stopped. "How did you get down here?" Levi looks at me. "You're walking?! Baby did you walk down here?!" I nod. "Yes!" "You walked down here? By yourself?!" "Yes!" Levi lifts me up and spin me around. He sets me on my feet and holds me tightly. He starts crying. "Oh my god. B-Baby I'm so fucking proud of you. When did you find out you could walk again?" "Two weeks ago. Anaiyah said to take baby steps until I get my legs back." I explain. Levi looks at me and kiss me deeply. "Thank you for never leaving me." "It never crossed my mind. We're in this together. I'll be with you through it all." "We live together. We ride together. We die together." We said in unison. I smile. "I love you so much Mrs. Ackerman. Words cannot explain how happy I am. Let's go tell everyone!" Levi sweeps me off my feet and take me upstairs. He sets me down on my feet again. He gets on the phone. "Dad, Y/N's walking again!" Levi screams into the phone. I smile, watching how happy he is. Levi wraps an arm around me and kiss my cheek as he speaks on the phone. He hangs up shorty after. "They're on their way." He announces. "Huh? Why?" "This is a huge deal Y/N. And they love you." Levi hugs me again. He pulls away and looks at me. I wipe his tears. "You big baby." I tease causing him to chuckle. He takes my hand and kiss it. "I've done a lot of praying. And it worked." "I know. There were times that I saw you pray when I practiced my walking independently." "There she is!" I look to see Hise, Kenny, Mikasa and Karina. "You guys got here quick." I point out. "Well we were already on our way to check in on you Princess." Kenny replied. Hise hugged me first. "It's good to see you back on your feet. Welcome back Princess." "Thank you Hise." I pull away and hug Kenny. "It's good to see my killer in good health. Nothing can bring you down." He laughs. "It's good to see you too Kenny." I pull away to hug Mikasa and Karina. Kenny wraps his arms over the girls' shoulders. "They wanted to see you too." He announced. "We threatened our father to bring us here." Mikasa says. "Huh? Father? Kenny is your father?" He chuckles. "Don't be so surprised now. They get their looks from their mother." "Kenny, you have kids?" He nods. "Have I met their mother?" "No. She didn't want to be part of this lifestyle anymore. She wanted a divorce so I gave it to her. I still love her deeply and I want what's best for her." "Don't talk about that bitch." Mikasa spat. "Mikasa! She's our mother." Karina scolds. "No she's not. When she divorced our father she divorced us too." "Now that's not fair." "When was the last time she visited us Karina?! Huh? Never! She walked out of our lives and that was the last time we saw her. We were eight! She can drop dead for all I care." "Girls!" Kenny scolds. Mikasa huffs and folds her arms. "So what I'm hearing is, she's a deadbeat mother." I point out. "No." "Yes." Karina and Mikasa says at the same time. "You know what, they are crazy like you Kenny." I change the subject. "Awe shucks you gon' make me blush." Kenny chuckles. "How come I never saw you Karina?" I ask. "We've met at the Christmas party. But you probably thought I was Mikasa. And you guys didn't stay long because those two were mean to you. And we met briefly during Kusheru's funeral as well. We didn't really officially meet until we were in the castle." Karina explains. "Huh. That explains it. So you're dating Eren Jaeger right?" I ask Mikasa and she nods. "And you?" "I'm married. Aerocelli is my husband." I thought back. "You helped him when he was shot when we took down your ex." I nod. "Oh right! That's your husband?" She nods and smiled wide. Karina shows me her ring. I whistle at the diamond. "Nice rock." My legs start to buckle. Karina catches me. "Everything okay?" "Yeah. This is the longest I've been standing." "Easy babe don't over do it." Levi says. He lifts me up and places me on the couch. Levi starts massaging my legs and feet. I noticed Karina's hair are in double buns and Mikasa cut her hair shorter. "Looks like you've done alright raising them by yourself." I say to Kenny. "Not too bad if I do say so myself." "It'd be a lot better if you remarried. And this time, find someone who wouldn't run away." Mikasa adds. "I'm doing perfectly fine by myself Mikasa." "You haven't been with anyone since that woman left you. That was also the last time you got laid." I snort. "Dammit Mikasa! Don't go spreadin my business to the world." "She's family. And I'm sure Y/N figured it out already." "I knew it's been a minute but I didn't know it was that long. Then again I didn't know he had a wife and kids. Why didn't you tell me Kenny?" "Because you'd change your mind on killing me. I want you to see me as your father's killer and not a father himself. You don't need to go soft on me." "Makes sense." We spend the rest of the day, enjoying company.
I was really going to keep Kenny not having a family of his own but...I couldn't figure out who would be the twins' parents.

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