Chapter Fifty-One: The Ackermans vs Caroline Sunshine

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Today's Judgement Day. To prove that Levi isn't the father of Caroline's baby. The doctor managed to get the results back a lot quicker. As Levi said, the test proved that he isn't the father. Today I decided to wear an emerald green velvet tuxedo without a top nor bra. "I can't wait to get this over with." I tell Levi as he puts my shoe on. "Me neither. There are other things I would rather do. But she need to get out of my life." "What did you see in her?" Levi shrugs. "Her looks. It sounds shallow I know. But she also had a sweet personality." "She definitely seemed sweet when I first met her. But you're not the type to go after sweet girls." "You're sweet." "I've killed your ex wife, your wife, your unborn fetus, my ex boyfriend and almost killed you. There is nothing sweet about me." Levi smiles. "That's what makes you sweet." "Now, is there anything I need to know before we get there?" Levi shook his head no. Levi straps my brand new heel. I place my foot on his chest. "Are you lying to me?" I ask. "No. I'm not hiding anything from you." Levi pulls up my pant and kiss my leg. "You better not be, or it's going to be a problem." I warn. Levi grabs my shoe and slip it on my other foot. He straps it. Levi gets up and hovers over me. "I love you so much Mrs. Ackerman." He kiss me. "If one more person becomes Mrs. Ackerman before I will, I will kill you." I threaten, causing Levi to smile. "That's not going to happen. You have my word." Levi starts to kiss my neck. "We have to go." I moan out. "I know. I just really love you in suits." Levi looks at me seductively. "Let's go Mr. Ackerman." Levi sighs. "I hate when you call me that." "That is your name, is it not?" "Yeah but when you say it, it's too formal. Like when you used to work for me." "Coming from a very prestigious man. You don't want to be late now so you?" "No." I get up and grab my clutch. I walk downstairs with Levi behind me. "Ah there's the Ackerman's finest couple." Kenny greeted us at the bottom of the stairs. "How's my killer doing?" "Ready to get this trial over with." I tell him as he hug me. "Awe it'll be okay Princess. We're all here for you." Kenny kiss my forehead. "There's my favorite crazy Ackerman twins." I smile as I hug them. I look at them. "You both look sexy." They both twirled. I nod in approval. "Not bad." "Mikasa stole one of my hats." Kenny complained. "It looks better on her." I joke. "Well if it isn't my favorite daughter." I turn to see Hise. "I'm your only daughter." Hise pulls me in for a hug. "Ready to take this bitch down?" He asks, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Just another body to add onto my hit list." I proudly say. Hise chuckles. "You're so psychotic." Rose comes running in. I bend down and pick her up. "Mommy!" "I sweetie." I kiss her forehead. "You look pretty!" I smile. "Thank you. Look who is here." "Grandpa!" And just like that, Rose squirms. I laugh and hand her over to Hise. "How's my precious granddaughter?" He kiss all over her face. "Good!" Rose giggles. "You've gotten so big Princess." Rose smile wide. "Look it's Uncle Kenny." "Uncle Kenny!" "There's my favorite niece." Automatically, Rose takes his hat as soon as he grabs her. Kenny chuckles when she place it on her head. "Get her a hat Kenny." I remind him. "Then she won't take mine. I like when she does that." "Rina!" "Hi Rose!" Karina grabs Rose and kiss her cheek. I feel as Levi wrap his arm around my waist. "You're such an amazing mother. Look at how much happier she's becoming." "It's hard work. And I'm glad to have you by my side, Daddy Levi." "Oooh, call me that again." "Later." Rose takes Mikasa's hat. Kenny pouts. "I thought that was our thing." Rose giggles. "Sowwy! I like hers better." I laugh. "Alright we really have to go. Maria?" I call. "Where are you going mommy?" "Daddy and I have to go somewhere important. We'll be back and then we're all yours." "Don't go!" "We'll be back. I promise." Rose starts crying. I grab her from Mikasa. "Don't cry Princess. We're not leaving you." I rub her back in circles as she sob. "I don't want you to go!" My heart starts to break. Lately she gets upset when we leave. Even when I'm home and Levi goes off to work, she cries. Hotaru says she has abandonment issues. Rose starts coughing as she cries. "You guys go wait in the car. I'll be there." I tell them. Maria walks in. I try to hand her over but Rose clings to me. I let out a sigh. "It's okay baby." Rose continues to cry. "Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns brass, Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass. And if that looking glass gets broke, Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat, And if that billy goat doesn't pull, Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull. And if that cart and bull turn over, Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover. And if that dog named Rover won't bark, Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart. And if that horse and cart fall down, Well you'll still be the sweetest baby in town. Hush, little baby don't you cry..." I sing lowly in her ear. Rose sniffs. I continue to sing the lullaby repeatedly softly in her ear. I walk upstairs and into her room. I sit in the rocking chair Levi bought. I start rocking her as I continue to sing. Rose slows down her crying as she sniffles. I rub her back in circles. After a few minutes, Rose stopped moving. I get up and place her in bed. She was fast asleep. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead. "Works every time. Sweet dreams princess." I feel as arms were being wrapped around my waist. "You're such a wonderful mother. Thank you for helping me take care of her." I turn to face Levi. "I have nothing against her. And I love her a lot." Levi kiss me. "I thought you were in the car." "Not when she's upset. And besides I would've missed this." Levi takes my hand and escorts me downstairs. We left out. Levi's men were posted, on duty. We got in the limousine. The driver pulled off. Levi place his hand on my thigh. I lean my head back.

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