Chapter Forty-Seven: Show Off

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Hiiiii! This is back to Y/N's POV. Happy reading!☺️

 Happy reading!☺️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Levi place me on the bed. He gets in and lays beside me. He grabs my thigh, wrapping it around his waist. His fingers trail up my ass, squeezing it. He slaps my ass. "You're so beautiful Princess." Levi mumbles before kissing me. He kneads my ass. Levi reach into the drawer and grabs a box. It's my box. He opens, it taking out my ring. "We've been through so much. Through thick and thin. Loving each other. Hurting each other. I'm so thankful for starting over with you. I can't promise it'll be a smooth ride considering my lifestyle but I'll do everything in my power to love you. Protect you. Cherish you. Value you. Appreciate you. Respect you and to show you off as my wife. My Mafia Princess. Mrs. Ackerman. No more fighting each other and saying things we both regret. When I broke up with you...I realized it was the biggest mistake of my life. Not solely because I hurt you. But because there's no one else like you. They don't compare to you. They won't do half the things that you do. They won't hold it down for me. They won't ride with me. They won't die with me. They won't take charge like you do. They won't love me the same way you do. I can't see a future without you. And when I said I hated you for the second time, I mainly hated myself. I hated the idea of you with my father. I hated the idea of Caroline with me. But I hated myself for trying to get over you. I couldn't adjust to waking up without you. I couldn't adjust to you not being in my arms. You've made a huge impact on my life. Your presence is dominant and when you left, my world was upside down. My mind was telling me that it was for the best that you were gone but my heart knew it wasn't true. God I hated my heart for not getting over you but I'm glad that it didn't. Because I could've lost you forever. Cheers to new beginnings and a new chapter in our life as we move forward." Levi says. I hold my hand out and he slips the ring on my finger. Tears roll down my face as I pull him in for a tight hug. "I will always love you Levi. And I will never leave you. Ever." I say through tears. I sniff. "Thank you for everything you do." Levi pulls away and kiss me. "Why do you choose me Levi?" I ask. "Because I love you. Why do you choose me?" "Because I love you." "You know we've never been on a date." Levi brings up. I shrug. "So?" "You deserve a date." "We live a fast pace life with killing and luxurious events, I think that counts." "It doesn't." "Well I count them." I say as I lean back on my elbows. "I'll plan us a date. It'll be unexpected and spontaneous." Levi says as he hovers over me and kiss me. "You win." I smile into the kiss. "Can I ask you something?" Levi asks. "Yeah, what's up?" "What were you thinking when you set my house on fire? Now that I think about it, you didn't turn into your killing machine or I'd be dead." Levi asks. "Pain. Suffering. Betrayal. Anger. Acrimony. Inexorable. I was deranged. My demeanor was calm in that moment. Pouring gasoline all over your car, your lawn and your house. Smoking a cigar, leaning against my car. Throwing a match onto the lawn, watching the fire spread quickly to the place I once called home. Flickering another match on top of your car. Walking away as it burn. Getting into my car and pulling off to Hise's." I answer. "That sounds so fucking hot coming from you. What else did you do?" "I was greeted by Hise and I was trying to ignore him. Shutting him out of my life. Completely losing myself into music. That same night I sent her death threats. Throwing knives at the selfies of you two together. Dancing around with a picture of you two burning in my hands with a cigar in my mouth. Clapping and dancing to See-Line Woman by Nina Simone. Feeling the adrenaline, anger and hatred fill my veins like poison. It was a drug. An addictive drug. Taking the cigar and burning myself with it. Laughing maniacally as I enjoy the pain." I continue. "Don't ever hurt yourself again. Just let me know when you burn something else down. I want to see you do it. And walk away from it. Just like that day with the abandoned building when you killed Mei." I look at Levi. He was naked. "Where yo clothes at?" I ask. Levi was blushing, while he was dripping. "Sorry...I don't think I can hold back any longer." Levi hovers over me with pure love and lust in his eyes. Levi takes off my silk pajama shirt. His hands were immediately massaging my nipples. "Levi-wait, slow down." I moan out. "I've been needing you for the last longest Princess." Levi mumbles with my breast engulfed in his mouth, sucking on it. Levi takes off my bottoms. He wraps my legs around his waist. Levi looks into my eyes deeply. "It's all there." He says before kissing me as he enters. We both moan into the kiss. Levi grabs my wrists, pinning them above my head as he thrusts. "I love you so much baby girl." Levi starts to wine his hips as he thrusts. "Do that again." I moan. Levi continue wining his hips. "Fuuuuuck!" Levi starts sucking on my neck as he roll his hips. He then looks into my eyes and kiss my forehead. Levi flips us over, putting me on top. I lean my head back as I ride him slowly. His hands roamed my body. "Levi..." I moan out. "I miss being inside you Princess." I felt as Levi kiss the base of my throat. I look forward to see Levi's facial expressions. His eyes locked with mine. "Please release all over me." Levi begs. We wrap our arms around each other. I grip the hair at the back of his head as I moan out his name, feeling myself release. I felt as Levi release inside me. Levi pulls me off him and place me on my stomach. He lifts my ass and enters. He place his hands on top of mine, as he thrusts. It reminded me of Hise. God now is not the time to think about his father. Levi's hands trail down my body and he holds me as he thrusts. He slides his hands back up and cups my breasts. "So fuckin beautiful." He moans into my ear. Levi strokes harder and deeper. He picked up his pace slowly, changing the rhythm. His fingers massages my nipples. I was really trying hard to hold out longer but I couldn't. I folded the moment as he started sucking on my neck. Levi's rhythm became sloppy as he released inside of me. I felt as he rest on my back for a minute before pulling out. He pulled me close to him and kissed me. "What did you mean by that?" I ask after a few minutes of silence. "By what?" "When you said it's all there." "Your love, lust and passion for me. It's the first time we've been intimate since we got back together. And I wasn't sure if I could still make you feel the way you normally feel when you're with me. I wasn't sure if you were sexually attracted to me." "Of course I would be, no matter what." Levi smiles and kiss my forehead. He then grabs my leg and place it over his waist, massaging my ass.
I almost made her call out Hise's name lmao. This is probably the worst smut ever. The moment I wrote it, I lost interest. I then took a break and even now I just wanted to get past it.

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