Chapter Seventy-Seven: Connie and The Ackermans vs. Jean.

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Hiiiiii!!! How are you? Hope all is well. This will have some gruesome content. Feel free to skip. This will be Hise's POV. Happy reading!☺️

~~~~~~~~~~~~Hise's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

It's been a week since my son's home was ambushed. I hate that it's been this long. We laid low the entire time. Someone reached out me anonymously about the horse face culprit. I don't trust him but he seams to know about this bastard who attacked my family.

"So why do you want to help us?"
My brother Kenny asks Connie.

"Because he needs to be stopped. Every person who tried to stop him has been murdered by him. That's how crooked he is."

"You know we're crooked too right? We can kill you right here right now."

Kenny threatens as he shoves his gun under Connie's chin.

"Kenny!!" I scold.

"I'm a war veteran. That threat doesn't phase me." Connie replies, moving the gun. Kenny laughs.

"I like this guy. He has that cold look in his eyes."

"Why help us?" I repeat.

Connie was silent.

"He took my family. My three year old daughter and my wife who was six months pregnant with our son. I tried to take him down which caused me to lose my family. I didn't listen to my wife. I didn't leave it alone. I wanted him to be stopped but he's always five steps ahead of someone."

"That's good enough for me." Kenny cheers.

"Besides, his main resources have been killed and he hasn't made any moves. So we're moving tonight."

"I'm in. I need to see the soul leave his eyes. You'll need heavily artillery. He's heavily guarded."

"We're the Ackermans. We're never outnumbered." I boast.

"Didn't you lose your wife, and almost lost your son along with his family due to ambushes?"

Connie points out.

"Watch it!" I hiss.

"Who is this daddy?"

Karina asks as she comes into view with her twin.

"This is Connie Springer." He introduces.

Connie looks at them.

"You're Annie's girls."

"Yeah and what of it?" Mikasa barks.

Kenny jumped in front of his girls.

"How do you know my wife?"

"Ex wife." Karina corrected.

"Dead ex wife." Mikasa added.

"She was in the police force with us. She talked about them a lot. She showed me pictures of them. From her pregnancy up to when they were eight. And that makes you the Kenneth Ackerman. The man she still loves. Wait a minute, dead?"

"Yeah if she loved our father she wouldn't have divorced him, abandon us, got with some blonde fuck named Armin and invade my cousin's house. That is why they got dealt with." Mikasa spat.

"She got with the master manipulator huh?"

"You never told us you were in the police force." I point out.

"I was only there for two years. That's how I know Annie. She seemed so sweet and warm. I left the force after I lost my family. I wanted Annie to come with me so Arlert won't get to her but she loved that job a lot so she wasn't leaving."

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