Chapter Twenty-Four: The Avengers

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Hiiiii! Happy new year! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

I finally received the call from Hise saying the Big Bang is soon. They ran away to US. We've taken Hise's jet to get there. I brought Levi with me but only saying it's a family vacation. Which is half true, considering we all need it. I made a mental note to give Amira a vacation when Levi goes back to work. We're in New York. Hise and Kenny know some mobs in this country and we're able to track down the killers. Not only that, they have all the weapons. We're residing in hotel suites. There were at least forty of us. The other mob is still tailing the killers and will give the word to Hise when it's the right time to make a move. I was really anxious but I didn't show it around Levi. I want them to meet their maker as soon as possible. I was currently in bed watching whatever on tv as Levi was already asleep. My phone started ringing. It was pretty late. I grabbed it off the nightstand. Hise was calling. "It's time. Meet us downstairs." He said before hanging up. I removed Levi's arms from my waist as I slipped out of bed. We've already showered so I got dressed. I put on a suit, skipping a shirt and bra. I grabbed my phone and the hotel key. I leaned over and kissed Levi's forehead. "I love you." I murmured. A tear rolled down my face. I knew this was a risky situation and I wasn't sure if I was coming back alive. I walked out of the hotel room. I got on the elevator and rode down. I stepped off, walking through the lobby. Everyone was outside. I already had gloves on. "They're all gathered under one roof." Kenny informed me. I nodded and we all got in the cars. I was in the same car with Hise and Kenny. "Was he awake?" I shook my head. "No he's asleep." "You're going back to Levi no matter what." Hise assured me. "I know." I wasn't convincing anyone. When the car stopped, anger washed over me. I suddenly didn't care about anything. We stepped out of the car. It was a large house. Kenny handed me two guns. He grabbed himself a shot gun. "Don't you die on me." I told Kenny. He smirked. "The only person who is killing me is you." "That's what I like to hear." I scoped around. "Is this a kid's birthday party?" I ask. "This is a dirty business. Things get complicated. It's now or never. You can go back to the hotel if you like." Hise said. I gripped him up, pointing my gun under his chin. "Does it look like I'm turning back now? Those fuckers killed my mother in law under the orders of my husband's obsessive ex wife. If anything, you better not bitch out on me. Remember the code. No women. No children. Any woman who threatens your life, I'll kill her." I reminded Hise. He smiled wide and chuckled. "She's crazy alright. Wish my son met you first." He pat my head. "Protect the Mafia Princess at all cost. Bring her back to Levi." Hise demanded. "Let's move out." I started walking, Hise on my left side and Kenny on my right. We stopped at the front door. The men spread out around the building. I kicked the door down. People started screaming, kids were running to take cover. I withdrew my guns and started shooting. Something didn't feel right. "Hise this is a ruse. These people are hostages." I said as we spread out. One of the guys grabbed a kid and pointed a gun in the boy's mouth. "Don't take another step closer or I'll blow his fuckin brains all over this wall. The kid worse a sash. It was his birthday. He was crying. "Drop your weapons."  I dropped my guns. "Give me the boy." I say, taking a step closer. He clocked the gun. "You're willing to kill a kid?" "If I have to." "You're nothing but a scum." "Shut up!" "Look if you want a hostage, take me instead. I'm the Mafia Princess. I'll cost a lot of money on the black market." He looked at me. He really looked at me. He dropped the boy. "Go find shelter." I told him. He took off. The guy gripped me up. He pushed me against the wall. He pulled down his pants and pulled me down in front of him. "I'll get a little thrill off before they harvest your organs. Blow me bitch." "I-I'm shy. You'll have to close your eyes." I lied. I pleaded with him using my eyes. He sighed. "Fine." He closed his eyes. I pulled out another gun from inside of my suit jacket and shot his dick off. He screamed and his gun went off. "Son of a bitch!" He fell down screaming and panting. "Y-You shot my dick off!" I put my gun back in my blazer and picked up my two guns that I dropped earlier. I laughed. "Suck my dick bitch." I shoved my barrel down his throat, stroking. He was gagging. I pulled the trigger, blowing his brains out. "Whew I hope my death's as exciting as that." Kenny said after he whistled. I opened the closet door to see a woman with three kids. They screamed. "It's okay. Come on." I motioned for them to come out. "Kenny make sure they get outside to safety." I ordered as I looked for more shooters and hostages. There were shooting from above the swivel stairs. I took cover. I peaked back out and shot them both. They fell over the banister and hit the floor. Another guy walked to the banister. He dangled a baby over the banister. "Drop your weapons." "If I drop my weapons, you'll drop her regardless." He laughed. "Smart girl." I shot him in the head and the baby dropped. She was crying. I dropped my guns and caught her. "Shhhh it's okay." I cooed. I heard a gun clock at the back of my head. "You should've let the baby drop." I heard behind me. I closed my eyes. I heard the gun go off. Then I heard a body drop. "You can open your eyes now Princess." I opened my eyes to see Johnny in front of me. I sighed a relief. He took the baby out of my arms. "You saved my ass." "I have to. You saved mine. And we cannot let you die. I found the mother of this baby." I nodded as I picked up my guns. I went upstairs. I heard rustling and rumbling. I walked into a room to see Hise fighting a naked man. He was beating the shit out of the naked man. The naked woman was rustling through the drawer. She quickly grabbed a gun and aimed it at Hise. I shot her in the head. Hise stopped. "Thanks Princess." The naked man took the opportunity and stabbed Hise. He doubled over. I shot the man in his heart. Hise pulled the knife out. "You're not supposed to pull it out dumbass." I told him. "Can you walk?" I ask. "It's just a scratch." He got up, withdrawing two guns. He followed me downstairs. This was a large mansion. We were quickly surrounded by men. At least ten. Some had guns and some didn't. "Seems like they're multiplying." Hise joked. We were back at back, our arms our holding the guns. "How many rounds do you have?" "One in each gun. You?" I replied. "I'm all out." I sighed. "Run." Hise said. "I'm not leaving you, idiot." "Go. You're more valuable than I am. We're not losing the mafia princess, after the mafia queen has fallen." "Hise shut up before I put one in your head. I'm not leaving you." "Look, it's sexy you want to be a superhero but go. Levi will kill me if you die." "Hise!" I hissed. Hand to hand combat. "I hope you know how to throw hands." I pushed Hise and fell on top of him as they started shooting. Our guns fell out of our hands. "If you can maneuver my body, we'll survive. Levi doesn't know this but I'm really flexible." I told him. I turned over and kicked the guy who ran to us with brass knuckles. I got up and helped him up. I already knew from the start there was going to be one hundred-fifty of us against three hundred men. Two more men ran up to us. Hise grabbed my waist hoisting me up and I kicked each of them them with my legs. "Don't die on me." I warned when he set me down. They started coming more and more as the guns came closer too. I grabbed one guy with a gun from behind and jumped on his back. I twisted his neck. We fell down and I grabbed his gun. I started shooting. I made my way back to Hise who was fighting. I gave him the gun I had and he started shooting. Not long after, the gun ran out of bullets. A guy came at us, kicking. He had blades coming out of the front of his shoes. I only ever saw those in movies. His kicks were predictable. I bent all the way backwards and he leapt towards Hise. I flipped my body over and kicked the back of his head. Hise banged the guy's head repeatedly. There was a taller guy. A much bigger guy. Like he eat steroids as a meal. "I hope you have the stamina." I mentioned to Hise. "Nope. You?" "Hell no." "I'm getting told old for his." He groaned. The guy hit me first. I fell to the floor. My teeth cut my lip. I picked up the brass knuckles from the other guy. Our only option was to tag team him. He ate our punches like they were mosquito bites. He beat the shit out of our asses. I only had one option left. "Hise I want you to stay out of my way. What I'm about to do is, very lethal and I need to you bring me back to reality when he's dead. Say the word Paraquay and I'll come back." "What?" The big guy was laughing. I closed my eyes. "Turn. It. Off." And just like that, my brain snapped. I opened my eyes. The guy took a swing and I ducked. I started punching his pressure points. I dodged mores of his hits. "Come here you brat I'll wipe that smirk off your face!" I hit his pressure points again with one finger, shattering his bones in his arms and legs. He fell down. I slammed my hand against his heart. He started foaming at the mouth as his heart rate sped up. His body was shaking violently. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. "Paraquay!" My body dropped to the floor. "Don't you die on me now Princess."  I opened my eyes. Hise was carrying me. "I'm good, thanks." I said getting down. "You need to put more pressure on that wound." I added. Hise handed me a pocket knife. I cut open his shirt and he pressed it against his stab mark. His sculpted chest had tattoos on it. I focused on his injury. "I'll be fine." He said, slinging his arm around my shoulder. "If you die, I'll kill you." I threatened as we walked. "Our men won't die." Hise spoke. "Where's the son of a bitch who shot Kusheru?" I asked. "I killed him. Slow and painful." Hise pulled out a cigar and lit it. He took a long drag. He stopped and blew out the smoke. He looked down at me. "God you remind me so much of my wife. It's like her soul's in you. You're alright kid. You'll make the perfect mafia queen." He took out another cigar, lighting it and giving it to me. We started walking again. It was silent. We walked to the front door and walked outside. Our men and the hostages were outside. "W-Who are you?" A woman asked. "Someone who doesn't hurt women and children. And I want you all to know that nothing happened. I'll pay for the damages and you can redo the birthday party." I responded. Everyone nodded. "We need to get you to the hospital." "No. I'm going. You go back to Levi, Princess. Don't argue." I sighed as we got back in the car. Hise exhaled. "Well that was successful." Kenny cheered. He was drinking a bottle. "You stole that from the party didn't you?" I asked. "Sho nuff." Hise started to close his eyes. "Hey hey!" I snapped my fingers. "You better not die on me." "I'm not. I'm just tired." "You're losing a lot of blood. Driver to the hospital. And step on it!" I demanded. The driver started speeding. "Hise control your breathing." "I'm f-fine Kusheru..." He looked at me. "Fuck you're starting to look like her. I guess this is it." "No. No don't you dare!" The driver pulled up and I jumped out. Kenny threw the bottle and helped me pull Hise inside. "We need a doctor!" I screamed. "I'm on my way, beautiful." "Hise!" I scolded. Doctors and nurses rushed out. We placed him on the gurney and they wheeled him away. There was a lot of blood on my gloves and my suit. "Kenny stay here. I'm going to get Levi." I rushed back out and got back in the car. "To the hotel." The driver pulled off. My leg was shaking uncontrollably. "Don't you fuckin die Hise." I muttered. The driver pulled up and I dove right out. I walked inside. People gasped when they saw blood on my clothes. I got on the elevator. When I reached the top floor, I got off and rushed down the hall. I unlocked the hotel door and stepped in. Levi was sitting on the end of the bed. He jumped up and stormed up to me. He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed me deeply. "I thought I lost you. I know this isn't just a vacation." "We need to go. Hise was stabbed and I'm not sure he's going to make it." "What?!" I took off my gloves and changed into a different suit. "Y/N what happened?" "I'll tell you when we get there. The driver is waiting for us." I left out with Levi hot on my heels. We got on the elevator and waited. "Oh my god baby your face." He cupped my face. "I'm alright. It's just a scratch." We got off the and I walked through the lobby. We got in the car and the driver sped off. Levi took my hand as we were on our way to the hospital. When the car pulled up, we got out and rushed in. "How is he?" I asked Kenny. "He's stable." We followed him to the elevator and got on. I was frantically pressing the button. "Y/N stop, he's fine." Kenny assured me. Levi took my hand and held it. I started tapping my foot. We got off and followed Kenny. This was a private floor so I zoomed down the hall and stopped to a halt. I opened the door. Hise was sitting up. "You fuckin idiot!" I threw my arms around him and sighed a relief. "I told you it's just a scratch." "You went through a blood transfusion it was more than just a scratch." Kenny pointed out. Levi pulled up a chair to the bed and sat down. "What the hell happened? And why did I almost lose you too?" Hise looked at Levi. "We avenged your mother." "What? Why didn't you tell me, I wanted to be there." "Because it was all my idea. Grief can turn to hate, rage, recklessness and look at how Hise ended up. I needed you to have a clear head and it's my job as your wife and mafia Princess to run things when you can't. When you're ready to come back, you'll be in a better headspace." Levi pulled me into his arms. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asked. "Speaking of want to tell me what the fuck happened back there? You turned into this killing machine." Hise brought up. I closed my eyes. Kenny laughed. "Her? A killing machine? No way. You're hallucinating again." I did a needle point kick to Kenny's face. He fell down. "She took down a man that was twice her height and four times her size." "I was kidnappend when I was fourteen. Taken to a foreign country. I was tortured there and they molded me to be a killing machine that when I shut it off, I'm no longer myself. And the only way to bring me back is if someone says Paraquay." "All of this because your dad is a former commissioner?" "No. He was a soldier before he was discharged and the best job he could find was being a commissioner. My kidnapping happened when he was a soldier. So technically, I'm a terrorist soldier. Nobody knows except my dad. Daiki didn't know either. When my father passed, I burned all evidence and erased it. I can be a huge threat. But my dad said to never use that unless I'm in real danger and it's my last resort." "So my death can be really dramatic huh?" Kenny asked while getting up. He dust himself off. "Why didn't you tell us before?" Levi asked. "Well one, I didn't think I had to use it. And two, I'm sure one of you would've tried to kill me before any of you knew me." "We wouldn't have tried to kill you." Hise said. "I might've." Kenny replied. I spun in the air and kicked him. He once again fell. I placed on arm behind his back and held him there with my knee. I held his other arm. "You like fuckin with me, don't you?" "Little bit yeah." I cracked his shoulder. "I will dislocate your shoulder and break your arm into three different ways. Try me." "Okay okay! I don't want to die this way. It's embarrassing." I got off Kenny. "So how did you end up getting stabbed?" "He was fighting a naked man and the naked woman was about to shoot your father but I blew her brains out. That cause him to hesitate, giving the other guy leverage." I explained. "And I've been told you were almost shot too, kitten." Kenny chimed in. "Johnny saved your ass." "You what?!" Levi freaked. "I took out a guy who dropped a baby over the banister." "Wait back up, I feel like I'm missing some pieces." "It was a ruse. They invaded a birthday party and had hostages. I wanted to free them while taking down the shooters." "She shot one guy's dick off and made him deep throat her gun before blowing his brains out. Now I've seen some things. But that was some sick shit. That was sexy." Kenny added. I punched Kenny in his mouth. "Do you ever shut up?" "Ow god dammit woman why are you so violent?!" "Side effects. It can happen as soon as someone says Paraquay or a little bit later." I shrugged. "It'd be better if you'd shut up Kenny." Hise advised. We stayed with Hise until visiting hours were over. Levi and I went back to our hotel room. I took a long hot shower, enjoying the hot water running down my back. I sat down on the shower floor after washing myself, pulling my knees up to my chest. All I could think about was Hise getting stabbed, reaching closer to death, and my time when I was kidnapped. It was an extremely long night. Daylight would be breaking soon. I got up and turned the shower off. I stepped out, wrapping a towel around me. I walked out of the bathroom. Levi was in bed. I started to lotion myself when I felt kisses on my shoulders. "Thank you, Princess. For everything. I don't know what I would ever do without you." He lowly said in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "I'm just glad I could be of help." "You're always helpful. But please let me come next time. Or at least be more careful. I don't want to hear another story of you almost getting killed. I need you here with me." "Okay I'll be more careful." Levi grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed. He pulled me down on top of him. He flipped us over and started kissing all over my body from my forehead to down my legs. "Levi..." I trailed off. "Shhhh...let me take care of you." He mumbled as he intertwined our fingers above my head. We ended the night in pure bliss.
This was so long to finish lol.

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