Chapter Twenty-Six: Best Partner of the Year Award

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

 Happy reading!☺️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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"How are you holding up?" I asked Hise.

"Better. A lot better thanks to you. Levi told me everything. I'm so sorry we put you through so much and you've dealt with it alone."

"It was a lot, yeah. But I would do it all over again. Because I know if the roles were reversed, you and Levi would do the same."

"Hell yeah we would. We'd do anything for you. You're family. I'm proud to call you my daughter. I truly don't want anybody else with my son. I know he's never leaving you but if he leaves you or you leave him, I'm beating his ass." I smiled.

"I'm glad you two are doing a lot better. I don't like to see anybody down especially not my family."

"I feel the same way. I don't want to see another day without you smiling. You deserve everything."

"Levi said he's returning back to work soon, so I guess I'm stepping down."

"You should. You need a break from all of this. Your life was put on the line too many times this year. I know you're exhausted. And you are amazing."

"Thank you thank you. Anyway this isn't the only reason why I'm here."

I pulled out a folders from my bag.

"Daiki is snooping around more and more. I told Levi so now I'm telling you. I myself am keeping tabs on him so we can always be ten steps ahead."

Hise looked through the folders.

"He's tailing us and taking photos too. But they're not able to tail us home because Levi and I make sure to take different routes after we lose them and switch cars. I suggest you and Kenny do that as well."

"You are never resting are you?"

"Nope. Just because the Sicilian Mafia has been eradicated doesn't mean we're all out of enemies."

"That little boyfriend of yours is really obsessive."

Kenny said, coming down the stairs. I punched him in his mouth.

"Do you want to die?" I asked.

"By you pumpkin? Yes."


"I don't know. It just came to me." He chuckled.

"In all seriousness, I'm glad to see you're back to your normal self. I didn't like seeing you in that mental condition, Princess."

"You're getting soft Kenny." "I can't win with this woman. I love it."

He sat down, cracking open a beer.

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