Chapter Seventy-Two: Ackerman's Annual Christmas Party...Again

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Hiiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well! Sorry for the late update. I still hate this same job but hopefully after getting this certification I can find a better job and quit. Also if you don't celebrate Christmas, feel free to skip. Happy reading!☺️

 Happy reading!☺️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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We visited Kusheru's grave a lot more often. We stay in therapy as well to keep our mental health together. Everything's been peaceful lately and pure bliss. Which is odd, coming from this lifestyle. We finally get to breathe. I finish slipping on Himari's shoe. I take her off her bed and place her on her feet. I take both of my daughters hand and walk downstairs with them.

"There's my beautiful ladies." Levi greets as he's standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Daddy!" They let go of my hand and run to their father. I smile as he drops down to hug them. He stands up with them in his arms and kiss their cheeks.

"You girls look beautiful." They giggle.

"Thank you daddy!" I put them in a matching green dresses and red shoes.

"And you look beautiful as well my darling wife." Levi adds as he kiss me.

"We need to talk about you. Look at you wearing a hat like Kenny and Hise." I kiss him back.

"It's an Ackerman thing." He jokes. I laugh.

"Come on let's get going." I put my trench coat on. I take Rose and help her put her coat on. Levi does the same to Himari and put his on as well.

"Man the house." Levi tells Marcel.

"As you wish Master Ackerman. Have a wonderful night Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman."

"Thank you." We reply. We strap the girls in car seats and get in after triple checking. The driver pulls off.

"You know I always feel bad that he works on holidays." I tell Levi.

"So do it. But he doesn't have a family and he doesn't want to settle down."

"He told you that?" Levi nods.

"When I hired him. His family was murdered."

"Jesus." I gasp.

"He said even though he's a trained assassin and a butler, we're his family so he'll always protect us."

"That man really need a vacation."

"Baby you know he'll never take one. He knows he's the only one who can hold it down when we're not there."

I let out a sigh.

"That's true. Well I hope Maria is having a good holiday."

"I'm sure she is."

The limo pulls up and parks. The driver opens my side of the door. I unstrap Himari. The driver hold his hand out. She takes it as he helps her out. He holds his hand out and I take it, stepping out. Levi grabbed both of their hands. We walk up to the mansion. I greet the guards who greets back. The doors open, revealing Kojiro.

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