Chapter Fifteen: Hise Ackerman

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Hiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This isn't a time skip. Happy reading!😊

I woke up and looked around. I was in Levi's arms. He was sleeping peacefully. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He stirred and pulled me closer. I removed his arms and got out of bed. I wrapped my lingerie robe around me. As I walked downstairs, I heard the doorbell ring. Marcel opened the door. "I have a delivery for Y/L/N, Y/N." The guy said with a bouquet of flowers. Marcel took them. "And I also have this jewelry box." "What's going on?" I heard Levi's voice. "I thought you were asleep." "I cant sleep without you." "Apparently someone sent me a gift." "You have s secret admirer?" Levi asked, not bothering to hide the jealousy. "Marcel who is it from?" I asked. Marcel plucked the letter out of the flowers. "It's from Lord Hise Ackerman. He's apologizing for what happened last night." Marcel announced. "My father?" Levi asked confused. "Send it back. I don't want it. You can't buy your apologies with me. Take notes, Levi." I walked off, going back upstairs. I walked into the room. I heard Levi behind me. My phone started ringing. It was a strange number. I normally don't answer it but I decided to anyway. "Did you get my gifts?" I heard. "Now how in the Captain crunch fuck did you get my number?" I asked. "Who is it?" Levi asked. "It's your abusive father." I answered. "What?! Give me the phone." Levi started reaching for it but I moved out of the way. "I have my ways." "Yes I got your shitty gifts. I sent it back." "Meet me at Sabrina's Coffee Shop on High Street. Come alone." He demanded before hanging up. "So?" "He asked if I received his firsts and I told him I'm sending them back. He told me to meet him at Sabrina's Cafe on High Street and to come alone." "What? No. Y/N you're not going." "I actually want to hear what he has to say." "Then I'm coming with you." "Levi did you not just hear me? I have to go alone." "I'll have my guards follow you then." "Whoa there helicopter parent. I'll be fine." Levi sighed. "Fine. I have some business to take care of." "On a holiday?" "Not that business." "Oh your mafia business." I left out and went into the guest room. I picked out a pant suit and took a quick shower.  When I got out, I put on lotion and got dressed. I walked into Levi's room. He was sitting on the floor, slowly buttoning his shirt. "You're not wearing that." He said. Why not?" "Because you're carrying my gun." "Levi!" I scolded. "I want you safe." I sighed. "If it makes you feel better, I'll go change." I walked back into the guest room and changed. It wasn't a formal dress but it still had a high slit. I walked back, carrying a box with a brand new heels in it. "Perfect." He approved. He was wearing glasses. "Why are you wearing glasses?" I asked. "Ever since Barry had me wearing those at the photoshoot, I liked them. Come here." I walked closer to him. He grabbed my left leg. The same leg that had the high slit. He put his gloves on. He grabbed a holster and wrapped it around my thigh. He placed his gun in it. I looked down. "I feel like I'm in one of those badass movies where the heroine wears this as she's undercover." "You're much better than the movie." He said as he kissed my leg. "I really don't want you to go..." I placed the same food on his chest. "I'm going. And you have things to take care of." "You look so hot." He placed my foot down and stood up. He removed the box from my hand and tossed me on the bed. "Levi!" He started kissing me as his hand trailed up my thigh. He planted kisses on my neck. He moved down and kissed my thigh. Levi then kissed my bikini area. I felt as he slowly started removing my underwear. "Getting wet for me again." "Levi not now." I whimpered as I felt his tongue. I wanted him so bad. He immediately stopped and pulled my underwear back up. He kissed me. "You be careful alright?" His face was serious. "Do you not trust your father?" "He put his hands on his wife and mocked your infertility. I have no respect for him. If he does anything to hurt you, I want you to kill him with no hesitation." "Levi?" I asked, stunned. I couldn't believe the words he just said to me. "I mean it Y/N. I would rather lose him than lose you." He kissed my forehead and got up. I sat up as continued to finish buttoning his shirt. He fixed his tie. I put my heels on. He put his vest and suit jacket on. He's been getting into wearing three piece suits lately. It looks really good on him. Levi put his coat on. "I have to go. But please be safe." He kissed me as if he was never going to see me again. It felt like I was about to walk to my own death. "I'll be fine. I want you to be careful too. I can't lose you either. I can't handle losing the love of my life." Levi looked at me. His face lit up. "You love me?" He grabbed me and spun me around. "I thought it was obvious?" "It's nice to hear it from you." He kissed me again but with love. "Go go. I know they're waiting for you." "I'll drop you off." I went to get my coat and we left out. We got in and he pulled off. He placed his hand on my thigh as he drove. I was looking out the window. After some time, he parked and got out. He opened my door. I took his hand and stepped out. Levi pulled me close and kissed me once more. "Call me if anything goes wrong and I'll be there." I nodded as he kissed my forehead. I walked inside. I watched as he pulled off. I looked around. I spotted Hise and walked over. His face was still busted up. He stood up with his arms opened wide. "Sit." I demanded. He nodded and we both sat down. "I see you're carrying heat." "Why are we here?" I asked. "I want to apologize for last night. Kusheru told me everything." "And so you thought that buying me gifts would win me over? I don't accept apology gifts. You can't buy me an apology." "That's the same thing my wife said. You two are just alike but you're tougher. She's so sweet and it's my job to protect her." "Well congratulations Hise. You've failed as a husband and being a decent human being. Did you hit her before?" I asked. "No." "So if I go contact her right now and everyone else in the family, they will all say no?" "Yes. That was my first and my last time. And I am truly sorry for bringing up your infertility. The whole family didn't need to know that. It was a cheap shot. You're a good woman and that boy loves you. I know my son will never leave you." "You're telling me everything I already know Hise. You know I was so nervous to meet you all and felt bad for making a terrible first impression but I don't anymore. You and Kenny make me sick to my stomach." "You kicked both our asses. You're scary." He chuckled. I wasn't laughing. He cleared his throat. "Does he hate me?" "His orders were if you try anything to harm me, kill you without hesitation. He would rather lose you than lose me." Hise nodded slowly. "I deserve that." "You put your hands on his mom. The woman you love. What did you expect? All is forgiven? That woman still defended you and tried to cover for you after you slapped her like a rag doll. I'll tell you right now if Levi ever pulled that stunt on me, he's getting shot as strike one. Strike two means he's dead." "My son will never do that." "Oh I know he never will. He's everything you've failed to be. He's nothing like you." "I'm glad to hear that. I'm also very happy that he found someone like you. You'll make an amazing wife. Whether you two find a way to have children, I know you two will be amazing parents." I looked at the menu. "Get whatever you want. I'm paying." "Oh I didn't plan on paying whether you offered or not. That's the least you could do. Now, how are you going to make it up to your wife?" "I'm going to make it up to you both." "Don't worry about me. I got over it the moment Levi and I both whooped your ass. But I will tell you this, I'm going to kill Kenny. And if you stop me, you're going to die too." "Are you sure you're not a mafia by blood?" "Nope. Just police blood running through my veins. I will avenge my father. Do what the police department failed to do." "I like you." "I don't care if you didn't. Maybe I would have at first. Before you boasted about "The Ackermans protect their women. They protect, respect, love and cherish their woman" then proceeded to turn your wife into a punching bag. Hypocrite." A waitress came to us and we ordered. "I know and I regret it. I hate myself for it. I wish she hates me. But she doesn't. She's mad at me, but she loves me too much. God I fucked up so bad." "I hope she does leave your sorry ass. And I hope you feel like absolute shit. But just know that if you ever do that again, you're dead. By either me or Levi." "You've got balls to threaten the mafia king." He lowly said. I raised my head up and raised an eyebrow. "Is that a threat?" I started reaching for the gun. "No no! God no. I'm just so impressed by you. You're not afraid. I respect that. Please remove your hand." "Guess I won't shoot your dick off." I said as I removed my hand. "You scare me. Seriously were you always like this?" "Good. You should be scared. Growing up with my father as a commissioner, all I thought about was him dying. But he told me I can't be scared and if he does die, it means he was doing his job. Still the thought of it can be scary sometimes. Like when my ex always talked about taking down the mafia Prince. He's obsessed." "Ah. I've heard about him. Levi's men put him in a coma. That's when I knew he was in love with you. He's never ever done that. Especially not for an assistant. I'm glad he found you. You're changing him. Good changes. He needs it. Always drowning himself in work. I was worried about him." "I wouldn't say worried. More like you were forcing him to settle down for the sake of your legacy." "He told you that too?" "During his anniversary party after Barry was doing the same thing." "You're special Y/N." "Tell me something I don't know." The waitress came back with our food and we started eating. "Are you two coming back to our Christmas Party next year?" "Nope." I replied sternly. "Well I hope we get to see you more. Not saying that you won't be around long, you will. But you're family and we'd love to have you around." "I'll think about it. And talk it over with him. If you can behave yourself I might come back. I can't speak for my husband." The words slipped right out of mouth. My eyes grew wide. There was a huge smile on Hise's face. "You didn't hear that." "So you do want to marry my son." "Maybe. Only if he proposes." "He'll propose. He's never letting you go." We continued to eat. "Well it's too soon for marriage talk anyway." "Not to his mother. She's going to freak out. She'll probably start planning the wedding." He chuckled. "Don't tell her that. That's going to embarrass us." I finished eating. "Let me take you home." He offered. "No that's okay." "It's the least I could do." He pulled out a large stack of money and placed it on the table. He wrote a note on a napkin. We got up and left out. He opened his car door for me and I got in. "Where are you staying?" "With Levi. I do plan on going home soon." "Well I hope you two move in some day." He said as he pulled off. He drove. "Have you met his new assistant?" "Of course. I trained her. She's so sweet. She too was intimidated by him but I told her she'll get over it and that his a big softie." "He's a softie because of you." "You done kissing my ass Hise?" "I'm telling you the truth. He was never like this." "And you should be thinking about how you're going to make it up to Kusheru." He sighed. "I know I know. Got any ideas?" "Oh no. You put your hands on her you figure this out. Good luck." I said as he parked. I got out. I walked towards the door and Marcel opened it. "Welcome back Lady Y/L/N." He greeted. "No seriously. Please just call me Y/N." I said as I stepped in. He closed the door and I took off my coat. Marcel took it. "Would you like anything to drink?" "I really could use some wine." "Coming right up." My phone started ringing as soon as Marcel left. It was Levi. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine in fine." "Are you still at the cafe?" "No your father took me home. Well back to your place." "What? Did he try anything?" "No, no. All is good. I think I'm just going to watch some holiday movies in bed." "Keep my side of the bed warm." I smiled. "I will. See you when you get home." I said before hanging up. Marcel came back. "I've also gathered cheese, crackers and chocolate." "You really know how to entertain. Thank you." I grabbed the tray from him and headed upstairs. I walked into Levi's room and got in bed after placing the tray down. I poured myself a glass of wine and started watching The Santa Clause.
I probably should've explained why the character is infertile. There was a time where I thought I was and was too scared to see an OBGYN. It's a scary situation so this kinda hits home for me. Bottom line is, Levi will love her no matter what. Hope this clears things up!😊

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