Chapter Thirty-Two: Daddy's Little Girl

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Hiiiiiii! Glad you all enjoyed my last chapter. This will be Levi's POV. Happy reading!☺️

~~~~~~~~~~~~(Levi's POV)~~~~~~~~~~~

My home was burned down along with my car. Thankfully my family and I including our butler made it out safely. I'm in the process of buying another one as we are currently staying in an apartment. I have no idea who would try to kill me. I kind of think it's my crazy ex girlfriend but I don't have solid proof. I can't just call the police without solid evidence. If she comes near me and my family again, I'll get a restraining order on her. If she violates it, she'll be thrown in jail immediately. Why is she so obsessed when she's the one who cheated on me? It doesn't matter. She currently doesn't know where I live now. The injuries from my car accident wasn't sever so I managed to recover quickly. I just don't have any memories. I'm currently in the kitchen baking cookies with my daughter. "Like this?" Rose asks me. "Here I'll show you." I help her roll the cookie dough in her hands. She giggles, causing me to chuckle. "What's going on in here?" My wife Mei asks. "We're making cookies!" Rose exclaims. "Oh really? What kind?" "Choco chip!" I laugh and kiss her cheek. I put the cookies in the oven and help Rose wash her hands. She takes off running. "You are an amazing father." Mei says to me as she kisses me. "And you are an amazing mother. As well as an amazing wife." I pull her close to me. "Rose is definitely daddy's little girl." I smile wide. "I'm glad. She'll always be my little girl, even when she's older. Which means I'm buying a shotgun when she's older. No boys." "Don't be such a stickler. Don't you want her to get married and be happy like us?" "When I'm dead. Nobody is good enough for her. And I'll haunt them in their dreams." "You're so cute when you're a helicopter parent." "I am not a helicopter parent. I just want what's best for our baby girl. And all those men suck." The phone starts ringing. "I'll get it. Can you keep an eye on the cookies?" "Yeah sure." I walk off and grab my phone. My father was calling. "Hey dad. What's up?" "Just checking in. How are you?" "We're good. It's a little tight in here but we're managing." "What do you mean?" "My house was burned down along with my car. And I think my ex did it. She's crazy dad." I tell him. He was silent for a minute. "I'm glad you made it out safely. I'm sorry about your house and car. I'll investigate it myself." "If it's her, I want her thrown in jail for arson and attempted murder." "Son, I'm pretty sure she didn't do it. I-" My father cut himself off. "Never mind. How are you mentally? Anything looking familiar to you?" "No. My doctor said there's a great chance that it may be permanent." He let out a deep sigh. "I was afraid of this. I'm going to track down the person who hit your car. I'll talk to you later." He hung up before I could say anything. "What was that all about?" I turn to see Mei leaning in the doorway. "The cookies are done." She adds. "It was my father. I sold him our home burned down. He said he's relieved I got out safely. And I told him my memory isn't getting any better." Mei looked down. "He still doesn't like me does he?" I walk to Mei and lift her chin up. I look into her watery eyes. "Hey hey, that doesn't matter. What matters is that I love you. And our daughter love you. What he thinks of you and how he feels about you doesn't matter." "Yeah but he's your father. Your only parent alive. He raised you when your mom died during childbirth." "He can't even respect you or see how happy I am with you. If he really loves me, he would be happy for me." "He still wants you to get back with your cheating ex." "Fuck her. And fuck him too. I will never get back with someone who cheated on me. And had a baby in the process too. I can't forgive her. I can't even respect her. Then he lied to my face saying she's my wife and she can't have kids. She went so far as to claim she can't have children. That's so insensitive to women who actually can't conceive. I married you for s reason. Because I'm madly in love with you Mei. You're the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I want to have more kids with you. If my father can't accept it then that's his loss. He's going to miss out on seeing his grandchildren growing up." I tell her. I wipe her tears that finally falls and kiss her forehead. "I love you alright? That's all that matters." "I love you too Levi." I smile. "Good." I kiss all over her face, causing Mei to giggle. I plant kisses on her neck. Mei wraps her arms around my neck. "How about we work on our son?" I ask. Mei nods. I lift her up and carry her to the bed. I trail kisses down her body.
Pfft y'all finna curse me out for this chapter Lmaoo🤧

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