Chapter Fifty-Seven: Kusheru's Twin and the Stolen Identity

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

"You want to tell me what happened?" A police officer asked me as he sat down in the interrogation room. "Nope. Want to tell me why you were so eager to shoot my husband?" I ask. "Nope. So we got a call by a Asami Ackerman-" "They're not married." "I correct. "Neither are you and yet your butler called you Mrs. Ackerman. Anyway, we got a call from her saying that her fiancé was shot and that you shot him. Is this true?" "Obviously. Look I know how this goes. Can we wrap this up?" I ask. "You know you're going down for attempted murder right?" "Yup." "Do you want a lawyer? You do get one phone call." "Nope." "Why'd you shoot him?" "What can I say? I was jealous that he moved on from me. I had an affair with him when my fiancé had amnesia. Guess I'm head over heels for Hise Ackerman. What's that called? A lovers quarrel? Unrequited love? I wanted him all to myself." I added a few lies. "And the slap mark on your face?" "Oh this? Some child bullied my daughter at the park and when I confronted their mother, she hit me." I lie. "Can I go now?" I ask. He lets out a sigh and gets up. He grips my arm and grip me up. "Let's get you in a holding cell until your sentencing." "What's that like thirty to forty?" I ask. "Somewhere around there." He replies. He place me in a group cell and closed the cell door. I let out a sigh and sit on the bed. God I hope Levi listens to me. "Look what the cat dragged in." A woman says to me. I'm not even supposed to be in a group holding cell. "What you in for?" She asks me. I ignore her, lost in thought. Her fingers snap in my face. "You deaf? I said what you in fo bitch?" "Aye you sitting on my bed bitch." I continue to think. I feel as someone grab my arm, yanking me up. I was tossed to another girl. She start roaming her hands over my body. "Yeah you a pretty one. I'm going to take real good care of you. The names Big Sal." I shove her off me as she leans in for a kiss. She punches me. I fall to the ground. "Nobody resist me bitch!" She says as she hover over me. She press a razor blade to my throat. I laugh darkly. I press my neck closer to the blade, letting it cut my neck. I grab the same wrist and bend it back wards. She screams in pain as her bone stick out. I get up as one rushes to me. I move out of the way and kick their back. I grab her hair and bang her head on the stainless steel toilet. That one was out cold. Two more come at me. One had a sharpened toothbrush. That one comes at me next along with the other one. I grab it's hand and shove the end of the toothbrush in its neck. The fourth one punches a hole in the brick wall. She grabs a brick and comes for me. I duck as she swings and punch her. The brick flies out of her hand. I take the bring and smash it against her mouth. Teeth starts flying out. I drop the brick and climb into bed. For some reason no guards were coming. Yeah this place is top notch corruption. I wipe my hands on her shirt from the blood and climb into bed on the bottom bunk. I lay with my hands behind my head. Minutes later, I hear a scream. "D-Did you do this?" I look out to see someone above me looking down. I shrug and slide back under. "Please don't hurt me." "Don't bother me." I warn calmly. I must've dozed off because I feel as someone grabs my arm. I open my eyes to me being dragged out of my cell and handcuffed. They take them off after coming to a stop and throws me. I was in a hole. They slammed the door shut.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Levi's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Several hours has passed since Y/N was taken away. Everything happened so fast. I can't even wrap my head around it. My brain's still fuzzy trying to remember right when I was tased. I was in my home office. Johnny was standing in front of me. "Tell me what the hell is going on. My wife's been sneaking around for weeks. Every time I see her on her laptop, she quickly gets off. She gets phone calls consistently from my father. She lies to me. I know she is because she's a terrible liar. She never lies to me. She leaves all hours of the night and comes back so late. She deletes all of her text messages. Nothing out of the ordinary is on her laptop. I need to know what's going on. Why did she shoot my father?" Johnny sighs. "Hise and Kenny are engaged to a woman name Asami and Ayaka." I look at him confused. "Wait what?" I ask. "Yes. They've both been in a relationship with these women for a year. They weren't going to tell you or the twins just yet. Only Y/N knew. Kenny told her when his ex wife arrived here." "Okay so...why-how does that equate to her shooting him?" "Did you look in the envelope?" I shake my head no. I grab it off my desk and open it. I open the letter.

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