Chapter Forty-Four: See-Line Woman

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Hiiiiiii! This is still another flashback. Happy reading!😊

"You wanted to talk?" Hise asks, sitting on the coffee table in front of me. "What we did was wrong I hope you know that." "I know. I feel guilty towards my wife but I don't regret it. There's no point in telling you why I fell in love with you. I've already ruined your relationship with my son." "So I heard he moved on..." Hise nods. "Yeah. He did." "Good for him. I hope he's happy with her." Hise twirls his wedding band. "Falling in love with you was the best thing that ever happened to me since Kusheru died. But it's also the worst. Because I can't have you. Even though you two broken up, I know your heart is with him. If he said to you right now that he wants to get back with you, you'd jump on the opportunity without a second thought. And I don't want to hurt my son further than I already did. He did forgive me, granted I still fucked up." I let out a sigh. Hise grabs my face and kiss my forehead. "I'm glad you came. I was worried sick about you." "Yeah well Kenny broke into my apartment to check on me." Hise laughs. "He told me that. He always take things too far. I told him if you don't answer the door, leave. Of course he would go the extra five miles. Where were you staying before you got an apartment? We've been looking for you for a month." "I slept in my car." "What? Why didn't you tell us? You could've stayed with me." I snort. "Yeah stay with the man I slept with. Give Levi more reasons to hate me." "You're family." "God you sound like Kenny." "My son doesn't hate you. He could never hate you." "I'd rather he did. Because he threw away our relationship. I did provoke it. It's my fault." "It's both of our faults." "Yeah well in the end you didn't lose anything. You still have your son. You still have a family. I have no one." "You have us. And I lost you, before I got a chance to have you." "He wouldn't want me around y'all." I say, ignoring the second half. "You should move on Princess." "I couldn't even if I tried." Hise eyes me. "You haven't been eating. Or sleeping." I shrug. "Hey dad?" It was his voice. My heart starts racing. Hise closed his eyes. "Fuck I forgot they were coming over today." Hise says lowly to me. "It's alright." "In here!" Hise says louder. I hear footsteps. Two pairs. Hise stands up. I get up as well. "It was good seeing you Princess." Hise says as he pulls me in for a hug. I hug him back and quickly let go. I look to see Levi standing there with a woman. His arm was wrapped around her waist. She was wearing a black dress, one hand on his chest. "I was just leaving." "Hi I'm Caroline Sunshine." The woman addressed me with a smile. She held her hand out. "And I'm nobody." I reply, shaking her hand. "Oh." Was all she said. I look at Levi. "Congratulations Mr. Ackerman." I say before walking off. "What the hell was she doing here?" Levi demands. "She wanted to talk son." I stop in my tracks. "About what? Huh? What is there to talk about? Reminiscing on you two sleeping together?" I walk back into the living room. "Don't you dare give your father hell! It happened. We both fucked up. It's over. You broke up with me. You've moved on, you have no reason to give your father hell right now." I snap. Levi turns to me. "Of fucking course you would jump to his defense. Just like you jumped on his dick." Levi spat. My eyes water again. "That's enough Levi." Hise scolds. "Dad I don't want to see her ever again. Not here, not anywhere. I hate her." "Levi!" Hise scolds again. I turn to Hise. "I told you." I lowly say through tears. I turn to leave again. "Y/N wait!" Hise grabs my wrist, making me face him. "A-Are these new scars?" I look down to see him staring at my wrist. "No." I lied, trying to break free. Hise tighten his grip. He push my sleeve further up. "Have you been burning yourself too?" "No." I lowly lie again. "Y/N..." "Just stop Hise! Stop all of this pretending! Nobody cares about me. Not you, not Kenny and damn sure not Levi." I cry out. "You haven't been eating or sleeping and you're hurting yourself again. What happened to going to therapy?" "Therapy won't save me now. I'm as good as dead." I snatch my arm away. "If you find my body, just throw it in the ocean. Or the incinerator." I walk off. Hise grabs me again. He rolls up my other sleeve. He looks at the words Mafia Whore carved on my arm. "Please stop." I beg. "This isn't healthy Y/N." Hise pulls up my shirt. "Oh my god..." he gasps, reading the words infertile slut carved in my stomach. Hise touched the words on my stomach. "Y/N..." "I said stop!" I take off. "Y/N!" I kept going. I hear footsteps behind me. "Y/N please." I turn to Hise. "Goodbye Mr. Ackerman." I lowly say before slamming the door behind me. I get into my car and speed off.
It was time to explain what really happened after Y/N and Levi they always loved each other.

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