Chapter Fifty-Nine: Freedom

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Hiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This chapter will also talk about rape. Feel free to skip. This is still Levi's POV. Happy reading!☺️

"Daddy? Daddy someone's knocking on the door." I feel someone shaking me. I start to wake up. "Daddy?" I hear a knock on the door. "Stay right here sweetie." I tell Rose as I get out of bed. I look at the time. It was three am. I open my bedroom door. Marcel was standing there. "Johnny has arrived. He would like to speak with you. He said it's important." I let out a sigh. "Alright. I'll be down in a minute." I close the door. "Daddy?" "Go back to bed sweetie." I tell Rose. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead. I put my slippers on and a robe. I walk walk out of my room. "You have six hours." I say to Johnny as I walk downstairs. I was tying my robe. I look up. I stop in my track. I rub my eyes, thinking it's a mirage. "H-Hi." I run over and scoop Y/N into my arms. I pick her up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I squeeze her in my arms. I take in her scent. It's a bland scent since she hasn't been home for days. Tears streamed down my face. "God I missed you so much." I tell her. "I missed you too." I keep holding her. "Sorry it's taken so long. They weren't planning to free her until your lawyers threatened to get them shut down. They finally made it to her evidence earlier today. We managed to get rid of her fingerprints and plant Heather's on the gun. Your father's fingerprints were erased as well. They claim to keep her for the confession of shooting Hise but that was thrown out in court by the judge since it's often when one confess to a crime they didn't commit to protect someone. The murders she's done in prison has been thrown out as well. That was even harder. Heather's imprisoned now for shooting Hise." Johnny explains. I look at Johnny. "Thank you for bringing her home." "It's my job. I'll leave you two alone." Johnny walks out. Y/N starts to climb down but I stop her. "Don't. Please don't. I don't ever want to let you go again." "Levi please. I stink. I need a bath and I'm starving." I plant a long kiss on her lips before putting her back on her feet. "Marcel, can you make us some breakfast please?" "Right away sir." Marcel walks off. I grab Y/N's hand and takes her upstairs and into our bedroom. I turn the lamp on. I walk into the bathroom and run the bath water. I walk out to see Y/N staring at Rose and Himari. "The bath's ready baby." I announce. She follows me into the bathroom. I help her take off her clothes. "Oh my god. What happened to you?" I ask. "Nothing." Y/N lies as she gets redressed. "Please don't lie to me. D-Did they hurt you?" I ask. Y/N was quiet. "Y/N...did they...try to rape you?" She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I pull her close into my arms as she bursts into tears. "It's okay. You don't have to talk about it. I am so sorry this happened to you." My heart shattered. Bleeding and crying. I keep her in my arms. "It's not your fault Y/N please don't ever think that." I tell her. I pull away and wipe her tears. "It's not your fault okay?" She nods slowly. I kiss her forehead and start to walk out. "P-Please don't leave me." Y/N chokes out as she grabs my wrist. I nod. "Could you-" I turn around so she can undress herself. "You can turn around now." I turn to see Y/N in the bathtub. I walk over and sit in front of the tub. "On my first day, they put me in a group holding cell." "Y/N you don't have to-" "I have to." She cuts me off. "A woman came onto me. She-She tried to force herself on me. She said no one tells her no. She tried to cut my throat with a razor. I broke her hand, making sure her bone sticks out. The rest tried to jump me. I killed one of them who tried to shank me with a toothbrush. The other tried to hit me with a brick she got off the wall." Y/N explains as she looks deeply into the bubbles in her hands. Her voice was quiet and soft. "Those next four days were the worst days of my life. I've been kidnapped, tortured, experimented on, stabbed, cheated on, paralyzed, branded by the Sicilian Mafia, attempted suicide before and I thought, 'I experienced every worst thing possible what could happen to me now?' Th-The guards." Y/N takes a deep breath. I rub her back gently in circles. "They forced themselves on me. I put up a fight, believe me I did. I was their target because and I quote: 'You're infertile so you're the perfect sex slave.' They all remembered me being Daiki's ex girlfriend. That's exactly what I was. Their slave. They drugged me with Fentanyl and they-they...I couldn't fight them off. They drugged me because I've killed a few guards. Five times per day. All I could think about was, how could this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? Then I thought back of all the killings I've done. When I hurt you consistently when you had amnesia. When I slept with your father. When I ran away to Paris over something stupid. I thought that this was my karma and I was finally getting it. That's why I deserved it. I told them that if they stopped drugging me, I wouldn't put up a fight with them and enjoy it. They agreed. I didn't enjoy it so I faked it, in fear of them injecting me with Fentanyl again. Every fifth shot, they increased the dosage. Why me?" Y/N looks at me with true fear. In my five years of knowing her, I never saw fear in her. Y/N burst into tears. I get up and hug her tightly. "You didn't deserve any of that. No matter what you've done, you didn't deserve it. No one and I mean no one deserves to be raped under any circumstances." She continues to cry as I hold her. "We'll get through this. I'll be there with you through therapy and rehab. You're home and safe now, alright? They won't hurt you anymore." "Please don't kill them." "I have to. They hurt you. They're not going to get away with this." I pull away and look at her. "Levi-" "They're dying. That's final. There's no telling how long they've been doing this. But don't worry about it okay?" I kiss her forehead. "I'm ready to come out now." I nod and stay up. "I'll sleep in the guests room until you're comfortable okay? Rose and Himari will keep you company." I walk out of the bathroom. I grab my cellphone, walking out of my bedroom. I call Johnny. "I need you to do me a favor." I say in a cold tone I can feel my dark impulse kick in. "Anything." "I need you to get every intel on those prison guards." "Sure thing. But why? She's free." "They raped her." I say as I walk into the guest room. "What?! She didn't tell me this. Is she okay?!" "No. She's terrified, traumatized. They drugged her with Fentanyl. She doesn't want me to kill them because she thinks it's something she deserves. I trust you won't let word get out." "No one will know. I'll get started right away. Keep an eye on her. She needs therapy and rehab." "I know and I am." I say as I hang up. I sit down on the bed. I couldn't sleep. The thought of them touching her pisses me off more and more. I'm going to kill them. But not before torturing them slowly, making them wish they were dead. I wipe the tears off my face as there was a knock on the door. I get up to answer it. "I came to say goodnight." Y/N says. I hug her. "Goodnight." I say as I kiss her forehead. Y/N leave and I close the door. I sit back on the bed.
I didn't write this for clout. This was such a hard chapter to write and it left me in tears. I remember a guy tried to force himself on me in front of everyone while we were all drunk. No one helped. He kept pinning me down and I kept telling him to get off of me. He kept saying he liked me and we just met that night and I saw it in his eyes his true intentions. Thankfully he got off of me. Had he tried to remove my clothes he would've died. My mind was on high alert and functioning perfectly even while intoxicated. Worst of all, I was invited over by a friend to hang with his friends and in my mind I didn't want to make a bad impression. When that guy left, my friend apologized to me saying he had no idea that guy was going to do that. To anyone who experienced this, I am so sorry. Please remember it's not your fault no matter what. You don't deserve it. No one does. I also want to point out if anyone has begged you repeatedly for sex after you told them no multiple times before saying yes, that's still not consent. They pressured/forced you into saying yes. That's still rape. I do hope everyone can heal from this trauma. And I personally believe every single rapist should die. I love you all and you can talk to me if you need someone to talk to💜

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