Chapter Forty-One: The Bruises

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Hiiiiii! Guess who was interrupted in their sleep? This is a time skip. Happy reading!☺️

It's been some time now since Mei's death. I watch her death movie from time to time. I've contacted the therapist Hise hired. He told me he's speaking to that therapist as well. It took me a long time to accept the fact that Levi will never leave me. It's made me grateful. He hired a personal nanny for Rose while he works as he never asks me to take care of her. The house that Levi was in the process of buying, he finally bought. I miss his old home but then again I burned it down. I'm glad I did because I do not to be reminded that she lived there. Although her existence no longer bothers me. That's taken a while too. And a lot of progression. I walk into the living room. Rose was coloring. "Whatcha makin?" I ask. "This is daddy, me, and you. We're dancing." Rose points. "What's that?" I ask pointing. "Mommy's grave." I was stunned. I take off. I grab my phone and call Levi. "Did something happen?" Levi asks. "Rose drew a grave." "So?" "Her mother's grave." "Oh." "Did you tell her she's dead?" I whisper. "No." "Then how the fuck does she know her mother is dead?" "She's a smart girl. Y/N stop freaking out. I'll see y'all when I get home. I love you." Levi says before hanging up. "Lunch is served." Marcel announce. "Come on Rose." Maria says. She escorts Rose out of the living room. "Hey Marcel, can we talk for a minute?" "Certainly Mrs. Ackerman. What's on your mind?" "I want to thank you for proceeding with my orders and playing along while Levi lost his memory. And I'm sorry for almost killing you all." "I was just doing my job in following your orders. No hard feelings Mrs. Ackerman. You weren't in the right state of mind. It's good to have you back. The one and only Mrs. Ackerman." I smile. "It's good to be back. Did I ever tell you you're my favorite butler?" "I know that now." "Yeah you need a vacation. We've...well I put you through so much." "As adventurous as my job's been, I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't need a vacation." "You rock!" I say, giving him a fist bump. Marcel smiles. I walk into the dining room and sit down. I start to eat. I quickly finish. I get up and plant a kiss Rose's forehead. She giggles. "Are you going to be my new mommy?" Rose asks. "I will be." "Yaaaay! I get a new mommy just like I got a new daddy." "Rose, sweetie did you not like your other mommy?" I ask. She was silent. "Rose..." I press on. She shook her head no. "Why not?" "Mommy was mean. Until she met my new daddy." "What'd she do?" "She'd yell at me and hit me when I start crying." Rose shows me her arm. Faint marks were on her. I pick her up and carry her upstairs. I walk into my room and sit down. I placed her on her feet. "Show me where did she hurt you?" Rose points. She points to her back. I lift up her shirt and gasp. "Maria?" I call. She comes in a minute later. "Take Rose downstairs please." "Yes Mrs. Ackerman. Come on Rose." Maria close my door. I call Levi again. "She hurt her!" I scream into the phone. My whole body started shaking. "What? Who?" Levi asks. "She hurt Rose. There's old bruises on her. She showed me." "What? She said the baby sitter did it." "This bitch drugged you and you really believe it was the baby sitter?! Levi she placed a hot iron on Rose's back for fucks sake!" Levi was silent. "Fuck I wish I had known that sooner. I would've tortured her myself. Is she showing any signs of irregular behavior?" "Levi she drew her mother's grave without any knowledge of her knowing her mother is actually dead. We were all dancing on that bitch's grave. This is stage one of her acting out. She's happy I'm going to be her new mother and when I asked she said no she doesn't like her mother. Did you ever wonder why she keeps having nightmares? And why she won't tell you?" Levi exhaled. "I wondered why she didn't tell me her nightmares. Shit how did I miss the signs? God I'm such a terrible father." "I didn't call to point fingers at you. I'm really worried about her." "I don't want to ask you this, but please keep an eye on her. I'll be home a lot sooner." I nod. "I got you." I hang up and walk out. "Stop crying you worthless baby!" I hear. I rush to Rose's room. I see Rose yelling and slapping her baby doll around. "Oh my god Rose!" I rush over to her, snatching the doll away from her. Rose flinch and starts crying. "Pwease don't hit me mommy!" I sit down and scoop her into my arms. "I'm sorry I yelled at you." I hold her tightly and rub her back in circles. "I'll never hurt you baby girl I promise." I say as tears streamed down my face. This baby is going through it. I get up and carry Rose to my bedroom. I place her in bed. I climb in bed. I wipe her tears and plant a kiss on her forehead. I pull her close. I rub her back in circles. "Y/N?" I open my eyes to see Levi. He takes off his trench coat. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you. How is she?" I get up and walk out of the room. Levi follows. I close the door. "Levi it's bad. When I got off the phone with you, I caught her abusing her baby doll. I was so surprised I yelled at her. I didn't mean to a-and...and she begged me not to hurt her while crying." Levi closes his eyes and pulled me close. "I'm worried she's going to hurt herself next." "I'm going to put her in therapy." "I hope your father's paying that therapist a lot. Please speak to your father immediately about the situation and the therapist." I turn around, pacing. "How can she do that? To her own baby?" I bark as I punch the wall. Levi grabs me. "I know. But she's good and dead. More importantly, Rose needs help. She's mentally traumatized." "How can you traumatize a baby? Do you know how disgraceful you have to be? She makes me so mad I could kill her all over again." "Breathe baby." Levi kiss my forehead. "Come on." Levi takes my hand and we walk back in. We climb into bed. Levi kiss Rose's forehead.
Poor Rose. I FR named the nanny Maria. I'm sorry AOT is on my mind Lmaoo. Y'all saw that one episode of Good Times? Yeah this is it.

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