Chapter Nineteen: Sicilian vs Ackermans

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Hiiiiii! Sorry for the late updates! This is a one month time skip. Happy reading!😊

It's been a month since I was pronounced dead. Throughout that entire time, The Ackermans have been searching nonstop for the Sicilian Mafia. According to Hise, they're a ruthless and dangerous organization. The Ackermans and the Sicilians always respected boundaries but that line was crossed when I was kidnapped. Also their people has been doing things own their owns and behind their boss's back. Levi didn't want to hear that. To him, those were just excuses. They have been violent, and reckless lately terrorizing the town. Those type of people doesn't deserve respect. I was currently in the basement, using the punching bag. I was sick of staying in bed all day. "Y/N?" I heard. I kept punching the bag. I kicked it. As I kicked it again, LEVI caught my leg. "Why aren't you resting upstairs?" "Because I'm sick of bed rest. I need to do something. Now, can I have my leg back?" I asked. He released my leg. He held onto the bag. "Go." I started punching the bad as he held onto it. "I just don't want you to open your stitches." "I'm not going to reopen my stitches." "You said that last time." "It's been a month now. That happened when I was still in the hospital." "Harder." He encouraged. I started punching harder. "I know you can do better than that." "Shut up before I hit you." Levi pulled the bag back and I missed. "LEVI!" I screamed. "You can scream my name later. I'll help you." "Alright." "We'll start with your push ups." I got into position. I felt as Levi sat on me. I started my push-ups and Levi stretched out on my back. I kept counting. "Use your dominant hand." Levi grabbed my least dominant hand and I fell on my face. "Dammit Levi!" "I don't feel you while you're underneath me."  "Then maybe you should be underneath me." I struggled with the one handed push ups. I've done it before but not with a person on my back. I started counting. My chin, head and nose was still hurting. I'm gonna get him for that later. "You feel good baby girl." "Tell me something I don't know." I panted. After a while, I adjusted to him. Levi switched my other hand to make my least dominant hand, strong as well. I went back to counting. This was a lot harder. When I adjusted again, I started going faster. "Go slower..." Levi moaned. "Levi!" I scolded as I shook him off me. He fell off. Levi grabbed me and pulled me on top of him. "You're bleeding." "Well yeah thanks to you, I fucked my face up." He wiped the blood off my mouth. "I'm sorry." He apologized. He kissed my forehead. "If I get a lump I'm beating your ass." I warned. He chuckled. "I'll get you some ice for it. And I'll make it up to you." "How?" "I'll let you kill the boss." I pushed myself off him. I sat on him. "The Sicilian Mafia boss?" Levi nodded. "I would've been okay with sex but that works too." "No. Not until you're fully recovered. And I know you don't accept apology gifts so...that's the first thing that popped in my mind." "So you have been taking notes and understand the assignment." He nodded again. "Alright. I'll kill the boss." I started thinking. "What are you thinking about?" "How to kill them. But since we don't have any intel on them, I'm blank. I need their gender, weight and height." "That's very specific. And dark, coming from you." "I guess you can say I have a pain kink." "So you're a sadist?" "I am now." I leaned over and kissed him. "Don't forget we have dinner reservations tonight." I reminded him. I heard footsteps come downstairs. "You have a phone call Mr. Ackerman." Marcel said. "Thanks." I grabbed the phone and gave it to Levi. "This is Levi." He answered. His face changed. I got off him as he started to sit up. "What's wrong?" I mouthed. He held a finger up. He got up and helped me up. "We'll be there." He said before hanging up. "The boss is in one of her homes an hour away from here. She's heavily guarded too." "She?" "Yes. It's a good thing you'll be there. I wouldn't be able to kill her. I protect women, not harm them. Even if she is my enemy." "Then I'll have fun killing her. You can just watch." I winked. "I don't know if I should be scared or turned on right now." "Both." I lowly said. "So when are we going?" I asked as we walked upstairs. "Now. After we take a shower." We walked into his room. I went into his closet and pulled out one of his new suits. I grabbed the new box of shoes and placed them all in bed. Levi grabbed one of my new suits. He placed it on the bed along with my new box of shoes. I quickly called his chauffeur and then hung up. "When are you moving in? You practically live here and I can't sleep without my beautiful wife." "I'll think about it after this shit show is over. Right now we need to focus Mr. Ackerman." Levi looked at me. "Mr. Ackerman?" "Sorry force of habit. When things are in order, I like to keep things that way for you." "You don't work for me anymore." "I know I know." I got undressed and walked into the bathroom. I started the shower and got in. The Sicilian Mafia. We've finally got you. For some reason, I was getting eager. I felt arms being wrapped around my waist. "You know it's really dangerous when you zone out like that. I could've been an intruder." Levi whispered. He trailed kisses down my neck. "I knew it was you." Levi pressed me against the shower wall. "We haven't showered together in a minute." He pointed out. "What's the point in showering together when there's no sex?" "You have a point there. Humph. Maybe I'll try something tonight." "No we have dinner reservations tonight. Don't go off track. That's not like you." He pressed closer to me, his penis at my entrance. "Are you saying you don't want me?" He breathed. "Th-That's not what I'm saying." "So you do want me." "Of course I want you. But you've been strict on waiting for me to heal so..." I shrugged. "Come on. We need to go. This is our only chance to stop the Sicilian Mafia." I reminded him. He nodded and started to wash. I hummed as I washed. I looked at my stitches. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is why I didn't want to be with anyone. My life's too dangerous." He apologized as he kissed my stitches. I grabbed his hair. "Are you saying you regret being with me?" I asked. "No. God no! Don't ever think that. I just-" Levi sighed. "I just wish I was there. I should've walked you to your car." There was pain and regret behind his voice. Levi turned the water off and got out. I followed. He gave me a towel and I wrapped it around myself. "Levi." I called. He kept walking. I followed him into the bedroom. "Levi." I called again. "Levi James Ackerman!" He stopped. I turned him to me. Tears streamed down his face like a broken faucet. "Have you been holding yourself accountable for this the entire time?" "Had I walked you to your car, none of this would've happened." "That's not true. There were too many of them and we both would've been caught. What if you died? Or we both died?" "But you died! I should have been there to prevent it all and you know it!" His voice boomed as he got dressed. I started to get dressed as well. "Yes there's a possibility but nobody knew it was going to happen. You're not psychic. It's not like you can see the future. You cannot take the blame for this. The Sicilian Mafia are to blame because she cannot control her men!" "Y/N you don't understand! To see you hanging like a cross. Blood coming out of you from god knows where. Not knowing if you were going to make it. To get the news from the doctor saying you didn't make it. I can't-I can't get that out of my mind. When I look at you...I see you hanging defenseless." His voice cracked. I grabbed Levi, pulling him into a tight hug. He started crying. "Levi..." "Don't. Nothing you can say will change my mind." He was battling his own demons. Alone. How could I not see it? He hides his emotions so well. Levi hugged me tighter. "I don't want that scenario to ever happen again. I can't lose you. Promise me I won't lose you?" Levi pulled away. His eyes were red and glossy. I choked back my own tears. "I can't make that promise. I can't predict the future." "Y/N!" "You didn't let me finish. I don't plan on leaving you any time soon. Maybe eighty years from now when we're old and grey. And wrinkly. With great great grandchildren." I laughed. "Y/N I'm serious." "So am I. And if I happen to die today, it's because I'm protecting you." "Y/N!" "I mean it Levi." "If anybody dies today, it's me protecting you." "We live together, we ride together, we die together." We said in unison. Levi wiped my fallen tears and kissed my forehead. We put our trench coats on. Put gloves on and grabbed two guns. We headed downstairs. Marcel opened the door and we left out. His chauffeur opened the car door and we got in. The driver pulled off. Levi took my hand and kissed it. "No matter what happens, I love you." "Why does it sound like we're about to die?" "Because we might." "Not on my watch. But I love you too. And thank you for showing me that I can be loved even though I'm infertile." "I'll always love you no matter what." The driver pulled up and parked, not far from the mansion. Levi got out and opened my door. I took his hand and stepped out. We both were wearing a suit today. He closed the door and pushed me against the car. He grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me deeply. It felt like a goodbye kiss. He looked at me. His face was serious and his eyes were cold. He pulled me close to his chest and tapped on top of the limousine. The driver pulled off. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. His men got out of the car. As more got out of the car, I saw Hise and Kenny. I haven't saw Kenny since I knocked him out. My heart was ready to jump out of my throat. Hise walked up to us after signaling Kenny and their men. "Who is protecting Kusheru?" Was my first question. "I have men on guard, protecting her." I nodded. I squeezed Levi's hand. "It'll be okay." He assured me lowly. We followed. Hise shot the guards. There was a silencer at the end of his barrel. More guards came out as we kept walking and everyone was shooting. They all had silencers on. Kenny kicked the door in. He immediately started shooting. I saw someone from above aiming at Kenny's head. I withdraw my gun and shot. The guy fell over the banister. "You saved me?" Kenny asked. "Nobody's killing you except me." "I wouldn't have it any other way." He chuckled. "Keep moving." Hise ordered. "Upstairs, first door on your left." Hise told us. Levi nodded once and escorted me upstairs. I kicked the door down with my heel. I instantly regretted that but I kept my composure. "Well if it isn't Levi Ackerman." A woman said. "Chiara Russo." Levi addressed. I looked at him. "You two know each other?" I asked. "I'm his ex wife." I gave Levi that look. "Oh he didn't tell you about me? I'm his first. His first love. His first girlfriend. His first fiancé. His first wife. I was his first everything. I'm the one who took his virginity. We even had a baby together. A son. But he had a brain tumor and died." Chiara continued. My blood was boiling. "Is that why you didn't want to kill her?" I asked. Chiara laughed. "Kill me? The only thing he murdered was my pussy. In bed. On the couch. In the car. In the shower. On the floor. On the counter. In his office." The doors burst open. I turned around, drawing out two guns and shot. The two bodies dropped. "Ooooh perfect kill. You know she's a narc right? She'll turn on you. You hated narcs. You're getting soft Levi." "Why are you doing this Chiara?" "You could've had it all Levi. We were the ultimate power couple. With our families combined, we were invincible. Unstoppable. She can't give you what I gave you. A child. We-" She was cut off as my bullet went through her head. Her body fell backwards. As I walked out of the room, Levi grabbed my arm. "Don't." My tone was filled with venom. "Y/N!" I kept walking as I walked downstairs. I didn't want to be near Levi. I heard his footsteps behind me. "Y/N please just listen." I ignored him, stepping over the dead bodies. I walked passed Hise and Kenny. "Well she looks mad." Kenny pointed out. I walked outside. I walked down the street. I felt as my arm was grabbed. "Will you please just listen?!" Levi was in front of me, his eyes were pleading with mine. "You had me standing there looking like a damn fool. What other secrets are you hiding from me? Huh? You know what? I don't want to see you. Ever again. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Goodbye Mr. Ackerman." I handed over the two guns and kept walking. I took one glove off, wiping the tears off my face.
I'm sorry this is so late but I've been working on it as much as I could.

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