Chapter Twenty-Seven: Back to Work

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Hiiiiiii! How are you? Happy reading!☺️

Today, Levi's returning to work. I'm taking over Amira's position until she's back from vacation. It's good to see Levi back to himself. Hard at work. I was stirring Levi's tea as his assistant called in sick. I walk to his office and place it on his desk in its correct position, wiping the brim.

"Morning." I greeted when he walked in.

"Just like old times." He said, wrapping his arms around me.

"So much has changed since then." "

I know. Some were good and some were bad. But that's growth. I'm thankful to have you by my side."

"I always tell you Levi, I'm not going anywhere."

Levi sat in his chair. He rubbed the arms of his chair.

"It's good to be back but it feels so foreign."

"You'll get used to it again. Anyway, all of your meetings are scheduled. Oh and Johnny's coming today at noon."

"Noon? Why noon?"

"That's the time he comes to give me reports. Don't worry he can come whenever you tell him to."

"I can't thank you enough for handling everything."

"Who else was going to do it? You and your father wasn't in the right state of mind. I'm just surprised your men and his men listened to me."

"Well you're the Mafia Princess. And my wife."

"Considering how that bitch Chiara was, they had every right not to if they didn't chose to listen to me."

"They have more respect for you. They all like you. A lot more than her."

"In the end, I won at life."

I smile as I kiss him.

"I really do miss seeing your smile Princess. I'll do whatever it takes to protect that beautiful smile of yours. Your smile gets me through the day. And I'll never forgive myself for being the one who took it away."

Levi pulled me into his lap, wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Thank you for never leaving me. Even when I was the worst person in the world." He lowly thanked.

"I can't lie. I've thought about it. Day in and day out."

"I don't blame you. I drove you there."

"But it wasn't worth it. There's nothing out there for me. A temporary happiness for leaving you? Yes you became toxic and I was suffocating but I'd suffocate more out there. I'd be single and who knows what my next relationship would be like? What if i never got back into a relationship?

What if I deal with another partner grieving and I can't handle it? Would I just run again? I wouldn't learn anything. I would be hurting myself a lot more if I left. Yes staying with you was hurting my final plan was when you finally get better, we'd separate. Give each other space so I can do my own recovery.

But even then, I'd miss you too much and I'd lose my own self. I told you I'm not going anywhere and I mean it. But that doesn't mean you're off the hook that easy Ackerman."

"I know. And I won't stop making it up to you until the day I bite the dust."

"Well don't bite the dust so soon. I need you here."

"I don't plan on it."

Levi sipped his tea. He then grabbed my hand, kissing my ring.

"Even though I deserved it if you did, I'm grateful that you never stopped loving me."

"I can never question my love for you. Unless you play me like fiddle."

"Well I'm not Daiki. I can't wait until he's dead. So he can get off my case. And for what he put you through."

"You need to get over that."

"How can I? You didn't see what I saw. He shattered your heat like glass and turned it into dust like sand. He couldn't be a decent human being to leave you sooner. He lead you on for two years.

Cheated on you for two years. Had a fiancée and a baby! I'll never let that go. Not until I have his head. Just like I can't forgive myself for saying that I hated you. I'm no better than him but I will spend the rest of my life making up for it. And if you need space to heal, I fully support you on it."

"Just tell me when you stop loving me Levi. That's all I'm asking for."

"That'll never happen. But I'll tell you."

I got up.

"Alright I have things to do." "

Meet us at noon?" Levi asks.

"Of course."

I walk out and head into Amira's office.
Sorry this is super short!

The Mafia Princess: Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now