Chapter Sixty-Four: Progression

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. This is Levi's POV again. Happy reading!☺️

It's been months since I've checked Y/N into rehab. I miss her like crazy. Hise is still in a coma. Hotaru said that I can bring our daughters to see their mom. They were eager to see her and she started crying. Himari bombarded Y/N with questions. Hotaru spoken to her about it. He said Himari doesn't seem traumatized but just cautious and trying to understand everything. Right now they're coloring. "Alright. Today we're going do another exercise. The same one." Hotaru announces. I can feel Y/N's eyes on me. "Can we skip that?" I nervously ask. "You don't want to touch me?" She asks. "It's not that. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or make you feel like you're forced. We can do this when you're ready." I explain. "But I need this. I want to do this." I look at Y/N. Her eyes were pleading with mine. I let out a sigh and stood up. She gets up as well. I open my arms. "Now Y/N I want you to repeat this in your head: 'Levi is my husband. He will never hurt me. He loves me. I feel safe around him. He protects me.' Okay?" Y/N nods. "Okay." Y/N takes baby steps closer to me. When she was in my arms, I close them in a hug. "Do you feel safe?" Hotaru asks her. "No." My heart sink to the bottom and shatters. Every time she tells me she doesn't feel safe, it breaks me. I immediately let go, holding back tears. I take a step back and turn around, wiping my tears. "I'm sorry." She whispers. I turn back around. "It's not your fault. Stop apologizing for something you didn't do." I tell her. "Try again. But this time, think about all the times how you've felt being in his arms. Describe it out loud." Y/N takes baby steps again. "His arms felt like h-home. Warm and welcoming. Always comforted me. His s-strong arms protected me. His hugs were firm and gentle. My body molded into his. It was like being wrapped in a blanket of his love." Y/N describes as I embrace her in my arms. I sniff. "Do you feel safe?" Hotaru asks again. Y/N was silent for a long period of time. I drop my arms again, feeling myself tear up. Just then, Y/N grabs onto my waist. "Don't let me go." She mumbles. I wrap my arms around her again. "I won't baby." I coo as I stroke her hair gently. It felt good to hear her say that. I have her arms around me. "Do you feel safe?" Hotaru asks for the third time. "Yes." In that moment, I was filled with joy. I couldn't help but release the tears I was trying to hold back. "I love you so much." I tell her. "I know. And I love you too." Y/N starts to wipe my tears. "How do you feel?" Hotaru asks. "Safe. Loved. And protected." I squeeze her tightly in my arms. I pull slightly back to look at her. She smiles widely at me. That big beautiful smile I longed for. The smile that reach to her eyes. I couldn't help but smile back. "Do you think Levi will hurt you?" Y/N shakes her head. "No. Never." I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I refrain myself. Y/N takes initiation. She leans in and kiss me slowly. I stand there completely frozen. As she pulls away, I pull her back in. I pull her closer to me as she wrap her arms around my neck. "I love you." She breathed. "I love you too. So much." I hug her again. "I'm so proud of you baby." I mumble. I grab her hand and lead her back to the sofa. We sit down. "How do you feel about Hise?" Hotaru ask. "I don't know. I don't know if I should hate him or feel sorry for him. In the end, he just wanted to find love." "Baby he put his hands on you. He hit you. You have every right to hate him. Please don't excuse him and give him the benefit of the doubt." "I'm not. I'm just looking at both sides. He knows what he did is wrong and I know he'll pay for it. I'll never forget what he's done to me." I rub her back as I held her hand. Hotaru writes. "And how do you feel Levi?" "I hope he dies." I coldly respond. "Levi don't." "He's-" "Levi please. He's your only parent left. Don't hold a grudge against him forever or it'll be too late." "He hurt you and you want me to forgive him?" "I didn't say forgive him. But don't hold a grudge. Make peace with it. I was mad at my father over something stupid, held a grudge and now I regret it. He's gone. I can't apologize. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. So I am begging you. Please Levi. I'm sure the girls miss their grandfather." I close my eyes. "He might not make it." I lowly say. "What?" "I put him in a coma after he told me everything about what happened the day you saw him. The doctors aren't sure if he's going to make it. I was so angry, I lost control. I tried to kill him. But the voice of yours stopped me. And when I came too, Himari saw everything." I explain. Y/N was silent. I was too scared to open my eyes. I then feel as she pull me into her arms. She didn't say anything. She just held me. "Please say something." I ask her. "I don't know what to say. Part of me is happy he's in a coma. Another part feels bad. I just..." she sighs. "Is Himari alright? Are you alright?" "We're fine." "Himari is just cautious as she's learning the difference between good and bad people. She'll continue to ask questions for a while." Hotaru informs her. Y/N picks up Himari. "Are you coming home?" Himari asks. "Not yet sweetie. But soon." "Why not?" "I have to get better first alright?" "Because grandpa hurt you?" Y/N nods. "But it wasn't just him. Don't worry about okay? I'll be home before you know it." She kiss Himari's cheek and hugs her. "Our time seems to be up." Hotaru announces. Rose gets up and hugs Y/N. She kiss them both before placing them on their feet. We stand up. Y/N hugs me tightly. "I love you." I remind her. "I love you too." She kiss me. I kiss her back. I grab the girls' hands and leave out with them.
I'm so tired. It's my off day I should be asleep🤧

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