Chapter Fifty: Kusheru Ackerman

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Hiiiiiii! Hope all is well! New JJK Zero movie hits theaters 18th March for US and Canada! Happy reading!☺️

"Rose?" "Yes mommy?" "How often do you see grandma?" I ask, as I tuck her in for a nap. "A lot." "Why didn't you tell us?" Levi asks. "I dunno." "Do you remember anything else she says?" I ask. "That she wish she could hug me. What was she like?" "Well, my mother was an incredible woman. She loved unconditionally. She was the most sweetest, caring woman I ever met. Even when I had bad days, her hugs made me the happiest. She would've love you very much. She always wanted a granddaughter. My mother used to read me bedtime stories and check for monsters under the bed." "Would she read me bedtime stories?" "Of course. My mother would rock you in the same rocking chair she used to rock me in." I smile, listening to Levi. "Do you miss grandma?" "Every. Single. Day." "How did grandma die?" Levi took a deep breath. "She was taken away from me. Murdered." "What's murder?" "It's when someone kill someone else." I explain. "Like mommy did to me?" I took a deep breath. "Yes but fortunately you survived." "Oh." "That's a good thing Rose." I encourage. She smiles. "What happened to the someone who murder grandma?" "Your amazing mother took care of them along with grandpa and Uncle Kenny." "How?" "We'll tell you that when you get older." Levi responds. "What happened to mommy? Did she die like grandma?" "Uh yes-" "Your mother and Aunt Karina took care of her too." Levi cuts me off. "So she won't hurt me?" "No sweetie she won't. Ever." I emphasized. "Yay!" I smile and kiss her forehead. "It's time for your nap sweetie." I stand up. Levi kiss her forehead and stand up as well. "Sleep tight." I say before closing her door. I exhale deeply as I walk downstairs and head into the kitchen. I grab a water bottle and drink it, leaning over the sink. I close my eyes and tilt my head back. Thank you Kusheru. For watching over us. For protecting Rose. Please continue to watch over us and protecting Rose. I wish you could meet her. She's so sweet. I hope you've forgiven Hise and I for what we've done a long time ago. I do hope he truly find happiness. He deserves it. Please look after him and Levi for me. I thought to myself. "Everything alright?" I turn to see Hise standing there. I sighed. "No. I didn't think parenting would be this hard." "Nobody said it would be easy Princess." "I know. God she's only three and almost died twice. I mean who fuckin does that to their own child? To any child? And the photos...those awful pictures. Her drawings. I don't know how we can get that out of her mind. Karina and I didn't torture that bitch enough." "You two burned her, chopped her up, pulled out her teeth, smashed her fetus to death with a meat tenderizer, cut her and you set her vagina on fire. I'm sure you two have done more than enough. Hotaru told me that you've stopped going to therapy. Why?" "I can't think about that right now. I need to make sure she is okay. I don't even know how long until she's not traumatized anymore. I mean what if she's scarred for life?" "Rose have two amazing people looking after her. She will get past her trauma. But your mental health is important as well. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here. I don't want you to lose yourself again. Nor do I want Levi to worry. Knowing my son, he's already worrying." "I'll be fine once she's fine." "You and I both know that's not true Y/N. Levi told me about both lawsuits and his ex claiming she's carrying his baby. He mentioned that you snap before he realizes it." "What do you want from me Hise? Huh?!" I snap. "Y/N I'm just-" "I'm fine. All I care about right now is making sure my daughter is okay and kill the delusional bitch." I cut him off. "I think you need to cool it with the killings. You're a mom now." "Oh so you want me to step back into the fifties where I just cook, clean and take care of Rose?!" "Y/N that's not what I meant! I mean, you have one other person who loves you. One more person who will be heartbroken if you die. I want you to experience motherhood as much as you can just like Kusheru did." "And yet you're not saying this to Levi." "I plan on asking him to step down too. This isn't a one sided situation. She needs both of you alive for as long as you two can." "I'll be fine." "Y/N I know you. You've lived with me for months don't forget it. You're acting just like you were back then. Too much is hurting you. Just please make time to talk to Hotaru." "You damn right too much is hurting me!" I scream as I punch a hole in the wall. "I have a three year old who draws out her traumas without knowing how mentally fucked that is! Did you ever have to go through that?! No because Levi didn't have a previous mother. I have both her maternal and paternal grandparents trying to sue me and take her away from me! I have my husband's crazy delusional ex claiming to be pregnant by him, and a tiny piece of me believes her because she's fertile. To top it all off, Rose thinks her abuse was okay and that bitch didn't mean it. She put a hot iron on her back. She broke Rose's bones. That bitch didn't strap Rose in and purposely got in a car accident, which resulted in Rose to fight for her life for a year! She tried to suffocate Rose. So excuse me for not seeing Hotaru because I have more important shit on my mind!" I continue yelling. I drop to my knees, sobbing. "Shhh it's okay Princess. Daddy's got you." Hise coos as he wraps his arms around me. "Levi?!" Hise calls as he rubs my back. "Oh my god what happened?" "You need to talk to your wife. Right about now, just console her." I felt as Hise removed his arms and Levi embraced me. "It's going to be okay Princess. We'll get through this together." "I-I shouldn't have gotten at-attached to Rose." I wail. "No don't say that. It's my fault for asking so much of you. I've been a terrible husband. And that girl loves you. You're the best thing that ever happened to her." Levi pulls away and wipes my tears. "Tell me what's on your mind beautiful." Levi lowly replied. I kiss Levi deeply, instantly folding. Levi kiss me back and pulls away. "Talk to me." "Levi I'm scared. What if they take Rose away from us? What some terrible luck she is carrying your baby? What if Rose never heals from her trauma? What if she hates me for killing her biological mother? How would Kusheru handle this?" Levi closed his eyes and takes a deep breath. He exhales. He looks me dead in the eyes. "I promise you on my life that baby isn't mine. No one and I mean no one is going to take our daughter Rose from us. It'll be a cold day in hell before that happens. I guarantee it. Rose will get past her trauma through therapy and the strong support system she has. And she will never ever hate you for killing the person who meant her harm with every intentions of killing her. Rose will praise you. You don't need to to worry about how my mother would handle this situation. You're doing fucking amazing. We got this, so don't worry your pretty little heart." Levi place a long tender kiss on my forehead. "We live together. We ride together. We die together." We say in unison. Levi smiles and kiss me.
This was supposed to be a normal conversation when Levi wrap his arms around her from behind. Talk about how Rose saw Kusheru. But for some reason my mind decided to have Hise walk in. Guess I was lacking father, daughter moment🤧

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