Chapter Fifty-Four: Annie Ackerman

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Hiiii! I wasn't planning on updating ever again but a friend of mine must put me in a good mood. I love her so much. She just gotta catch up on Demon Slayer lol she's so behind. Happy reading!☺️

 Happy reading!☺️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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"Son?! Are you here?" Hise yells. "They've come to check on me for the past two years." "Your family loves you." I remind him. I hear footsteps coming upstairs. "Grandpa!" Rose gets out of bed and runs to him. "Hey sweetheart." He looks at me. "Y/N?" "Long time no see. Hise." "Who is this?" Levi gets up. I grab Himari and get up. "This is Himari, my daughter." "O-Oh." "She was Caroline's baby." "I figured you killed that bitch. May I?" I hand Himari over to Hise. "Hi Himari. I'm your grandfather." "Hi grandpa." He kiss her forehead. "You two sure do know how to start a family." Hise chuckles. "How is everybody?" I ask. "Kenny's fine. Mikasa and Karina don't speak. Karina snapped on us two years ago. Hasn't been the same since." "What? Why?" "Besides our entanglement? She was sick of your constant fighting with Levi and Mikasa for being so mean to her over their mother. She was even mad at you for dog walking Levi. Eventually she got over it but she still has a strain on her twin. I hope those two make up." I hear more footsteps. The twins walk in. "You're back!" Karina jumps on me. I laugh. "I missed you too." I stroke her hair. "Don't ever leave me and Levi with them." "What happened?" I asked. "They suck." She pouts. "That's your family." I remind her. "They all pissed me off except daddy and Levi." "Soooo....Hise and Mikasa. Well I'm sorry. I didn't think you would go to Paris with me after killing Caroline." "Of course I would! You killed someone without me?" Karina jumps down and pouts. I laugh. "Still the same old Karina. Karina I want to introduce you to your niece Himari. Himari, these are your aunts Karina and Mikasa." "I thought I smelled her perfume here. Welcome back Princess." Kenny hugs me and plants a kiss on my forehead. "I missed you too Kenny." "My killer is looking mighty happy." I smile. "I found my inner happiness. It was something I needed and never got a chance to do after my breakup with Daiki." "I'm proud of you." Kenny kiss my forehead again. "And who is this pretty little lady?" Kenny asks. "That is your niece Himari." "Himari? That's a pretty name." Hise pass her over to Kenny. "Hi princess. Welcome to the family." "Kenny!" She says. She takes his hat off and place it on her head. He chuckles. "Here we go again. God I miss being a parent." "We're right here." Mikasa says offended. "I miss when you two were little." "Daddy we'll always be your little girl." Karina kisses her father's cheek. "I know sweetie." "How old are you Himari?" Kenny asks. Himari holds up two fingers. "This many!" "Two? You're a big girl." She giggles. I felt as Levi wraps his arms around me from behind. "What happened to Rose's grandparents? I left before the trial." "Well they both lost and were counter sued." I nod. "Good. They don't deserve her. God knows what they might have done." I turn to Levi. "We need to go to Paris. You'll love it there. We can bring the kids." He nods. "I'll go anywhere with you." I yawn, the jet lag kicking in. "God I'm so tired." "You need rest." Levi tells me. I hear footsteps coming upstairs. "Master Ackerman, Mrs. Ackerman has arrived." Marcel announce. I look at Levi. "Mrs. Ackerman?" I asked confused. "It's not for him. It's for Mr. Kenny Ackerman." Marcel finishes. I whirl my head to Kenny. "You got married?" I asked in the same suspicious tone. "No. Who the hell is it?" "She goes by the name of Annie." My eyes grew wide. "What?" Mikasa takes off followed by Karina and Kenny who was still holding Himari. Hise follows, holding Rose. Levi and I follow after them. As I made my way downstairs, I saw a tall brunette woman. She was beautiful. Fuck. That's Annie from the picture at Kenny's house. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Mikasa yells. "Maria?" Levi calls. She appears in view. "Take the girls for me please." Maria grabs both of them and leaves. "Mikasa, let me handle this." Kenny says. "Annie-" "Please let me talk Kenny. I love you. I miss you so much. You and the girls. I wish I never left you." "Oh baby..." Kenny trails off. "Dad don't!" Mikasa yells. "No I got this! What do you want?!" Karina yells. "Girls!" Kenny scolds. He walks closer to Annie and holds her. "Get your filthy hands off my father!" Karina spits as she leaps forward. I grab her in time. "Mikasa get your fuckin twin!" I yell. Mikasa came forward. "Don't you fuckin dare touch me!" She barks at her twin. I kept holding Karina back. "Why are you here hm? Why haven't you called us? Texted us? Visited us? I sent you an invention to my wedding and you didn't show up." "I know and I'm sorry. "You think that sorry ass apology is going to work? That it's all water under the bridge? Dad was heartbroken when you left. I have spent twenty years hoping you would come back and you continued to disappoint me. What was the point in letting him nut in you if you didn't want any kids? You knew about his lifestyle! God I wish you would have aborted us. Or at least dad chose someone else to be our mother. You are not about to sweet talk your way back into our lives so march your happy ass out of here." I look at Karina completely shocked. I never saw this side of her before. Who was this woman? I expect this energy from Mikasa. "Levi, take Karina upstairs please." Levi grabs Karina and throws her over his shoulder. She tries to fight him. "Hise, Mikasa, I need you both to leave. Kenny, can I speak to you for a minute?" I grab his hand before he responds and pull him into the kitchen. "I don't know the full story and I'm in no position to give you relationship advice because mine has been shitty because of me. But I'm saying this because I love you and you're family. Do not give in to that woman. She's a deadbeat mom. She abandoned on daughters. I understand she wanted a divorce but she left you to be a single dad. This woman will only hurt you again. Look at what it's doing to Karina. That girl popped off. She's hurt and she's protecting you. She loves you. Protect yourself and your heart Kenny. Don't let her snake ass slither her way in after twenty years and everything is okay. She doesn't deserve that luxury or time. You deserve so much better. I know you still love her but I promise you it's not worth it. Don't hurt yourself." Kenny smiles. He grabs the back of my head and kiss my forehead slowly. "Thank you Princess. But I'm not going back to her. I love her, I do. I'm not going to put myself in a position where I or my girls get hurt again." I throw my arms around Kenny. He chuckles as he wraps his arms around me. "Glad to know my killer still cares about me. You're getting soft Princess." I took his gun from him and point it to his head. "Is that better?" "Much. Besides..." Kenny grabs his gun. "Hise and I found someone. Turns out the two girls are best friends." I gasp. "No way. Do the girls know? Does Levi know?" "No. Now you know my daughters, they will threaten the girls away. They're very overprotective of me and their uncle." I smile wide. "Well I'm happy for you both." I start to giggle. "I can see it in your eyes. You can't hide it forever. Those girls are smart." "I know so just play along for now." "My lips are sealed." Kenny follows me back into the living room. Annie was standing there. "Can we talk?" She asks politely. I size her up and down. I shake my head. "No. I don't think you've realized but you're not welcome here. Not by him or your daughters." "I'm sorry and you are?" I step closer. "The head of the household. The Mafia Princess. The Ackerman's Princess. Mrs. Ackerman." "So you two are married?" Kenny wraps his arm around my waist. "Yes. Yes we are." He says. She looks at me disgusted. "You're not his type." "And yet he settled down with you." "He'll never love you. I gave him two kids. I was his wife." "The same two girls you abandoned right? The same twins who hate your guts? Karina was actually about to beat your ass. And she listens to me. They both love me." "Aren't you a little young? You're still sucking on your mother's breast milk." "And you're one year closer to being wheeled into a nursing home." She steps closer to me. "You don't know me bitch, I will end you." Her finger was in my face. "Watch that bitch word." I smack her hand out of my face. "Or what?" I laugh darkly. "You don't want to know. Kenny, get her because I will kill her." "You wouldn't." "You know me Kenny. I have no problem making a person disappear." I smile wide. Annie grabs me by my throat. "Hands off her!" Kenny removes Annie from me and she slaps me in the process. "Oh fuck Annie why did you have to do that?" I felt blood trickle in my mouth. "Y/N listen to me-" I grab Annie by her throat and slam her against the wall. She was gasping for air. "Kenny how many wives did I kill?" "Two. And how many ex's did I kill in total?" "Let's see...Chiara Russo, Daiki Aomane, Mei Ackerman, and Caroline Sunshine. That makes four." "You wanna make number five?" I ask Annie. Her eyes were popping out as she gasps for air. "How many people did I kill in total Kenny?" "Too many to count Princess." "Help me!" She choked out. "You know I blow torched a bitch. I set the inside of her pussy on fire. Karina and I tortured her. I smashed the fetus inside of her with a meat tenderizer. Karina chopped her body up. Her name was Mei Ackerman. Chiara Russo got a bullet to the head. My ex Daiki too got a bullet to the head. And I gave Caroline a Columbian Necktie." "W-What?" "She slit the woman's throat and yanked her tongue through the hole." Kenny explained. She looked at me terrified. "Do you really wanna play this game?" I challenged. "Y/N please. Kenny begs. I let her go. She drops and coughs for air. "You're crazy!" I shrug. "That's what makes me an Ackerman. Now please get out of this house before you disappear. And if you so much as tell a cockroach, I'll have your head. Do I make myself clear?" She nods as she scrambled to get up. She looks at Kenny. "I'm sorry." She chokes out. She ran out of the house. Marcel closed the door behind her. I turn to Kenny. I start hitting him. "Ow woman! What's wrong with you?" "That is for pretending that we're married. I only played along because she was annoying and out of respect, I'm not telling anyone you're dating." I respond. I walk upstairs with Kenny on my heels. I walk into the room. Mikasa was sitting on her sister. "The hell going on?" I ask. "She insisted on going downstairs so I sat on her." "Well she's gone and she's never coming back." "What if she does?" Mikasa asks. "She won't. Y/N scared her straight." Kenny speaks up. Mikasa gets off her sister. "Can't believe she had the audacity to show up after twenty-two years." Karina says. "Well you summoned her, it was bound to happen." Karina slaps Mikasa. Mikasa slaps her back. "Girls!" Kenny gets in between and separates them. "What has gotten into you?" He asks. "What's gotten into her? She hit me first!" "I'm so sick and tired of your slick ass words." "You two need to make up, you're sisters. This has been going on for two years. End it now!" I look around. Levi wasn't there. I walk out, looking for him. "Marcel have you seen Levi?" I ask as I walk downstairs. "He just went into the kitchen." I walk there. "Hey." I greet. "Hey beautiful." He looks up at me with a smile. "I was just getting snacks for the girls." "Thank you for being involved with Himari." "I can see how much you love her. And I love her already. And Rose loves her." "I'm just so glad Rose remembers me and doesn't think I abandoned her. I left at the worst possible time. I shouldn't have left. I'm so sorry Levi and I know you're sick of my apologies." "I love you that's all that matters. All of that was in the past. We both progressed. We both matured. And Rose could never hate you. She was hurt that you left but I comforted her and she got over it. She's a lot better because of therapy. She's no longer traumatized so I took her out of therapy." I smile wide. "You're such an amazing father and husband." "I'm st-still your husband?" "Always and forever." Levi runs to me and swings me around. He kiss me deeply. "Please please please stop taking off your ring." "I know. That was the last time. I hate that I haven't worn it in two years." "I love you so much Mrs. Ackerman." I smile. "I love you too Mr. Ackerman." I kiss Levi. "I think it's time we plan our wedding finally." Levi suggests. He place his hand in his pocket. He takes his hand out and my ring was in his hand. He grabs my hand and slips the ring on. Tears roll down my face. I kiss him again. Levi kiss me back and wipe my tears. "Ready to make it official?" "I've been ready since you proposed to me six years ago." "Good. So find a wedding planner." "Daddy!" Rose and Himari came running in. Levi picks up Himari. "Hi Princess." He kiss her cheek. I pick up Rose. I squeeze her. "I miss you soooooo much." "I miss you too mommy. Where were you?" "I was in Paris with your sister." She gasps. "Paris? I wanna go!" "Daddy and I will take you there." Her face lit up. "Yay!" I kiss her cheek. "So how do you like being a big sister?" I ask. "I love her!" She's so precious god I miss her. "Daddy made some snacks for you two." "Yay!" They cheer in unison. "Come on. Wash your hands." I place Rose on her feet. She gets on the stepping stool and wash her hands. Levi helped Himari wash hers. I grab their plates and place them on the dining table. Rose climbed in the chair and Levi helped Himari. I look at my ring. The ring I fought for. Levi's phone started ringing. "Could you get that baby?" "Yeah sure." I answer. "Levi's phone." I greet. "Mrs. Ackerman? Welcome back." It was Johnny. "How's my favorite right hand man?" I ask. "I'm good. Just checking in on the boss. I'm guessing he's jumping for joy." I laugh. "You could say that." "We'll tell him I said hi. I'll let you two rekindle." I laugh again. "Alright talk to you later." I hang up. I walk back in. "Who was that?" "Johnny. He was checking in on you." "Yeah he's been making sure I'm okay. I bet he was happy to know you're back." "Yeah he was." Levi walks up to me and holds me. "Don't let me go." I tell him. "Never. Don't ever leave me." "Never baby." "We live together. We ride together. We die together." We say in unison. We smile. I lay my head against his chest.
Karina done popped off Lmaoo🤧

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