Chapter Forty-Nine: Rose and Hotaru

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

"So I managed to get all of Rose's records. The abuse started a year after she was born. When Daiki was murdered. It would start with cigarette burns. But the worst was when she was in a car accident with her mother. She was in a coma for a year. Her mother deliberately didn't put her in a car seat let alone strap her in." Johnny explains to us. He placed files on the table. I pick one up and open it. I gasp. Multiple photos of Rose with severe damages. This poor girl. No wonder she's acting out and having nightmares. I slam the folder back down on the table and get up. I storm out of the living room, down the hall. "Y/N! Where are you going?" "How could she Levi? To her own daughter? To a baby?! She looked me dead in the fucking eyes and begged me to not hurt Rose. All while knowing she nearly killed Rose!" I scream. "I know Y/N, I know." "God I just want to kill her, right here. Right now." I say as I punch the wall. I put a hole through it. "Y/N please." "Please what Levi? Huh?! How can you be so fuckin calm over this? This is our daughter. Do you not care?" "Y/N that's not fair and you know it. Of course I care! She lied to my face and said the baby sitter did this to Rose. I want that bitch dead all over again. How fucked up and sadistic do you have to be to harm a baby? All because you killed Daiki? That's not how you grieve! That little girl is innocent and didn't deserve any of it. I love Rose with every inch of me and I feel like I've failed as a father to see the signs of abuse, so don't you fuckin dare say that I don't care!" Levi barked. "I'm sorry." I apologize. Levi let's out a sigh. "I'm sorry. We shouldn't be fighting. The last thing we should be doing is biting each other's head off. Rose needs us." Levi continues as he hugs me. He place a kiss on my forehead. "We can do this Y/N. And that bitch is dead. She cannot hurt Rose anymore. But it's our job now as her new parents to take care of her. Get her all the help she needs." Levi takes my hand and escorts me back to the living room. We sit down. "I-I can't see any more of this. Give these files to Ileana." I order Johnny. He picks up the files and nods. I wipe tears. I feel as Levi rubs my back. "I really hope Rose recovers. It hurts me knowing she's going through this. And I hope one day she can have a play date with my little girl Niseko. I'm leaving copies here so you can give to her therapist." He says. "Thanks Johnny. You're dismissed." Johnny walks out. Marcel came in seconds later with Hotaru, the family therapist. "Hey." I greet. Levi gets up and disappears. "How are you Mrs. Ackerman? It's been a while since our last session." "Can't say I'm completely fine or you wouldn't be here for Rose. How's Hise?" "Well he agreed that I can let you know how he is, in exchange for the status of Rose. He's doing better. A lot better." I nod. "Good." Marcel comes back. "Mr. Ackerman has arrived." He announced. Hise walks in. "Hey what are you doing here?" I ask as I get up. I hug him. "My granddaughter is having her first therapy session. I'm here to support her and her parents." He says. Hise's eyes still looked at me with pure love. "Grandpa!" I look over to see as Levi place Rose on her feet. She takes off towards us. Hise bends down and scoops her up. "How's my favorite granddaughter?" "Good!" Rose giggles as Hise kiss all over her face. "Hey dad. It's good to see you again." Levi says, hugging his father. "You too." "So this is where the party is huh?" I hear. I turn to see Kenny with Karina and Mikasa. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask as I hug them. "We're family. When an Ackerman falls, we all fall. We Ackerman's stick together. Hise and I told you this Princess." Kenny says as he kiss my forehead. "We're here to support you two and Rose during this tough time." He adds, taking Rose from Hise. "Uncle Kenny!" Kenny kiss her forehead. Rose takes his hat off his head and place it on top of hers. Kenny chuckles. "I'll buy you one just like mine." "Otay!" "Why don't you say hello to your aunties?" Kenny passed Rose over to Mikasa and Karina who both melted instantly. "Well it looks like everyone's here." Hotaru says. "Marcel?" I call. "Yes Mrs. Ackerman?" "Can you bring us some refreshments?" "Yes, Lady Ackerman." Marcel bows before walking off. "Lady, Ackermann? That's new." "Well you are the lady of the house." Levi says. "Well son, you've got yourself a wife and a beautiful daughter. You did good. Your mother and I are very proud of you." Hise says as he pats Levi on his shoulder. "Thank you. I just wish mom could meet Rose." "I know son. And she would've spoiled her." "Where's grandma?" Rose asks. Damn. "She's with us. I'll tell you when you're older." Levi explains as he kiss her forehead. "Otay!" I grab Rose and sit down on the sofa, placing her on my lap. Levi sits next to me. Hotaru sits in a chair. "Hello Rose, it's very nice to meet you. Your mother and father has told me a lot about you." "Hi!" Rose greets. Hotaru goes into his bag and takes out a stuffed kitty. He Hans it to her. "What do you say?" I ask. "Tank you!" "You're welcome. Now, I am here to talk to you about your mommy. Your other mommy. Can you tell me about her?" Hotaru place crayons and paper on the coffee table. I placed rose on her feet. She gets on her knees and draws. "Mommy was mean." Rose says. "Oh? How so?" He asks. Rose shrugs, remaining quiet. I stand up and get on my knees next to Rose. "It's okay Rose, you can tell him. He's here to help you. Tell him what you tell us." I encourage as I rub her back. "She'd yell at me when I cry and she'd hurt me." "Why did you cry?" "Cause she yell at me." "Why did she yell at you?" "Cause she I cry when she hurt me." Rose continues to draw. "Why did she hurt you?" "I dunno. I don't think she liked me." "What makes you think that Rose?" "Mommy said she hate me." My heart broke. How can she say that to her own daughter? How can she hate her own daughter? "Your mommy told you she hates you?" Rose nods, not looking up. I rub her back gently in circles. Levi was on the other side of Rose, stroking her hair. "That bitch!" Mikasa and Karina blurts out in unison. "Girls!" Hise scolds. Rose looks at me. "Mommy what's a bitch?" "That's a bad word sweetie don't ever say that again okay?" "Am I in trouble?" "No Princess, you're not." "So said your mommy hurt you. Do you remember what she did?" Rose nods. "Mommy punch me. Kick me. Slap me. Put hot things on me. I had a pillow on my face too." "Baby she tried to suffocate you?" I ask. Rose nods. I choke back tears and clear my throat. "Levi got Johnny to find all of her hospital records. He just dropped them off before you all arrived. I couldn't look through all of them. He even said she was in a car accident because she wasn't secured and that resulted in Rose being in a coma for a year." I say with a shaky breath. I slide the copies of the files towards Hotaru. He grabs the files. Hotaru pass them around. "What the fuck?!" Mikasa curses. "Language." Kenny scolds. He looks at the photos. "Son of a bitch!" He yells. "How can that bitch do that to her own baby?!" Karina screams. "Oh my god. I hope that bitch is burning in hell." Hise curse. Rose looks around, scared. She starts crying. "Can you guys lower your voices? You're all scaring her." Levi asks as he hugs Rose. "It's okay baby. They're not mad at you. They're mad at your other mommy." He coos as he rubs her back. "There's a record of her suffocation. Mei called it in saying she found her daughter unresponsive." Hotaru says. Rose stopped crying. Levi kissed her forehead and Rose went back to coloring. "Poor girl. No wonder she's traumatized." Mikasa says as Marcel placed refreshments on the table. "Thank you." I say. He bows and leaves. "Did your mommy ever apologize for hurting you?" Hotaru asks. Rose nods. She holds up a paper. "This is mommy putting a pillow on me. And this is when she put something hot on my back." Everyone gasps. "Can I see that?" Rose nods and give it to Hotaru. I grab Rose and hug her tightly. I sob uncontrollably. "Don't cry mommy. It's otay. She didn't mean to." Rose wipe my tears. I place Rose on her feet. I get up and walk off, wiping tears. "Y/N!" "Go back in there Levi." I say through tears. I slide down the wall and onto the floor. "It's okay. I got you." Levi engulfs me in his arms. "H-How could she do that? And then s-say she didn't mean it? How could she lie to Rose?!" I scream. Levi rubs my back. "I don't know Princess. I wish...I wish I knew. God I h-hate her so fuckin much." Levi responds. He sniffs. "I want her dead Levi, I want her dead!" "So do I baby." "Our baby girl is mentally unstable and I can't h-handle it. It hurts so much and I'm so angry!" "I know Y/N, I know. And we'll all get through this. And it's our mission as parents to see her smile. To ease her pain and suffering." I pull away and Levi wipes my tears. I wipe his eyes as well. He kiss me. "Come on. We have a daughter who needs us." He says as he helps me stand. He takes my hand and we walk back. I look to see Kenny consoling Karina who was crying. We retreated back to our seats next to Rose. "Are you otay mommy?" I nod. "I'm fine baby." I say as I kiss her forehead. She smiles. "Rose, do you like her new family?" She nods. "Yeah." She holds up another picture. "Ta-Da! This is me, mommy, daddy, grandpa, Uncle Kenny, Kasa and Rina. And that is grandma up there. She's in heaven." She smiles. "Rose?" I ask. "Yes mommy?" "How do you know grandma died?" She shrugs. "She told me. I saw her in my dream. She said she is daddy's mommy." She points to Levi. Levi grabs Rose and hugs her tightly. He starts crying. "Even in the afterlife, she still watches over us." Hise looks up at the ceiling. "Thank you Kusheru. Please keep looking after Rose." He says. "Don't cry daddy." Rose wiped Levi's tears. "Alright, I'm going to end our session here." Hotaru announce as he gets up. He grabs the other picture Rose drew and place it in his files. He place them in his backpack. "It was nice meeting you Rose. I'll see you soon." He says as he shakes her hand. "Bye bye!" She says. Marcel escorted Hotaru out. "Can we watch school baby sitters mommy?" "Yes we can." I sit back on the sofa and place her back on my lap. Levi turns the tv on, finding the anime. "Yay!" Rose claps when it starts playing. I kiss the top of her head.
This was so sad, I almost cried🤧

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