Chapter Twenty: Bloody Tears

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Hiiiii! Thank you all for reading this! Hope all is well. Happy reading!😊

I wasn't sure which way was home but I kept walking. I felt as I was being lifted. "Put me down!" I demanded. "Not until we talk this out." Levi said as he walked to the limousine. He placed me in. "Drive." He ordered as soon as he got in. I opened the door from the other side and leapt forward, trying to tuck and roll. "Y/N are you crazy?!" He screamed as he pulled me back in the limousine. "Get off me Levi!" His tightly wrapped his arms around my waist. I tried to remove his arms then I slapped him. I slapped him again. "Would you stop it?!" He yelled as he gripped my shoulders, shaking me. My head hit the window. His eyes grew wide. "I'm sorry." "You motherfucker!" I raged. I took off my heel and started hitting him in the head with it. "Don't. You. Ever. Shake. Me. Again. Or. So. Help. Me. God. I. Will. Send. You. To. Your. Wife. And. Son!" I threatened with each hit. "Y/N I didn't mean it! I was trying to get you to stop." His nose and mouth was bleeding. "You're lucky I returned the guns or I'd blow your kneecap off." I said as I hit him again repeatedly. "You're just like your damn father. Rattle me like rag doll again, and see what happens. I promise you, you will reunite with your family." "Y/N stop it. Don't you dare compare me to him. I was trying to save you from jumping to your death." "I would rather die than to be with you right now." I spat. I was bluffing like hell. But was also very angry. "You don't mean that." I glared at him, concealing my bluff. Levi scuffed. "Are you really this mad because I didn't tell you that I was married?" He pulled out his handkerchief and wiped his nose. "Do you know how embarrassing it was to listen to her bragging? How she was your first everything? She birthed you a son Levi. A son! And you didn't want to kill her because you knew her personally? So you had me do your dirty work for you like a puppet while you pull the strings?" "Dirty wor-Y/N what the hell are you talking about? I didn't know the boss was a woman let alone her." "When you found out the boss was a woman, did you know it was her?" I asked slowly. "I got a feeling it was her yeah." "Do you still love her?" "What? Y/N stop it." "Answer the damn question Levi!" I snapped. "When I saw her, all the memories and feelings came back. Yeah. I do." "I hate you!" I screamed as I hit him again with my shoe. "Y/N stop it!" Levi grabbed my shoe and threw it out the window. "You bastard!" I took off my other shoe and hit him again. He too grabbed that one and threw it out of the window. I punched him in his face. Levi grabbed my wrists. He forced me on my back and pinned my arms above my head. He was hovering over me. "Y/N stop it!" "Get off me Levi!" "Y/N calm down!" "Or what? You're gonna hit me?" I challenged. "What? No! I will never hit you. God I'm not my father." "Then get off me!" Levi crushed his lips against mine. I bit his lower lip hard, trying to rip it off but he moaned. He kissed all over my face and then my neck. He then kissed my forehead. "Get your lips off me, I don't know where it's been." Levi sighed. "I'm sorry okay? I should've told you in the beginning so this wouldn't be a surprise. But I thought she retired or something. I don't keep up with her." "I don't want your apology." "Then what do you want from me woman?" "I want you to die." I lied. His eyes started to water. Come on Levi, can't you see? I don't mean that. I'm in so much pain I'm talking out of my ass. "If that's what you want. Then fine." He whispered as he released me. He looked out the window and I sat up. "Take me home." "We're going home." "Take me to my home. My penthouse." Levi nodded and told the Chauffeur. His phone started ringing and he answered it. "Is it another secret calling you?" I asked. "Shut. Up." He growled as he placed his hand over my mouth. "Hello?" He said. I headbutt him after removing his hand. "Dammit Y/N stop it!" I started reaching for the phone. He gripped my wrists with one hand and pinned them down. His eyes grew wide. The phone slipped out of his hand. "Take me to the hospital'." He ordered the chauffeur. The limousine made a u-turn. Levi released me and hung up the phone. "Levi why are we going to the hospital?" I asked. He looked out the window. He was silent. I folded my arms and sighed. "Stupid midget man." I muttered. The ride to the hospital was silence. Levi basically flew out of the car when we arrived. I asked the chauffeur to get a pair of shoes out of the trunk. I put them on quickly and followed Levi into the hospital. "Where is she?" Levi asked when I caught up. "The hell happened to you?" Kenny asked. Hise walked up to Levi. There were tears in his eyes. "Y-Your mother...she didn't make it." He responded as he grabbed his son, holding him tightly. "What?!" I asked completely shocked. "It was a set up. By the Sicilian Boss. Had to be. That's not a coincidence." Kenny spoke. "Where's the doctor! They need to save her! I screamed. "Ma'am we need you to quiet down." A nurse said. "No I need you to save Kusheru Ackerman. This woman needs to be alive!" The nurse shushed me again. "Don't you shush me!" I spat. I shook her off as she tried to touch me. Levi pulled away from his father and punched the wall. He created a hole. Right next to it was a hole as well, as if someone punched it. Levi sat down on the chair. I sat on the arm of the chair and pulled his head to my stomach. He gripped my shirt, crying. "I'm so sorry Levi. I wish I could take her place, I do. If I can right now, I will. I will do anything to bring her back." I said as I stroked his hair. Levi wiped his tears. "A-About earlier. Y/N I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." "Shhh...Levi don't start. Don't talk about that right now. That's not important. Okay? I'm going to talk to your father real quick." I got up. I walked over to Hise. "What the hell happened to him?" Kenny asked. "I was about to jump out of the car and when he held me I tried to remove his arms so he grabbed me and shook me. I hit my head so I beat him with my shoes." Kenny whistled. "Was it because you met his ex wife?" I punched Kenny in his nose. "That's not why I came this way. I know you're going to find those bastards Hise. And I want in. But I don't want Levi in on it. He needs to take it easy. This was his mother. I may not know her well but she was lovely. Whatever information either of you two find, do not tell Levi. Call me directly. And of course, you get the final kill Hise." He nodded. "I'm going to get those fuckers. I've failed as a husband. I've failed to protect her. Again. My men were outnumbered. I should've had more on patrol at home." "Hise stop. What's done is done. That bitch was playing dirty. She was targeting me and your wife. She was watching us for a while. But I don't know what's her motive because I killed her. Curses. Even in death she's still taunting me." "She was still upset over the divorce. After they lost their child, she did things differently which is the opposite of the Ackerman. They started killing randomly and stealing. That's why he divorced her. We're killing her entire people. Y/N are you sure you want in? Once you're in, there's no turning back." Hise asked. "I already have bodies on my gun. It's too late to turn back now. She may have been his first, but I'm his last. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm his only wife." "Hot damn, where does he find these crazy women?" Kenny asked. "Do you want a black eye to go with that nose?" I asked. He held his hands up, surrendering. "If either of you don't want to kill a woman, let me know and I'll do it. If there's kids, drop them off at the hospital. Give me your phones." I placed my phone number in their contacts. "Are we good?" They nodded. I walked back over to Levi. He lifted his head up. His eyes, nose and ears were deep red. He never stopped crying. "I got you baby." I said as I stood between his legs. I wrapped my arms around him. My eyes started to tear up as I sniffed. This turned out to be the worst Valentines Day ever.
I was so mad at Levi in my last chapter that I had to let off steam by writing another one so soon. Lmaoo and I'm sorry. I didn't want to write Kusheru off cause she's so sweet but she had to die🤧

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