Chapter Sixty-Three: The Ackerman Twins vs The Locklier Sisters

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Hiiiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This will be Mikasa's POV and will contain gruesome content. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!☺️

 Happy reading!☺️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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"I'm home!" I announce as I walk through the door. "Hey baby." Eren comes into view. "I just came to pick up some clothes." He pulls me into his arms. Eren kisses me. "I miss you." "I miss you too." I tell him. Eren starts kissing all over my neck. "How's Levi?" "You have to see the video I have of him. He tortured and killed twelve men." "Twelve?" I nod. "Twelve men raped Y/N?" "Twelve men who are rotting in hell." "Has he heard from the doctors? Any updates on Y/N?" "No. I'm so worried about her. I love her so much." "So do I. I'll ask Levi if we can come to one of her therapy sessions in the future." I nod. I walk upstairs and into our bedroom. I walk into our closet and grab my clothes. I start packing. "I know what you're going to do. You and your sister. I want you both to be safe. And I want you to come back to me. Unscathed." "You know I will." I turn to see Eren sitting down. I walk over to him. He pulls me between his legs. "I don't want to lose you." "You won't lose me. And I'm damn sure not going to die by two basic bitches." I say as I grab his hair. He pulls me down on top of him. "After this, we're starting our family. Okay?" I nod. "Okay." I smile wide and kiss him. He grabs my ass and squeeze. "Not now." I mumble against his lips. "I know. I just haven't seen you in a couple of weeks. "I'll come home more often." "Two days out of a week?" I nod. "I can do that. The weekends, I'm all yours." "I was just joking. I understand you don't have to be here." "No no. I don't want you to feel abandoned." "Honey this is a family emergency. Not a trip to Cancun. I'll be fine." I kiss his forehead. "Alright. If you want me to come home, just let me know." "I will." I sit up. Eren kisses my wedding ring. I decide to rest on his chest. Eren intertwine our fingers. "I'm in love with everything about you." "I know." I look at him. "That's why I'm your wife." He laughs. "Oh really?" "You're not wrong." "So you're really ready for a mini you running around?" "Why'd you say it like that?" "You're crazy." "And you're not?" "Oh I know I'm crazy. That's why there's no such thing as bad twin good twin with us. We're both bad." "Even still, our babies are going to have a normal life." "And if they join my father's legacy?" "They can. To whomever is born first." "Unless they're twins." "Yeah that's a possibility too." I smile. "Okay Daddy Jaeger." Eren moans. "Say that again." "Daddy Jaeger." He flips me over and starts kissing my neck.


I start to get dressed after coming out of the shower. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." "You ready?" My sister asks. "Almost." She eyes me. "What?" "Why are you looking goth? That's my thing." She pouts. "Oh suck it up Ackerman. You can still have your pig tails. And this is for one night." "The day you take my pigtails, the day I'm killing you." "Don't worry. It's not my style." I put my gloves on. "We look so much alike." "We're supposed to we're twins." I remind her. "When was the last time we dressed alike?" Karina ask as I follow her downstairs. "You have a point." Marcel helped us put our trench coat on. "Alright Levi we're off." I announce. "You two are doing this alone?" He asks. "No. Daddy is there with his men." Karina responds. "Then I'm coming too." "No you should stay with your daughters." "That bitch is the sole reason why my wife is not with me right now. I'm coming and that's final." I sigh and roll my eyes. "Alright fine. Just like you said nobody touch those men, you're not touching the sisters." I agree. "I just want to watch." He put his trench coat on and followed us out. We all piled into my car. I drive off. "Any word on Y/N?" I ask. Levi was next to me. "She's making progress. During her last therapy session, she told me she struggle with affection. She knows I won't hurt her but I can see it in her eyes that she has her guard up. She kissed me once on her first therapy session and that's it. I'm so used to hugging her whenever I see her that it's so hard to refrain from her. I just want to scoop her into my arms like I usually do. I want my arms around her waist. I want her on top of my chest. I want to cuddle with her all night." "It's good she's making progress. I know you miss her. Listen, give yourself some credit. You immediately got her help before you saw any warning signs. That means she'll be home sooner. Had you waited any longer, she'd be in there longer and it would be a lot harder. She would've attempted suicide again. Rose or Himari would've witnessed that. You saved her life. It may not feel like much but it is. You're supporting her every step of the way." "The fear in her eyes was the warning sign." Levi tells me lowly. "And you took action. Thanks to you, she's getting all the help she needs. She also has a really strong support system." I pull up to the abandoned warehouse. Karina basically flew out of the car. Levi and I step out. "Karina...Turn. It. Off." She laughs maniacally as she grabs her swords from the trunk of my car. She skips to the building and we follow. "Daddy!" Karina rush to our father and hug him. "Hey darling. I brought you a gift." He says as he points to the Locklier sisters. "Yay!" She takes off. "Hold it!" I scream. She stops in her tracks. "Remember they need to experience trauma first. But before that, let's do a little introduction shall we?" I grab Levi's arm and pull him closer to the sisters. They were chained to a pipe, sitting down. "Who are you?" One ask. Heather Locklier. I know it's her because she's the one who looks like my aunt Kusheru. My blood was boiling. "So you're the one who called the police." I say. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Heather, this is Levi Ackerman. Levi, this is Heather Locklier. A cheap knockoff version of your mother. The one who slithered her way to your father. The same one who put your wife in jail." I introduce. She grew wide eyed. "Your Hise's son?" Levi lights a cigar and squats down. He takes a long pull. "What business do you have with my father?" He asks. "I'm his wife." Levi blows out smoke. "Wrong answer." I watch as he press the cigar into Heather's skin. She screams in pain. "What's your motive?" He asks. "What? I don't have one." He grabs her face, squeezing it. "Ow you're hurting me!" "Levi!" I warn. "I won't hurt her Mikasa. Don't play stupid Loch Nes Bitch. You have a motive against my father. I know all about you and your plastic surgeon sister, so start talking." "I should have been your mother, not that goody two shoes bitch. She was so bland and boring. He ignored me throughout high school and chased after her. Nothing about her was appealing." Levi nods slowly once. He pimp slaps her, his ring leaving a mark. "Don't you ever speak ill of my dead mother again." He snaps. Levi inhales deeply. "So wait let me get this straight. You mean to tell me you've held a grudge against my father after all of these years. You then come up with some scheme which involves you to look like my mother, whom you claim has no appeal. After that, you slide your way into my father's life and to what? Take all of his money? Take his legacy? Did you think he would leave it in a will for you? You never planned on killing him. You don't have the balls to, nor do you have the intent." He says. "You think I can't kill him?" "The only thing you and my mother have in common is not having the intent to kill. She wouldn't pick up a gun to save her life and sadly she was murdered because of it. Let me tell you something. You will never be my mother. You will never be like my mother. You will never marry my father. And you will never be an Ackerman. You're just an obsessive freak who doesn't know how to let shit go." "You're right. I'll never be like your mother. I'm so much better than her." "Says the Walmart Bitch who got her face done to look exactly like my mother. Let me tell you a little story. You see, my wife is smart. She knew something was off all along. She never trusted you. She never met you, granted she knew. She never trusted your sister either. When my father told her both of y'all backgrounds came back cleared, she dug deeper. She got one of our men to dig deeper. That's when my right hand man found all the information on you. She tried to warn my father but his dumbass didn't heed her warning. Then she did what she thought was best next. She confronted him face to face, only to find out you were there. With your fake persona. She figured that he's not truly in love with you. Just the idea of you because you look like my mother. It only escalated and got physical. He put his hands on her multiple times and she shot him, with the intent to kill. And finally, you decided to call the police and give them my address." "She shot him of course I called the police, that was the right thing to do." "Wrong. That's why you'll never be an Ackerman. We never call the police. We never get the police involved on anything." "But Hise told me your wife's father was the commissioner and her ex boyfriend was a police officer." "Emphasis on was. She has never double crossed me. She hates the police. The same police who threw her father's case out like he was nothing. He served for this country in his prime as a soldier and became a commissioner. And this is how they repay him? They have yet to find his killer. And they never will." "How do you know? They might reopen it." "Because the killer is standing right over there." Levi points to my father. "Your sister's fiancée killed my wife's father before we all met each other. And don't worry, she still wants his head. And as for her ex boyfriend, she didn't take it out on him because he was a cop. But she took his head in the end for cheating on her. You called the police on the wrong one. She was in prison for four days. She was charged with attempted murder and murders that she didn't do. During those four days, she was raped multiple times by multiple men. Now she's mentally fucked and recovering as we'll because they drugged her. She herself killed five prison guards and I killed the remaining twelve. Had she not been drugged and raped, my wife would be here to torture and kill both of you. So instead, you have my psychotic twin cousins. Both have loose screws but the other one in the pigtails completely lost it right now and nobody can control her. There's no telling what she'll do. Enjoy." Levi says as he stands and backs away. I squat down in Levi's spot. I wave. "You should've dropped your grudge a long time ago. Now your sister has to die because of your stupidity. What a shame too because unlike you, she has no criminal charges." Heather spits in my face. I smile and wipe my face with my gloved hand. "Did your mother not teach you manners? Oh well. Time to suffer the consequences." I pull out a knife and grab her lips. She pulls back and bites me. I laugh. "My husband bites me harder than that." I grab her lips again and start cutting it off. Heather starts crying as she screams, shaking like crazy. I look over to see Karina chopping Joyce's body up. "Die yay! Murder yay!" "Karina!" I call, still burning the tongue. "She technically didn't do anything wrong so she deserve a quick death. No torture needed." Karina points out. I nod slowly in agreement. I turn off the lighter and turn Heather's head. "There's your sister. Well, was." I laugh. Her eyes grew wide. Karina walks over to us. She squats down on the left side of Heather. She pulls out scissors and cuts Heather's top and bra off. She then snips Heather's nipples off. "Anybody got alcohol?" I ask. "You know I always do Princess." Our father walks up to us and hands me a bottle. I pour it on her. "That should prevent you from bleeding out. Karina." I sing song say. "Anybody got a blow torch?" She asks, pulling Heather's pants down. "Here Princess." She gets up and grabs the blow torch from our father. I look at her. "I thought you were going to cut her?" "Oh I am." I watch as she shove the blow torch inside of Heather. "But I learned this from Y/N." She says, turning the blow torch on. Heather screams and shakes. She immediately starts kicking. "Okay that's enough." I grab Heather's feet. "You ready?" I ask Karina. She release Heather from the chains. We get up and carry her through another door. We strap her on a table. "Alright so this is how it's going to go down. Your arms and feet are strapped to a metal table with shackles attached to short metal chains. Additionally, an automatic metal shackle was put around your neck to prevent you from moving away. Above you, is a large contraption which holds a large blade in the shape of a pendulum. Once I close this door and the game begins, the pendulum will start to swing back and forth and would be lowered down in regular intervals. After 30 seconds it would touch your body and after 60 seconds it would kill you by horizontally cutting your body in half. To the right and the left of you are two vises with small pressure buttons behind them. To stop the pendulum, you have to insert both hands in the vises and activate them by pressing the buttons. Thereby, they would slowly crush the your hands. I add more to saw your legs as well. I added a clamp for your tongue to rip it out if you shall scream. Since you want to snitch and get people arrested." I explain. "Make your choice." I pull my sister away. We walk out of the warehouse. My father had the iPad. He press the button to close the door. We watch as the clock ticks down. "This is some sick shit." Levi points out. "The sicker the better." I respond. Heather put her hands through the vises to press the button. She pulls them out as it starts to crush her hands. She puts them back in, pressing the buttons and her hands gets crushed again. Heather screams as we watch the live footage. Her tongue is then yanked out of her mouth. She cries as the machine lifts up to release her hands. The pendulum starts to slice her. Heather screams yet again, but not as prominent as before since her tongue has been ripped off. We watch in silence as Heather's organs starts to fly out. Her organs land on something which knocks a bottle over and causes the room she's in to be set on fire. "I added the flames." My father says proudly. Not long after, her body was in half and her legs were severed too. The fire spreads quickly even outside of the room she was in. The entire building was on fire. We watch it burn down. "This is a great movie." Karina says as she laughs maniacally. "Okay Princess come here." He pulls her into his arms. "Count the kittens in your head. How many kitties are there?" Karina starts counting. We leave as the building explodes. I get behind the wheel as Karina who is now calm and Levi pile in. I drive off. "Alright which one of you psychos thought of this idea?" Levi asks. "We both did. We needed a different way to slaughter someone." "Wasn't that from a movie?" He asks. I nod. "Well she deserved it and I enjoyed every minute of it." "Good. And so will Y/N when she gets better." I add. Karina hands the iPad over to Levi. The rest of the drive was silent. I pull up to his house and park. We get out and Marcel greets us. We step in. "Burn these." Levi instructed as we take off our trench costs. I go upstairs to get undressed and shower. When I was done, I headed back downstairs, handing my bloody clothes over to Marcel. "Kasa!" I smile and pick up Himari. "Hi sweetie." "Daddy where's mommy?" I look over to see Levi holding Rose. "Mommy is still away. But she will be home soon." "Is mommy bad?" Himari asks. "No no sweetie don't ever think that okay?" I tell her. "Is mommy hurt?" "Yes." I reply. "But she's getting better. She's safe too okay." "Who hurt her?" I was taken aback by the multiple questions. This is a lot coming from a two and a half year old. "Bad people. But they won't hurt her anymore. They won't hurt anyone anymore alright? Want to help me bake some cookies?" Himari nods. "Alright but first, we have to wash your hands." I walk her to the kitchen and help her wash her hands. I wash mine as well. We make the cookies together and Rose joined in. I place the cookie sheet in the oven and help them wash the dough off their hands. I set the timer and walk out of the kitchen. They both follow me into the living room. "We're making cookies!" Himari yells as she runs to her dad. He picks her up and chuckles. "What kind?" He asks. "Choco chip!" I smile, watching them. Rose grabs her stuffed animal and climbs on the sofa. I sit down in a chair. "What do you want to watch?" Karina asks. "Encanto!" I laugh. "Encanto it is." Karina puts it on. After a few minutes, I hear a ding. I take the cookies out of the oven and place them to cool down. Once it was cool, I put them on a serving tray and place it on the table. We ate them as we watch Encanto.
I'm so glad I was able to come up with a different torture. Gotta thank the Saw franchise for that🤧

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