Chapter Seventeen: Mafia King and Mafia Prince

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"Whatever happened to you agreeing with taking it slow?" I asked Levi. "Because I love you. I couldn't help myself. Why did you say yes?" "Because I love you. I couldn't help myself." I repeated. Levi smiled and kissed me. I started playing with my engagement ring. Levi took my hand and kissed my ring. "We don't have to get married right away." Levi said. "I agree." I was in his office. Levi took a sip of his coffee. "It feels weird being in here and I'm not working for you. How's your coffee?" I asked. I was sitting in his lap. "It's good. Not as good as yours but it'll do." I took a sip of it. "You know I can just make you coffee at home." "And throw off my routine?" "Honey your routine's been thrown off the moment you fell for me." Levi chuckled. "That's true." I started to get up but Levi held me down. "Don't go." "I have to. I'm not going to keep you from doing your job." "You're not distracting me." "Even so, I have to go to your parents' house. Speaking of, do you ever plan on forgiving your father?" "No. A few apologies won't work on me. He has to show me he'll never do that again." "He knows that if he does it again, he's a dead man. I made that clear like glass." "So you threatened my father?" "Of course." "That's sexy. I wish I was there." "You had business to take care of." I said as I got up. "I'm going to go before she calls me." I leaned over and kissed him. "Be careful around my father. If he does anything wrong, kill him." I sighed. "How long are you going to keep saying that?" "Until my dying breath." "You're so dramatic. But I'll be fine. I don't think he's stupid enough to make the same mistake twice. Mafia King or not, he's a piece of shit and lucky to be alive." Levi slapped my ass when I was leaving. I opened the door and Maikya was right there with papers in hand. "Good morning Mrs. Ackerman." She greeted. "Oh please...Y/N is just fine. And good morning." I greeted back. I left out. I parked my car on the street. A hand was placed over my mouth. I started fighting. I was knocked out instantly. "So, you're finally awake." I looked around. I wasn't sure where I was. I was chained up, my feet dangling. "Who are you?" I asked. He punched me. "What do you want from me?" "Don't ask me questions." He hit me again. I spit out blood. "You're going to regret that." I spat. "Are you threatening me? Very poor choice of words for someone in your position. Brand her." He ordered. Some guy walked up to me with a hot iron and placed it on my side, branding me like a cow. I screamed in pain. I kicked him. The first guy punched me again. I felt like I was losing consciousness. "Who do you work for?" He asked. "Huh?" I asked. "Don't play dumb. I see you with him. Why are you with him?" "Boss look. She has a ring on." He grabbed my hand. "You're married to him?" He chuckled as he snatched my ring off. "You married into the Ackerman. The worst scum of them all." "Yeah and what of it?" "Do you even know their background? They're just murderous thieves. Cowards." "At least they don't hit women and children." He grabbed my throat, squeezing it tightly. "Is that all you got?" I sneered. "Choke her out!" "Levi chokes me harder than that in bed." I retorted. He punched me again. "You really hit like a bitch." "You really have a mouth on you." He took out a knife and aimed it against my neck. "I could kill you. Right here, right now." "Then do it." I encouraged. "Don't test me." "Don't test me." I mimicked. I rolled my eyes. I felt as his knife inserted in my side. I let out another scream. I panted. "Where's all that talk now huh?" "Shut up you piece of shit." He slapped me. I kicked him in his face and he fell backwards. Another guy ran up to me. I locked my thighs around his neck and twisted, killing him instantly. I let go and his lifeless body dropped. "Chain her legs!" I heard. I was losing more energy and more blood. I lost consciousness. "Boss we got the girl! It doesn't look so good." I was slowly gaining consciousness. I wasn't sure who was speaking. Probably the guy's minions. Everybody was fighting. "Take her to the hospital!" I saw two blurry figures. One looked like Levi and one looked like...Hise? I was definitely dreaming. He hates his father. I'm getting transferred to another hide out and I'm going to die. Is hospital a code word? Or did he really say hideout? My eyes fluttered closed.

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