Chapter Fifty-Two: Dear Ackermans

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

It was another night at Kenny's. I couldn't sleep yet again. It was three in the morning. I get out of bed and get dressed. I start packing my clothes. I grab a piece of paper and start writing.

"Dear Ackermans,

I can't do this anymore. I'm so sorry for entering in your lives and turning it upside down. I'll be honest and say it. All of our lives will be better without each other. Hise, thank you for raising a wonderful son. Thank you for being an amazing father to me and thank you for being an amazing grandfather to Rose. Thank you for opening your home to me when I needed a place to stay. You were right that Christmas night. Levi's life is better if he marry someone who can bear his children. Please look after Levi and Rose for me. Maybe if we didn't sleep together, it wouldn't have ended up like this. No, it would have either way. Kenny, thank you for being an amazing uncle. Thank you as well for opening your home to me. You're an amazing uncle to Rose. You're also a wonderful father to the twins. I hope both you and Hise both find someone who will make you two happy. To my favorite Ackerman twins, thank you for your support and loving me. You two really had my back. Mikasa please be kinder to your sister. Karina, please find the strength to move on from your mother. You don't need her. You have a loving husband, sister and father. Your family has your back. To my daughter Rose, I love you so much Princess. I'm sorry I won't be able to watch you grow and see your next birthday. Please don't blame yourself for this, you've done nothing wrong. You're so special and precious to me, don't ever forget that. I'll miss your smiles, your cuddles, your hugs, your kisses, your laugh and your I love you's. Please don't ever forget me Rose Amane Ackerman. And lastly, to Levi Ackerman. I'll always love you. I do apologize again for sleeping with your father. I'm sorry for entering your life. I really was better off with just being your assistant. Life would be simpler. I know that recording that had Caroline of you was in the past, but it hurts. Those words cut deeper than a knife. Especially coming from the man that I love. I always knew you weren't okay with me being infertile. I just wish you talked to me about it. We could've ended things years ago. Our love no longer exists between you and I. All we've done is throw the blame back and forth. We treated love like a sport. The final blow hit so low. I can't feel anything. The hurting keeps happening over and over again. No one deserves a love like this. So I hope one day you find the right woman who you will marry and start a family with. I'm sorry we wasted five years together. Take care of Rose for me, and continue to be an amazing father. Please make sure your wife will be kind to Rose. Don't ever let anyone hurt her.

Thank you all,


I place the letter in an envelope and seal it shut. I make my bed up and place the envelope on the bed. I grab my suitcases and head downstairs quietly. I open the front door and walk out. I left my phone and car keys on the bed as well. I walk down the street, tears rolling down my eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~~Karina's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up from a deep slumber. I was thirsty. I get out of bed. Y/N is usually awake at this hour. I think it's five am. Mikasa and I visited more to keep Y/N company. I walked out of my old bedroom and knock on hers. "Y/N are you awake?" I whisper softly. No answer. I open the door slowly thinking she's asleep for once around this hour. I didn't see a lump. I turn the light on. I gasp. I run to the bed and grab the envelope. I open it and open the letter. I scanned through it. "Dad!" I scream. I check the closet, empty. I run out and bang on Mikasa's door.  I run down the hall and open my father's door. "Dad!" I turn his lamp on and shake him. "What's all this screaming?" Mikasa asks. Our father groans. "Dad it's Y/N. She's gone!" I scream. He jumps awake. "What?!" I give him the letter. "She's gone dad." I watch has he read the letter. "Oh my god." "Her entire closet is clean." "Fuck!" "Lemme see that." Mikasa grabs the letter. Our father grabs his phone and starts dialing. "Is Y/N with you?" He asks. He placed his phone on speaker. "No. I thought she was with you?" Uncle Hise asks. "No she wrote us a letter. Come down here." "What? I'm on my way." Our dad hangs up and dials again. "Levi get your ass over here." "What why?" "Y/N's gone." "What?! Oh my god. You better not be fuckin with me." "Get your ass here now." He hangs up. "She said she couldn't be with us anymore and that she loves us. Also she's sorry for entering our lives." Mikasa says. Our father sighs as he gets out of bed. "Fuck!" He screams. I watch as he put his robe on. "Why would she leave?" I ask. "She was sick of Levi and even though she has nothing against us, we are still Ackermans." Mikasa explains. "I didn't want her to go." "I know sweetie." My father kiss my forehead. "Master Ackerman, your guests have arrived." We walk downstairs. "You!" I scream. I run over and leap onto Levi. "Karina!" My father screams. I was pounding on him. I felt as my father pull me off. "What did I do?" He asks. "This!" Mikasa shoves the letter into Levi's chest. He takes it and reads it. His hands started to shake as he read. "No." He whispers. Levi drops to his knees and sobs. "This is both of your faults! Your fault for sleeping with her and your fault for shit talking behind her back! I know Y/N is to blame for sleeping with you Hise but you should've been more of a man to say no. But you gave in. You knew she was engaged to Levi. Did you not think this will be talked about years to come? Clearly she didn't think about it either. And you Levi. How could you shit talk about the woman you love behind her back to some rebound bitch? Was the pussy worth it Levi? Huh?!" I scream. "Karina!" My father scolds. Tears ran down Hise's face. "Fuck!" Hise screams. "Somebody call her." "She left her phone and car keys here." I explain. "Well then maybe we can still catch her." "She probably took a flight an hour ago." "This isn't Y/N's fault." I turn to Mikasa. "Oh shut the fuck up Mikasa. You're such a fuckin hypocrite. Mom was decent enough to tell our father she couldn't handle this lifestyle anymore. But at least she didn't go around sleeping with someone's father." "You were mad at Levi too." "No I was mad that he got another woman pregnant. When I look back at it, he didn't really do anything wrong. But I kept my mouth shut. All of you are fucked up. So fuck all of you. This is why I stayed away from our family. You're all hypocrites. I'm a hypocrite too but at least I know that I am." I look at Levi. "Congratulations Levi. You've officially lost her. Maybe now everyone can move the hell on. It's over. That was the final nail in the coffin. I normally don't put my opinion on this but listen your relationship was never going to work out. Let her go. All y'all did was argue consistently. It was never meant to be." I storm upstairs and slam my door.
Yeah I was planning on making her leave either way, cause why not?

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