Chapter Seventy-Three: Dream Life

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Hiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. Sorry for this super late update. I've been studying and writing my Geto story. This chapter is on Christmas Day. If you don't celebrate Christmas, feel free to skip. Happy reading!😊

"Mommy, daddy wake up! It's Christmas!"

"Mommy, daddy wake up! It's Christmas!"

I rub my eyes, waking up. Rose and Himari were shaking us awake.

"Mommy's awake!"

"Good morning girls." I greet.

"Daddy wake up!"

"Daddy's not waking up." Rose pouts.

"You two go use the bathroom and I'll wake him up."

I crawl over to the other side, facing him. He was sleeping peacefully.

"Levi." I sang.

I kiss his cheek. Nothing. I blow in his ear. He twitch. I shake him.


He stirs awake.

"Good morning beautiful." Levi greets in his deep, morning voice.

I kiss him.

"That face of yours is the best thing to wake up to." He smile at him.

"The girls have been trying to wake you, you know."

He stretches and sits up. He pulls me close to him.

"I still can't believe we're having our very own baby together. It feels so surreal."

Levi rubs my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet them."

"Patience my love."


The girls come back in and climb onto our bed. I move out of the way a bit as he hug them.

"Good morning princesses." He kiss their cheeks.

"Morning daddy!"

"Daddy it's Christmas!" Rose exclaims.

"Yes it is sweetie. Let's go see what Santa bright us."

I pick up Rose. Levi grabs Himari and we make our way downstairs.

"Good morning Marcel." We greet.

"Good morning Ackerman family, and Merry Christmas."

We place them on their feet. They rush to the tree full of presents.

"Do you think we went overboard?" I whisper.

"No. I think thirty presents each is enough." Levi whispers back.

We sit on the floor, helping the girls unwrap their gifts. With our combined gifts, the girls received some from Hise, Kenny, Karina and Aerocelli, and Mikasa and Eren, Berry and his new wife, and Amira. Levi grabs a gift and gets up. He helps me up. We walk into the kitchen.

"Marcel. We want to thank you, for everything you've done for us. You are an outstanding butler and an exceptional person." Levi says.

"Thank you Master Ackerman. It is my duty to be one hell of a butler."

Marcel continues to cook.

"So we simply want to send you to a one month well deserved vacation." Levi continues.

Marcel stops and turns to us.

"As generous as your offer, I must politely decline. No one else can do my job."

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