Chapter Sixty-One: Therapy

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Once again, this will talk about rape. Feel free to skip. This is still Levi's POV. Happy reading!☺️

I sit down with Y/N. This is her first therapy session since her incident. "So tell me what happened." Hotaru says. I grab Y/N's hand and squeeze it. She was wearing short sleeve so I could see all of the needle marks. "Five guys tried to gang rape me. I killed them all. Two were on life support but died shortly after. I don't know who but someone decided to drug me as the better option. So they injected me with Fentanyl. My body was weak. I wasn't alert anymore. I was...relaxed. I couldn't put up a fight anymore. They would take turns with me. All ejaculating inside of me because I'm infertile. I was their sex pawn." "Did they make you perform oral sex on them?" Hotaru asks. Y/N was silent for a minute. "Yes..." she finally says. I close my eyes and inhale deeply. "I'm s-sorry I cheated on you again!" She wails. "Oh baby..." I pull her into my arms, squeezing. "You didn't cheat on me. You never did. Not the first time. Not this time. Please stop blaming you. It's not your fault and you didn't deserve this." I console her. I keep squeezing her and rub her back. She continues to sob, her body starting to shake. She shakes violently. She stops crying. "Y/N?" I pull away to look at her. She keeps shaking. "Baby Are you okay?" "Fuck she's going through withdraws." Hotaru says as he frantically jumps up. "Shit!" I scoop Y/N up into my arms. "I need a doctor!" I scream as I run. Nurses come out and take her from me. I follow. "Sir you can't come in here." A nurse hold me back. "That's my wife!" I scream. I drop to my knees and start crying. I feel so helpless. It's like I can't do anything for my wife. "I'm truly sorry man. Come on. You need to talk this out. I would like to know why you have bruises on your hands." Hotaru says as he pats my back. I nod a d stand up. I wipe my tears. I follow him back. I sit back down on the sofa. "So, what happened?" Hotaru asks as he writes down. "I called my father-Hise over. He doesn't deserve the title father. I told him what happened to her. I then got him to tell me what happened. How it all started and escalated to her being thrown in jail." "And what did he say?" "She was trying to warn him about his fiancée and his brother's fiancée being iffy. That their background checks might not have been thorough." "How did he respond?" "He told me he called her delusional. In denial. Jealous because she couldn't have him. She slapped him once. They've said a lot of foul things too far. Her final response was him being dirty sleeping with an Instagram famous woman and he might catch a disease. He slapped her. Then punched her in the stomach. When she kicked him he then slammed her into the dresser. That's when she shot him. His fiancée called the police and gave them our address and that's how Y/N got arrested. I completely lost it. My dark impulse came back. I can't really tell you what happened. But the last thing I remember is that I kept hearing this voice. Y/N's voice." "You heard Y/N's voice?" I nod. "What was she saying?" "She kept begging me to stop. And she said: 'This isn't his fault! He didn't rape me. I don't care that he hit me but please don't kill him! He's your only parent left.' I saw a blurry silhouette of her as well. That's when I saw my nanny and Himari was crying. She saw me get violent." I reiterated. Hotaru nods and writes. "I think it's because every time she's saw me like this, she'd jump in front of me to protect them. When she first found out that I'm the Mafia Prince, she protected Johnny without even knowing him. She jumped in front of him and shielded herself in front of him while I was in mid swing. She did it to Hise too on Christmas after he talked about her infertility and slapping my mother." Hotaru quietly writes. "How do you feel about all of this?" "I'm going to kill them." "I didn't ask that. I ask how do you feel?" I was quiet for a minute. "I don't know. Mixed emotions. Anger. Rage. Hate. Guilt. Regret." "Guilt? Regret?" Hotaru raises an eyebrow. "I should've ran down to the precinct first instead of going to the hospital first. I should've gotten her out of there sooner. Should've went down there with her to see Hise. She goes through so much and I don't know why she put up with me. I never wanted her to be with me. Because of my lifestyle. But she didn't care. Now I can't even touch my wife. I'm afraid I'll trigger something." "It's going to take a long time to for her to be intimate with you again." "I know. I'm willing to wait." "Even if it takes her fifteen years?" "Yes." "Even if she never wants to be intimate with you again? A man has needs." Hotaru press on. "I'm a man of my word. But it won't take that long. I don't even care about that. I want to make sure she gets better. Physically and mentally. I won't let this trauma define her. She's not a rape victim. She's not a rape survivor. That's not who she is. She's Mrs. Ackerman. She's my wife. She's a fierce independent woman who is vulnerable right now. She's the mother of my daughters. She's the head of every Ackerman household. She is herself. She is the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. Sure, I'll have needs but I will never cheat on her. It's not worth it. I know what it'll do to her. She'll kill me. But even so, I don't desire other women." "You know she had an affair with your father when you were married to another woman with amnesia and drugged. That was you at your worst. She had needs." Hotaru points out. "The fuck are you saying?! I cannot fault her for that anymore. She was at her worst too. I don't like it but I know she regrets it every day. She's a good woman. It's not like she had eyes for him the entire time. Those two grew closer together just like I grew closer with Mei during that time. But I will never willingly cheat on her. I don't want to hurt her, myself or our daughters." Hotaru nods. "I didn't say it to antagonize you. Just pointing out facts just to see how far you'll go to be there for her. I've been in the line of work for years. I can't tell you how many times I witnessed men abandon their wife during their most emotional, traumatic, vulnerable in time of need. It's only rare when a couple stick it out no matter what. I've witnessed a few women abandon their husband too. I'm rooting for you two. I'm not saying this because your father pays me well, but I really like you two. You guys are my favorite couple. My favorite client. I'll do everything in my power to help her get back on her feet." "Im going to kill them. But before I do that, I'm going to torture them slowly. Make them wish they were dead. Y/N doesn't want me to kill them. But I know deep down she does. Because if that happened to anyone else, she would kill those men herself. As for Heather Locklier, my right hand man Johnny is going to have someone kill her while in prison. Her sister will be next too. Different timing." Hotaru nods. He starts packing. "Call me whenever you two need me." I nod and get up. I give him a hug. I walk to a nurse. "Can I see my wife?" I ask. "She's sleeping I can't." "Please?" I beg. She lets out a sigh. "I really shouldn't. But...come on." I follow her down the hall. She stops at a door. I give her a pleading look. "I am soooo fired." She mumbles as she unlocks the door. "I got you." I tell her as I walk in. I slowly climb into the bed. I pull Y/N close to me and stroke her hair. I kiss her forehead. Y/N stirs awake. "Hey baby. I didn't mean to wake you." "What happened?" "You suffered from withdrawals." I explain to her. She sighs. "They can't give me medicine to calm me down from my withdrawals." I kiss the needle marks on her arm. "I'm always going to be here for you. Always." "Promise?" "With my dying breath." I tell her. Y/N press her lips against mine. I freeze. I kiss her back slowly. "I'm sorry." "Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." "But we can't have sex anymore." "I don't care about that. I care about you. Your mental health." I tell her. I wipe a fallen tear off her cheek. "I'll get better soon." "No don't rush it baby. It'll backfire and blow up in our faces. I wouldn't leave you but years from now you could break down." I hear the door open. "Mr. Ackerman, it's time to go." I sigh. "I have to go home baby. I kiss her forehead and get up. "Kiss the girls for me." "I will." I walk out. "Thank you." I tell the nurse. She nods. Another nurse walks out. "Mr. Henderson would like to see you Keiko." I watch as they walk off. I leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. A few seconds later, Keiko comes out crying. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" I ask as I catch her arm. "They fired me for letting you see her. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I have bills to pay and this job pays so well." "Work for me." "What?" "I said work for me. My personal doctor could use a nurse." "You mean it?" "Yes. I got you. But you will have to sign a non disclosure." She nods. "I can work with that." "I'll have my lawyers draw it up and we'll go from there. Don't worry about how much you'll get paid. It'll be enough to buy yourself a dream house if you have one. Built from the ground on up." "Who are you?" "A very powerful and successful man." I tell her. She grabs a paper and pen. She writes and hands it to me. "This is my number." I take it. "I have to go get my things and I'll go home." "I look forward to working with you." I say as I walk out of the building. I get into my car and drive home.
This is probably the third best arc I've ever written. The Sicilian Mafia arc was amazing. Mei's revenge arc was amazing and now this one🤧

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