Chapter Thirty-Eight: Mafia King vs Mafia Prince

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Hiiiiiii! I took like three naps so I'm up now Lmaoo. This contains explicit content. Happy reading!☺️

I open my eyes and rub them. I was in Hise's arms as he slept. God I feel so bad for Kusheru. I didn't mean to do this to her. Repeatedly at that. I start to sit up. Hise pulls me closer. "Go back to sleep Princess." He mumbles in his deep morning voice. I knew he wasn't fully awake yet. I sigh. "Hise..." "Please don't." He says. I start to remove his arms. Hise starts to wake up. He looks at me. "This'll be the last time I get to be like this with you. Why can't we just stay like this?" "I'm not Kusheru, Hise." "I know that. But please. Just a little while longer?" Hise's eyes were pleading with mine. "Alright fine." "Can you do me one more favor?" "What?" I ask. "Can you let me love you goodbye?" "Hise we just-" "Y/N please?" I search his eyes. They were really pleading. What's one more time? "Okay fine. But this is it Hise." "I know and I promise." I press my lips against his. He kiss me back and roll on top of me. He trail kisses to my neck as he holds me gently. I let out a moan. I hate that he makes me feel this way. I'm so sorry Kusheru, I really am. I really hope you can forgive us. Hise looks deeply into my eyes. "I-" he cuts himself off by kissing me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he enters. We both let out a moan. "Princess." He says as he thrusts slowly and deeply. Hise intertwined our fingers and raised them above my head as he thrusts. "Hi-Hise." "Shhh. Let me love you one last time." He holds me, and plants a long kiss on my lips and he continues his slow deep strokes. We moan in each other's mouth. I bite his bottom lip. His eyes rolls back. "Fuck." He whispers. He starts to roll his hips. I love when he does that. I dig my nails into his back, sliding them down. I grab his ass, making it bounce slowly. I pull him down closer and moan in his ear. I love when every part of him touches me delicately. I hear him moan in my ear and my breathing picks up. I start to pant. "Breathe slowly my love." Fuck his voice is going to be the death of me. Hise holds me close to him as one hand slowly grabs my ass. He squeezes it and massages it in circles, his heavy breathing again my mouth. "Oooh god Hise please." I beg. He was feeling too good. "Like this Princess?" I nod as his hand kneads my ass, his strokes switching patterns. Hise starts to stroke harder but not faster. He hits my spot my legs start to shake. "Hise!" He looks into my eyes deeply. "Come for me princess." He hits my spot repeatedly and I release all over him. His came shortly afterwards. He holds me, never breaking eye contact, breathing heavily. "Hise-" "Shh. Please don't ruin this moment." "I'm not." Hise pulls out. He collapse beside me. "Now I know you're not the type to end it all like that. Don't disappoint me Ackerman." He turns to look at me. "I-" "Shut up. You want this pussy now take it. Now get on your elbows and bend your legs behind you and sit on them." He did what he was told. My back faces on him as I slide down onto him. "Oh fuck Princess." I get on my knees and lock my legs underneath his. Hise starts thrusting as I bounce on him. I throw my head back matching my pace with his. I can feel how deep he is inside of me. I stop bouncing and wine my hips. I lean forward, wining my hips as I clench around him. Hise grabs a lock of my hair. I grip the sheets and as I pull myself all the way forward, sliding to the tip. I ram myself back down on him. "Fuck!" Hise gasps. I do that repeatedly. I switch to arching my back. I throw my ass back hard. "Shit wait!" I throw my ass faster, feeling Hise grabbing my waist tightly. I start to slow down. His lifts me off him and turn me around. I was facing him. He lifts me up, spreading my legs wide open as he holds them and pounds into me. "I got you Princess." He moans. "Fuck I got you." I close my eyes, letting him destroy my pussy. I became sore again as I never fully recovered from last night. My endorphins kick in on overdrive, turning the pain into pleasure the moment my stomach hurts. Hise release my legs and I bounce on his dick again. We released in sync. His kissed the based of my throat. I get on my toes, wining my hips in circles. "You're going to make me cum again." Hise groans. I look at him. "Then do it, Mafia King." I encourage, as I keep riding him while on my toes. Hise pulls me off, placing me on my stomach. He gets on top of me, entering slowly. I feel as he kiss my neck. He starts bouncing as he thrusts, sliding his hand on top of mine. His fingers close on top of mine as my ass bounce. It's a nice rhythm. I feel as Hise's other hand slides down to my clit. I feel as he rubs my clit. I hush out a moan. "Hi-Hise!" "Shhh...don't speak, Princess." I let out a jagged moan as my breath hitches and pant heavily. "Cum for me. One last time for me, Mafia Princess." Both of his hands were on top of mine, holding me down as our waist moves in sync. I moan loudly as I release my climax. Hise joining in seconds later. I feel as he collapse on top of me. He place a kiss on my neck before pulling out. I turn over. He kisses me deeply. I kiss him back. Hise search my eyes. He gets up and puts his pajama pants on, the only thing he wore last night. "Everything alright?" I ask. Hise leaves out. "Hise!" I call as scramble out of bed. I throw on my pajamas. I follow him downstairs. "Talk to me." I say. "There's nothing to talk about." I follow Hise into the living room. He pours himself some whiskey. "Go back upstairs Princess." He says before gulping down his drink. "Talk to me!" Hise pours another round and drinks. "Don't start that drinking. You've been doing so well." Hise sighs. "I'm not. It's just-" "Just what? Huh? Why do you keep cutting yourself off." I gasp. "Is it me?" I whisper. "Yes." I shake my head and walk off. His grabs my wrist. "That's not what I meant." "Really? Cause you just said my sex was bad Hise." Hise wrapped his arms around me. "You got it all wrong. Your sex is incredible Princess." "You slept with my father?"  I turn to see Levi standing there, stunned. Hise dropped his arms. "Son-" "Don't! How could you? Both of you?!" "Well Levi, shit happens. And we're already broken up." "We didn't break up!" "Really? Because you screamed that we're over before tossing me and my suitcases out. The look of hatred in your eyes. Because according to your wife, I'm the delusional ex who cheated on you and had a baby by another man." "I was brainwashed!" "That look of hatred was worse than when you said you hated me last time...when you grieved your mother." "I was-baby I'm sorry." "If you didn't notice, I reminded you that we're over in front of Nanami." "No. No no no this can't be happening. You and him? My father of all people?!" "Didn't you say that about Dazai Osamu as well?" "Y/N he's the Port Mafia. At least he wasn't my father." He glared at Hise. "God do you even love my mother?" "Of course I do! What kind of question is that?" "Then why are you fucking my wife behind my back? Hm?" Levi approach his father. I jump in front of them. "Don't start anything." I warn. "Do you two have feelings for each other?" "No." "Yes." We said in unison. I look at Hise. "What?" Hise takes a deep breath and exhaled deeply. "I fell in love with you. And that's why I wanted to make love to you one last time. So I could move on. But it just made it harder." Levi punches his father in the face. "Levi!" I scream, holding him back. "Let me go!" "Levi stop!" I yell. "Son I'm so sorry." Hise apologies. "How could you do this to me? To mom?! Remember her? The woman you loved? The woman you married? The woman you buried?!" "Son I still love her. And I know she would be disappointed in me considering I fell in love with Y/N." "You Damn right she will be disappointed you worthless piece of shit!" Levi turned on me and pushed me hard out of the way. My body flew to the glass where Hise kept his whiskey. I went through it, the bottles and glas surrounding me. I watched as Levi start hitting his father repeatedly. It was his dark impulse. I scramble to get up, adrenaline kicking in. I pull Levi off his father and his elbow hits my stomach. "You hit her!" Hise screams. He gets up and starts pounding on his son. I haven't saw his dark impulse since Kusheru died and we got revenge on her. "Stop please! You two are going to kill each other!" I pull Hise off Levi. I crawl between them. "Both of you stop it!" I yell. "Oh Princess your head's bleeding." Hise says. I touch my forehead and look at my fingers. They were covered in blood. "I'm f-fine. It's...just a little...blood." I say. Hise's face became blurry and his voice was distorted and fading away.


I open my eyes slowly. I sit up. I was on the sofa. "Oh thank god. Baby I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. Please know that I didn't mean it." Levi hugs me and starts crying. I pull him off me and get up. "Both of you need to stop fighting, alright?!" I yell. Levi sat me back down. "Don't get up. You might have a concussion." "I don't care about that." I say, trying to get up again. Levi held me down. "Look, I'm trying to prevent your injuries from getting worse. Please don't be stubborn." "Get off me!" I bark at Levi. He gets off me and starts laughing. He laughs maniacally. "Wanna explain what's funny?" I ask. "All of this. All of it. You sleeping with my father. Him falling for you. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for her. She split us up. I can't even be mad at either of you. It happened because I as your husband wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. I'm not justifying him falling in love with you but that's why it happened. And he saw in you what I see in you. I can't blame him. Does it hurt? Fuck yeah. He's my father and you're my wife. He's not supposed to see you that way. But he can't help with who he falls in love with. He was there when I couldn't be. I wouldn't be surprised if you fell for him too." "She doesn't love me. And she never will." Levi glares at his father. "She can speak for herself." Levi looks back at me. "You went through so much throughout our entire relationship. And that bitch took me away from you. I am right here for you. Even if you don't love me, I'll wait for you. But right now, that home wrecker needs to go. She's the real enemy. Then we can start over and go from there." Levi continues. He opens a ring box. My ring box. He takes out the ring and slip it back on my finger. I start to take it off. "Don't you dare take it off." Levi warns. He kisses my ring and looks up at me. "You will always be my wife." "We live together. We ride together. We die together." I automatically say with Levi. He smiles wide. "Force of habit. Don't get too full of yourself." I say. I search around. I find my phone and make a phone call.
Pfft NEVER breakup a male fight. Anyway, Love You Goodbye by One Direction popped in my head so this is why Hise gets one final action with Y/N. 2022 and these mfs still own my life.

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