Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ackermans Annual Family Reunion vs Daiki

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"How is it, that you go about defining good and evil? I'm only using what the gods gave me. I want you to kill one more." Happy reading!☺️

Based off a lot of digging, I found out that the police plan on ambushing us

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Based off a lot of digging, I found out that the police plan on ambushing us. I was able to report the date and time. Under Levi's orders, Johnny planted crumbs so they'll be able to find out where we live. It's not our actual address but a castle that Levi recently bought. It has nearly two thousand bedrooms. Nobody is making it out alive. Kenny and Hise with their men are here as well. Marcel, Levi's butler is a trained assassin. He and other group of Assassin butlers will be guarding the grand hall that will be filled with servants and doctors to aid the injured. I was putting my long velvet gloves on as Levi strapped my shoes for me. He stood me up and kissed me deeply. It felt like another goodbye kiss. "Whatever happens, I'll always love you. For the rest of my life and through the end of time. Even in the afterlife. I will look for you if I'm ever reincarnated." Levi told me. "Why does it feel like we're about to die?" I ask. "Cause we might." He replied as he strapped a holster to my inner thigh invisible to others. He placed a gun in it . "We live together. We ride together. We die together." We said in unison. It felt like Deja vu. I was wearing a long black maxi dress with double high slits. Levi was in one of his brand new suits. We both had gloves on. He took my hand and escorted me downstairs. Hise and Kenny were at the bottom of the stairs. Kenny whistled. "There's the Ackerman's hottest couple. Ready to get down and dirty cupcake?" Kenny ask. "What's an Ackerman family reunion without a little blood bath?" I say as I hug Kenny. All the Ackermans are here. All except anyone who isn't married into the family (I'm excluded) like Eren Jaeger, kids, pregnant or elderly. I tried to talk the women out of it but they don't listen. Especially Mikasa. It turns out she's trigger happy, meaning she loves to kill. There's another one name Karina who is sweet but she'll cut you. She loves anything sharp. She is Mikasa's younger twin sister. Identical to the T. To tell them apart, Karina keeps her hair in either pigtails or double buns. Long story short, the Ackermans are crazy. With Hise, Kenny, Levi and me with all their crew; that makes one hundred-fifty of us. But with the entire Ackermans here, it's a total of five hundred of us. Daiki plan on bringing multiple Districts with him. "Now we can finally be rid of that little boyfriend of yours." I take off my glove and slap Kenny. "See why do you always have to ruin the moment?" I ask. "That sting like a bitch." He whined. "You'll live." "Come on no time horsing around." Hise said. We follow him to the grand hall. We familiarized the navigation of this castle. "Alright everybody listen up!" Levi yells. I was standing beside him. Kenny and Hise were behind us. They chattering died down to silence. "Today is the day we take down Daiki Aomine. He has been hunting us down for years. And thanks to my lovely wife, she was able to find out all of their information including when the invasion will happen. There are five hundred of us but don't get cocky. I don't want to see any dead bodies other than theirs. This is also a very large castle. Please grab an earpiece so we all can communicate. If you get injured, the code for backup is Raven and say your location. Then you use Grand Hall Grand Hall when you are close so the butlers can expect you. This isn't a competition on who kills the most." Levi said as servants walked around with trays filled with earpieces. "When do I get to slice somebody?" Karina whined while licking her sword. "Soon sweetie." Levi answered. She pouts as she folds her arms. Her pigtails swings. Karina already let her crazy out. "Now I know our rule is no women and no children. Today is an exception. There will be female cops. Shoot them dead. Do not hesitate. They are here to take us down. But we are not going down. We've been in this castle for a month so you all better know this place from the back of your hand. They don't know it like we do. They will get lost. Some will find hiding spots to sneak attack. Counter it. It's kill or be killed. Show. No. Mercy. If you encounter Daiki, do not kill him. Lead him to my wife and I. Use code name: Kuroko No Basuke when you send him our way. Lead him to the office on the lower level. Do I make myself clear?" He continued. There was a round of applause and cheering. I grab an earpiece, placing it in my ear. The purging siren blared. It's silent to the outside but loud for us to know something's wrong. "They're here!" I announce as I silence the siren. Everyone started to descend. "Come with me." Levi said. He pulled me away before I could respond. He took me to an office on the lower level. "Where's the office desk and stuff?" I ask when Levi sat me down on a throne. "We don't need it right now. This is where we'll be when Daiki arrives." "I'll be sitting in this throne?" "Yes, Princess. And I'll be standing right behind you." I turn to look up at him. "I set this plan up because I know you don't want to wait here for a long time until he arrives. That way you get to kill some cops before the final kill." He explains. I smile wide and he kisses me. I stood up. We grabbed two guns out of the office and we left out. We too split up. I didn't like that idea but Levi insists it was better that way. I encountered a cop and shot him in the head. I kept walking. There's not a second that goes by without the sound of guns going off. I saw Hise. He was fighting a cop. I wasn't sure why. He ended up shooting the guy. He then quickly shot at me. I turn to see a body drop. "Watch your back Princess." He says. I nod. "Thanks." I kept walking. I turn a corner to see Karina dodging bullets. She somehow manages to run up the wall. She pushes herself off the wall, flying into the air. Her body spins as bullets fly past her and she chops the female cop's head clean off. Karina lands on her feet. "Winner!" She cheers as she stands with two thumbs up and a huge grin. "Note to self, do not piss Karina off." I mumble. This couldn't be real. I swear I see this in movies. This girl is a different breed of crazy. "Good job!" I praise. I start to walk away. I hear Karina behind me, skipping. She really has a childlike sadistic side. She visualize the killings like a game. Five cops came towards us. Karina took off. Her blades were moving like propellers that's how much of a blur they were. Each bullet hit her swords. Karina moved her body like a tennis player, swatting their own bullets into the cops, killing them. What the fuck? "Five hundred points!" She shouts. I'm guessing each cop must be worth a hundred points each. I gotta ditch this girl. She's gonna give me nightmares. You can definitely tell she's Mikasa's twin sister. They're both crazy. "Raven! First floor Northeast Hallway." I hear into the earpiece. I take off, leaving crazy ass Karina behind. I head towards the Northeast Hallway. Aerocelli was holding his side. There was a lifeless cop on the floor. I help him up. "If you die, I'll kill you." I threaten. We start to walk, his weight on me. As we turn the corner, there were cops. I start shooting. Each person, getting shot in the head. "Nice shots." "Thank you." We kept walking. "Grand Hall, Grand Hall!" I call as we got closer. The doors opened. The doctors grabbed him from me. "Kuroko No Basuke!" Daiki. Someone is leading him towards the office. I run into Kenny. He was fighting a cop. This cop looks like he works out too much. Like he eats metal for meals. Is this even legal? I guess he passed the drug test with no drugs in his system. Kenny was actually beating the cop's ass. Are his muscles just for show? Then within the next second, Kenny broke the cop's neck. "Took ya long enough." I complain. "Awe shucks if I'd known you were here, I'd make it more entertaining." Kenny teased. "Kuroko No Basuke." I hear again. Kenny was panting. "Fuck I need to retire soon." "You need to run on a treadmill." "You see these muscles girl?" "That doesn't mean you're not out of shape. Just like that cop you killed. It's all for show." Two tall blonde guys in uniform came to us. "I must break you." One said in a Russian accent. "Fuck he called in the Russians?!" I scream. "Twins at that." Kenny added. I pulled the trigger on my guns. I was empty. They laughed. "Please tell me you have rounds." "I'm all out Princess." "Shit why does this always happen? First with Hise and now you?" "We're bad luck." Kenny joked. "Kenny!" I hiss. I toss my empty guns at them. They both dodged. "I know the Ackermans are known internationally but dammit! Russians? Really?" "That's your boyfriend." "I'm so gonna kill you." "I look forward to it." They had to be at least two hundred-eight centimeters tall. If you convert that it's at least 6'8. My short ass probably looks like an ant to him. "Kuroko No Basuke." Damn he's getting closer. "Go, Princess." "I'm not leaving you. You'll die." "If it means protecting you, gladly. Maybe you can kill me in the next life." "The only person killing you is me." I remind him as they charged at us. I got punched in the face. My head flew back and my eyes watered. I saw stars, white light and spirits. Damn that hurts. I blocked his next hit. When I hit him back, he just stood there. He couldn't even fake a flinch for me. What is he the Terminator? Rambo? "Raven! H-" "Don't! We got this." Kenny cuts me off. He was slammed into the wall. His body actually went through it. "Kenny!" I scream. I dodged a hit but he ended up hitting my stomach. I doubled over, falling onto the floor. His big heavy foot slammed into my back. He kept stomping on my back. I cough up blood. My vision was getting blurry. Kenny was getting his arm broken. He screamed in agony. I felt as a hand go up my thigh. Fuck. I forgot a had a loaded gun on me. I heard the gun click. I close my eyes. Turn. It. Off. I open my eyes. I couldn't feel my back being stomped anymore. But I can still hear it. I grab his foot, twisting it with one hand. He falls onto the floor and the gun goes off. He starts to crawl away. I grab my gun and unload it into his body. Each round more sinister than the last. The other twin rushed over. He dropped down to his brother, holding him into his lap. He lets out an angry cry. He glares at me, then he mumbles in Russian. He charges at me and I kick him, my stiletto heel going into his eye. He screams again, my heel sliding out of his eye. His eye ball popped out. He squeezes that one eye shut and bangs on his chest screaming. I let him hit me. I smile. "You hit like a bitch." I sneer. He throws another punch and I catch it. I squeezes his fist breaking his fingers. He uses his other hand and I catch that too. I squeeze that fist as well. I bend his wrists backwards. I kick him hard in his chest, dislocating his shoulders out of socket. He continues to scream. He falls down on his knees. "P-Please!" He begs. "Mercy! Please-" His words were cut off as I twist his head off. Blood squirt out of his head and I shoved his body backwards. I toss his head in the air and kicked it. "Holy shit what the fuck?!" I hear. I was busy playing with the head. "Y/N?!" "Son she's not herself. She's that killing machine I was telling you about." "What's that word then?" I look over. I charge towards the two men. One severely short and one taller. "She's coming!" The short one said. I jump up and kick them both at the same time. "Dammit Hise what's the word?!" The short one screams after he fell. "It starts with a P. Pasta!" The other guy shouts. "What?!" "Pepperoni!" "Pizza!" "Pineapples!" I get closer to then again. "Poetic Justice!" "Think dad!" I grab the short one by his throat. "Paraquay!" Everything went black as my body drop. I gasp awake. "Kenny!" I shout. "Hey hey! It's okay." Levi said to me. I was in his arms. "Are you okay?" He asks. "My back hurts like a bitch. I was being stomped on by a Russian twin and Kenny... where is he?" I ask. "My father took him to the grand hall." I look in time to see Karina use a double barrel shot gun. As my vision clears, I notice it's actually Mikasa. The female cop was reaching for her gun. Mikasa shoots, the shot going through a cop's neck. Her head was shot off. It flipped in the air. "Bullseye!" Mikasa screams as she jumps in the air. "Holy shit! Did you see that?" "Yes. And we're going to talk about what you did later. But right now, we need to get you to the grand hall." "No no I'm fine. Just take me to the office." "Baby you're badly injured." "She'll be fine." I hear another voice. I look to my other side. It was Karina. "Oh no! You scare me. Back the fuck up!" I make a cross sign with my two pointer fingers. "I rebuke you!" I freak. "Y/N!" Levi scold. "You are just as crazy as I am. I saw what you did. And I approve." Karina skips ahead. "What does she mean by that?" "Later. I'm taking you to the office." "Kuroko No Basuke." I hear. "That's the final call." Levi announce as we reached the office. Karina opens the office door. Levi places me in the throne. He stands behind me. Mikasa enters along with Hise. Mikasa stood on my left side and Karina stood in my left. Hise stood behind me, next to Levi. Mikasa clocks her shot gun. I look to see Karina wiping her swords clean and humming. Daiki walks in with a few cops. "Well hello there." I greet. "If it isn't the Mafia King, Prince and the Princess." Daiki says. "This is your ex girlfriend?" One of the police officers ask. He chuckled. "Man you must've really hurt her if she went over to the dark side." I let out a sarcastic laughter. "I doubt it." I add. "How is it, that you go about defining good and evil?" I ask. "I took an oath to protect and serve. I'm only using with the gods gave me." Daiki replied. "I want you to kill one more." I signaled. Levi, Hise and Mikasa shot the cops in their head. Daiki starts to shoot. Karina uses her swords and swings the bullets into the wall. She was behind him instantly, her sword at his throat. "Easy. Let's use words." Daiki pleads as she press her blade slightly deeper in his throat. Blood trickled down. "One false move and she will kill you. I can't control that one. She has loose screws in her head. In fact, so loose I don't think they're in there." I explain. "Can we talk?" Daiki asks. I sigh. "Fine. Karina, let him go." "But-" "Karina!" I scold. She pouts and walks back. "Oh man!" She whines. "I'll let you burn this place  later." I promise. "Speak." I tell Daiki. "Y/N you don't want to do this. I know you're still hurt but please don't go down that road. There's still time. I can pull some strings a-and you won't go to prison." I snort. "Me? Hurt? Nah I'm good B." "You don't know how silly you look. Poor innocent Y/N got her heart broken and so the Mafia Prince sweeps her off her feet. Sweet talking her. Manipulating her. I get it now." Daiki spat. "I'm just itching to kill him. Please let me do it. I wanna splatter his brains all over this room." Mikasa announces. "Mikasa hush!" Hise scold. "Mission complete." I hear in my earpiece. "Any last words?" I ask Daiki. "He promised to give you the world didnt he? I know because I told you that same lie. Wait until he finds out you can't have kids. He'll do exactly what I did. If he's not cheating on you already." "Poor choice of last words." I say as I quickly grab my gun off my lap and shooting him in the head. His gun went off and a bullet came towards my way. Karina swings her sword and the bullet goes through the door.  "That piece of shit was speaking for too long!" Levi's voice boomed. "I know. My bad that's on me." I apologize. I get up. Karina was slicing the cops bodies and chopping them up including Daiki's. "Die yay! Murder yay!" She screams and giggles. "Karina!" I pull her off. She struggles. "Drop the swords. Come back to reality." She continues to struggle. "Mikasa come get your twin!" Believe it or not, Mikasa is the more sane twin. Mikasa grabbed the swords and hugged her twin. I let go. "Come on. We need to go back to the Grand Hall." Levi takes my hand and leads me out. We all walk to the grand hall. "I sure am gonna piss this place." I say." We walk over dead bodies and I slip. Levi grabs my waist. "Careful. There's a lot of blood." He says to me. There's not a single space without a dead body. We enter the Grand Hall. It was fully decorated. I ran to Kenny and hugged him. "I really thought you died." He laughs. "It's only a broken arm. I've had worse. Good to know that my killer cares about me." I grab him my his throat. "You scare me like that again and I'll kill you." I warn. He nods. I release his throat. I follow Levi. "Well done everyone. We are finally free of those chains. I'm sure they'll probably have some other lapdog to harass us again and we'll exterminate them immediately." Levi says in his normal tone since we still all had on our ear pieces. There was a round of applause. The servants and butlers were serving food and alcohol. "I know this isn't a normal family reunion but, when is our family ever normal? Anyway until we're stalked again, we can take a deep breath. We've succeeded and we will always succeed." Levi and I takes a champagne flute off a tray a servant had. We raise our glass. "To the Ackermans!" Everyone cheers as they raise their glass. Levi kisses me and leads me to the table. He pulls my chair out and I sit down. "Are you sure you don't want a doctor to check you out?" "Naw I'm good." I tell Levi as I take my earpiece out. We start to eat. "Hey killing machine. Wanna explain what the fuck you did?" Kenny asks me. "Huh?" I stupidly asks. "You don't remember? You murdered two body building twins." Kenny answers. Shit did I black out? I haven't done that in years. "I told you she turns into to a killing machine." Hise says. "Baby you ripped his head off and played with his head. Who are you?" Levi asks. "You saw that?" "The entire thing. We came rushing when we heard you say Raven. But by the time we got there, one twin was dead and you were torturing the other one. Then you attacked my father and I." I gasp. "That was you? Oh god I'm so sorry." I apologize. "It's okay. Remind me to not piss you off." Levi laughs. We continue eating and talking.

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