Chapter Seven: Mr. Ackerman

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Hiiiiiii! I wanted to say this is a one week time skip. Still on vacation. Happy reading!😊

For the past week, we've done everything I could think of. Shopping, sight seeing, going to see a movie, you name it. Levi even rented out a yacht for us. We were eating breakfast that the personal chef he hired cooked. Levi returned my phone to me this morning. I was browsing on social media when an article caught my eye.

"Officer Aomine Daiki hospitalized after a brutal beating. He's currently in a coma. We're unsure if he's going to make it." It said. The article was three days old.

"What?!" I shouted as I jumped up.

"What's wrong?" Levi asked.

"I-I have to go. Daiki...he's in the hospital. He might not make it." I rushed upstairs. I started packing.

"Why are you packing?" Levi asked.

"Because I need to leave."

"Why? He's not your boyfriend anymore."

"Because I'm a decent human being who wants to make sure he's okay." Levi grabbed my wrist, stopping me from packing.

"He left you. He broke your heart. He lead you on for the last two years while he got himself engaged to someone else and impregnated her. He doesn't care about you. And I promise you that if the roles were reversed and you were in the hospital, he wouldn't drop everything to see you while y'all are broken up."

"I don't care about any of that!" I broke free and continued to pack. Levi started unpacking as I packed.

"Mr. Ackerman!" I yelled.

"Y/N why are you so eager to be by his side huh? He has a fiancée and a child waiting for him. He doesn't need you."

"Because I have to! Now will you stop unpacking?"

"Do you still love him?" Levi asked.


"Do you...still love him?"

"Of course I still love him, he was my first everything okay?!" I answered. Levi started packing my clothes.

"If you want to go, then go." His tone was cold. I sighed.

"I can't do this right now with you Mr. Ackerman."

"I'm not doing anything." He went inside of the drawer and grabbed my passport.

"Can I have that?" I asked, frustrated.

"Sure. You can have it back." He took out a lighter from his pocket and set my passport on fire.


"What the hell did you do that for?!" I asked, snatching it from him. I tossed it in the bathroom sink and turned the water on. It was too late. I stormed back out and got in his face.

"Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to you to deserve this?"

"You're pissing me off. You're really ready to end your vacation early just to be by his side. What happens if he wakes up and he doesn't want you there? Not to mention his fiancée wouldn't want you there. Stop trying to run to his side!"

"With all due respect Mr. Ackerman but my private life isn't your business."

"It is my business Y/N."

"How is it any of your business?"

"Because I-" he cut himself off and sighed.

"I'm not really good at expressing myself."

"Then try."

"Why go rush to aid a man who treated you so wrong when someone who loves you is standing right in front of you?" Levi cornered me into the wall.

"M-Mr. Ackerman?" I stumbled.

" me Levi." His lips connected to my neck.

"Levi?" I squeaked.

"Yes?" He asked. His kisses sent tingles down my body. He looked at me.

"I wanted to tell you tonight over dinner but you were so eager to leave I didn't have a choice." He lowly said in my ear. Chills went down my body. Levi backs away.

"You-You're serious?" I asked. I cleared my throat.

"Why me?"

"Because of who you are."

"Why be with someone who can't have kids?"

"I'm not him Y/N. I'm still going to love you no matter what. I'm not trying to rush you into anything, I just needed to tell you." He sat down on my bed. I unfolded my arms and walked in front of him. He opened his arms and pulled me close. His arms felt good around my waist. No no this can't be happening. He's my boss.

"I know what you're thinking. That I'm your boss. But I can't help it. For months I've been trying to figure out my feelings between you and Amira. As my feelings for her faded, yours became stronger. And I didn't want to admit that to myself. How could I fall deeply in love with an employee? I only had a crush on Amira. I then started noticing changes in you. Changes that I didn't like. At first I tried to ignore it but over time your changes became more noticeable.

The day you told me what he's done to you was the day I wanted to hold you in my arms. I saw the pain in your eyes as you tried to hide it. And when we ran into him, I saw you becoming angry. I wanted to kill him but you jumped in front of me. You touching my chest shocked me. There was butterflies in my stomach. And the look on your looked drained and defeated. That's when I finally admitted to myself that I'm madly in love with you and I will do anything for you.

I've been feeling this way for three months. I don't care if we never end up together. I just want to see you happy again, with or without me. But please don't go back to that bastard. I can't stand to see you hurt."

"It's hard to see my future without him. And I so desperately want to forget his entire existence." I sighed.

"I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy."

"Okay we can try. But we're starting off slow." Levi stood up and kissed me. It was our first kiss. He pulled me closer to him. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I don't want anyone to know. Not even Amira. And especially not Barry." I told him. He smiled in between our kisses.

"That's fine by me baby." His voice sent another chill down my spine.

"Sorry about the passport." He mumbled against my lips.

"That's alright. I'm glad you stopped me from making the biggest mistake of my life."

"I'll have another one sent here for you before we go back home." I started digging in his pockets and grabbed the lighter.

"Have you been smoking again?" I asked.



"It calmed my anxiety whenever I thought about telling you I love you but couldn't."

"No more smoking. It's gross and it's not your style."

"I know. I'll stop."

"You can talk to me about anything."

"I know and I will." I felt as he rubbed my back.

The Mafia Princess: Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now