Chapter Nine: Back Home

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. This is a small time skip. This is another explicit content. Minors DNI. Happy reading!😊

We've spent two weeks in the States. Sadly all good things must come to an end. It was back to our fast paced lives. I was currently stirring his coffee. I stopped and walked into his office. I placed it in its proper position and wiped the brim. I placed the paperwork on his desk.

"Good morning Mr. Ackerman." I greeted.

He closed the door and walked over to his desk. Levi pulled me onto his lap as he sat down and kissed me.

"You have to behave!" I whispered.

He kissed me and placed his hand up my skirt, tugging on my underwear. I felt his fingers rub me and I yelped.

"Shhh...or they'll hear you." He whispered as he covered my mouth.

Levi inserted two fingers and I let out a muffled moan as his other hand covered my mouth still. He wasn't playing fairly. He removed his fingers and placed them in his mouth. I went in my jacket pocket and dropped down in front of Levi.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

Ignoring him, I unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. I placed on his cock ring. I tucked him back in and zipped his pants. I stood up and walked towards the door.

"Y/N!" Levi hissed.

"Take it off I have meetings today." I laughed and walked out.

I went to go clean the coffee maker and spoon. I cleaned the counter as well. I walked to my desk and sat down.

"Hey are you feeling better?" Amira asked.


"Mr. Ackerman said you called in sick."

"Oh yeah. It was a horrible flu." I lied.

"Those suck. How are you feeling? Are you finally over you know who?"

"He can choke for all I care." Amira squealed and clapped. She hugged me.

"It's good to have you back! By the way you look a lot happier. Who got you smiling like that?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"No one. I binged watched romantic movies so they're stuck in my head." I lied.

The elevator opened his first appointment arrived.

"He's in his office you can go right in." I said. I pulled out the remote to the cock vibrator.

"So I've found this remote and I'm not sure what it does." I lied.

Confused, Amira grabbed it.

"Never seen one of those before."

"You think it belongs to a car?" I asked.

"No I don't think so." She pressed the on button.

I watched as Levi jumped. I stifled a laugh. I watched as she turned the vibration up. I leaned over the desk and pushed her hand to turn it all the way up. I could see Levi trying his hardest to keep his composure.

"Oh well I'll keep it in case someone comes to claim it." I said as I grabbed it from her.

I turned the vibration off and placed it in my pocket. I started working on my computer as Amira left. Throughout the first half of my shift, I played with the remote as he was in multiple meetings whether in person, virtual or over the phone. I ordered his food for lunch, making sure the same chef was cooking it. Unexpectedly, Barry dropped by.

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