Chapter Fifty-Five: The Ackermans vs The Grandparents

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. This is like a two week time skip. This will also contain gruesome content. Happy reading!☺️

 Happy reading!☺️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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I've been home for two weeks now. Everything's amazing. Still a little foreign to wake up next to Levi but I'll get the hang of it. Kenny gave me my phone back and I turned the service back on. I was in bed with Levi, curled up together. It was another weekend. Maria taken the girls out to the park to give Levi and I some alone time. "Babe..." Levi trails off as he intertwine our fingers. "Yes?" "I want a baby." He mumbles as he kiss the back of my hand. "We have two girls." "I know. But I want to experience pregnancy with you." "You know it it costs thousands of dollars for an IVF right?" "So? Let's try it." Levi hovers over me. "You're serious?" Levi looks me in the eye. "Dead serious." "Okay we can try. It's never a complete guarantee." "It's worth the risk." I smile and kiss him. Levi smiles back. My phone rings. "Don't answer it." He says as he kiss my neck. I reach over and grab it. I look at it. "It's Maria." "Tell her thirty more minutes. Get them ice cream or something." He suggests. I answer the phone, trying not to moan. "Hello?" "Y-Y/N!" Maria screams into the phone. "It's Rose, she's gone! I was pushing Himari on the swing. Rose was in the sandbox with the other kids. I took my eye off her for one second to take Himari out of the swing and she was gone. An older couple put her in the back seat of a car. I took a picture of the license plate I'll send it to you now!" "What?!" I screech. I push Levi off me and jump up. "Get Himari and come straight home." I hang up and scramble out of bed. "Babe what's wrong?" "Get your father on the phone. Get Johnny on the phone. Rose has been kidnapped and it sounds like her grandparents took her." I explain as I put on a black suit, skipping a bra and shirt. "What?!" Levi grabs his phone and starts dialing. I call Kenny. "Hey Princess-" "Get your ass in that car, somebody took Rose. Let the twins know. Get your men. It's fuckin war. I'll text you the photo of the license plate." I hang up. "I need you to do me a favor." Levi says in that tone. The same tone he used when he got my ex jumped. Shiver went down my spine. Levi puts his suit on. Maria sends me the photo of the license plate. I create a group text and send it there. "Find. Them. NOW!" I demand in the text. "On it boss." Johnny texts back. My body started to tremble. Fear. Rage. Hatred. Malice. This is my baby. "Hey hey. We will find her. You have my word." Levi promises. I nod as he grab my head and plant a kiss on my forehead. I hear the front downstairs. I race downstairs with Levi on my heels. I grab Himari and hug her tightly. I kiss all over her face and she giggles. I place her on her feet. "I'm so sorry! It all happened so fast I-I couldn't do anything to stop them." Maria cries out. I pull her in for a hug. "It'll be alright Maria. We'll get her back even if I have to die. Just do me a favor right now and watch Himari. Marcel? Man the house. If they're not an Ackerman or our men, shoot them on the spot. Bullet to the head. Matter of fact, call the Ackermans butlers. I don't want another incident to happen like it did to Kusheru." I instructed. Marcel nods once. "As you wish Mrs. Ackerman." I follow Levi out of the house. We get into his Lamborghini. Levi speeds off, tires screeching. Johnny calls me. "Talk to me." I put him on speaker. "I got their location. First off it's indeed Mei's parents. Also Daiki's parents are tailing behind them. They're heading East onto the highway as we speak." Levi heads East. Levi was silent the entire time I had Johnny on the phone. Levi pulls up and parks. We jump out. "Is this and abandoned building? Levi I don't like this. This is a set up. They set us up, they set us up, they set us up!" Levi hands me two guns out of his trunk. As if on cue, people were shooting out of the windows of the abandoned building. Levi tosses me to the grown and hovers over me. "Karina!" Levi yells. "Yes?" "Turn it off!" She laughs maniacally. "My pleasure." Karina licked her swords. Levi looks at me. "Turn. It. Off." He demands. And just like that, I snapped. I get up. I scope out the windows. Sixty four windows up front. Only twenty people shooting. I move from behind the car and start shooting at the windows. I shoot each person in their head. When I ran out of bullets, I grabbed the shotgun from Kenny and start blasting. All I heard was me clicking the shot gun and me firing off. A bullet come towards my way. I move to the right, out of the way. I drop the shotgun and grab a gun from Johnny. I shot the last person in the head. "Let's move!" I ordered. I was given two more guns. We all walk in, Levi on my left side and Hise on my right. We all start shooting as we walk in. Mikasa blows a hole in someone's chest. "Bulls-eye!" She screams. We all split up. Levi stayed with me. "We ran into a group of men. Levi started spraying them with his semi automatic. We kept going. Each level was filled with men. No sign of Rose. If they hurt my baby, they'll wish their parents had an abortion. I felt Levi's dark impulse radiating off of him. There were times he beat someone to death. Anybody who tried to intervene got their ass whooped by me. I broke one guy's leg. His bone was hanging out. I grabbed that bone and yank it out. He screams in agony. "Fuckin bitch!" I smile. I take that bone and pry his mouth open. I shove it down his throat. He chokes. I watch as he choke to death, laughing. Levi pulls me away. A guy comes at us with two swords. I watch him intently. "I'm all out." Levi tells me. Every fucking time I'm with an Ackerman, we run out of bullets. He swings his blade towards us. I push Levi out of the way, getting cut on my arm and face. He swings them like a helicopter in front of my face. I calculate his twirls. "Come on Bitch!" He screams. "Watch that bitch word." He charge in front of him and bend always backwards like I'm in the Matrix. I grab both of his hands and break them. He screams. I break it in the other direction making sure his bones pop out. I catch both swords. I throw one towards Levi's direction as I ram the other one in my left hand through the guy. I hold his body up in the air and he dangles on the sword like a selfie stick. Blood gushed out of his mouth. I shake him off. I twirl the knife and instantly sever his head. His body drops while his head hits the wall and roll. I look at Levi who was holding the other sword. I start walking, with Levi on my heels. People start shootings at us. Levi gets in front of me and spin the sword swatting away every bullet, sending it back to every owner. Levi and I picked up their guns as we continued moving. A big tall guy comes at us. Fuck! Why is there always some big tall dude? I run up the wall as he starts running. In mid air, he grabs my leg and swing me. I slice that arm off. I fall down as he screams. I take my sword as I'm between his legs and slit his body upwards in half. "Mommy! Daddy!" I hear. "Rose?!" I scream. "Mommy!" I run to the window. She was being escorted into the car. She had a bomb on her. I throw my sword out of the window, watching as it goes through one set of her grandparents. They fall backwards. I jump out of the window. "Y/N!" I hear faintly as I land on my feet. My feet throb as I run towards the car. "Don't move!" Another set of grandparents appear in view. I held my hands up in the air as a gun was pointed to the back of my head. Rose was crying. "It's okay sweetie. Mommy's right here." I watch the numbers decrease on the bomb rapidly. It's around her head, indicating that her head will pop off the moment the time runs out. The other one was on her chest. Less than sixty seconds. "You should have given her to us. I know you killed our son. Going around playing house. You're not her mother and you never will be." The gun clocks back. "Any last words?" "Rose, duck." I say calmly. I hear as rounds go off. It stops shortly after. The bodies behind me drop. I run to Rose. "Be still sweetie mommy will get this thing off you okay?" "Okay." She nods as she cries. "Think about Himari. How old is Himari?" "T-Two." "Good sweetie. What's grandpa's name?" "H-Hise Ackerman." I take the bomb off her neck. "You're doing good sweetie. Now I want you to sing with me okay? It's going to be twinkle twinkle little star." Rose nods. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are." We sing in unison. I take the last bomb and place it in the car. I pick up Rose and take off. I shield her as the car blows up and my body is flown to the ground. I look at her and kiss her forehead. "Mama's got you alright? Always and forever." I get up, holding Rose. I carry her to towards Levi's car. Everyone catches up to us. Levi runs and snatch Rose out of my hand. He hugs her tightly. "Paraquay!" My body drops. I stir and open my eyes. "What happened?" I sit up quickly, banging my head. "Ow! Rose! Where is she?" "Calm down baby. She's fast asleep in the back seat." I look behind me to see her asleep in the booster seat. I smile. "Next time please tell me when you're going to jump out of a window." I look at Levi confused. "I jumped out of a window?" "A five story window." I look down at my feet. "No wonder my feet hurt." I look at my arm. "You was cut with a sword. You don't need stitches, thankfully." Levi pulls up to our home and parks. We get out. He grabs Rose and carries her. Marcel opens the door. "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman. It's good to see Rose is back. I must warn you, there was a home invasion. Nobody but the intruders were harmed." I smile and pat Marcel on the shoulder. "My man. We really need a vacation." "Nobody does my job like I do, so I respectfully decline." I pout. "Alright let me know when you change your mind." Maria runs in. "Rose!" She starts crying. "Shh you'll wake her." Levi says as he heads upstairs. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Ackerman." "It's not your fault. It just means they were planning this for a while. And you're not fired. Go relax." I tell her as I follow Levi upstairs. I walk in Rose's room to see he placed her in bed. He kiss her forehead. I place a kiss on her forehead as well. We leave out and I close the door behind me. I follow Levi into our room. "Looks like Rose is going back into therapy." I announce. "Yeah it looks like it. I'll talk Maria to speak with Hotaru as well. I know she's traumatized." We take our shoes off and get in bed. Levi pulls me down on top of him. "I hope we never experience that again." He says. "Agreed. Because I will burn the building down just to look for either one of them." Levi chuckles. "Me too." I close my eyes as he rubs my back. "Hey." "Hmm?" I ask. "I love you." "I love you too Levi." I listen to his heartbeat and his breathing. It puts me to sleep instantly.
My poor baby Rose🤧

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