Chapter Fifty-Eight: Johnny's Twenty-Four Hour Mission

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Hiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This is a trigger warning that this chapter will specifically talk about rape and rape kits. Feel free to skip. Also this will be from Levi's POV. Happy reading!☺️

"Why is my wife still in jail?!" I scream at Johnny. "I know we're doing everything we can but it's not easy." "They just sentenced her to life in prison!" "She confessed to shooting your father. They're finding out how many bodies on that gun and charged her for every murder." "She was supposed to be home four days ago." "I know. We raided the evidence truck. Everything was sealed in a bag in a cooler. We were going to unplug it but we found rape kits. We cannot let those rapists DNA get ruined so we let it go." Johnny explains. "Oh my god." I say as I sit in my chair at my desk. "Did you-did you make sure everything was back in the cooler? Did you make sure all rape kits were back inside the cooler?" "Yes. I triple checked." I sigh a relief. "Good. They don't need to get away with it." I was quiet for a minute. "Don't worry, Y/N is going to come home. The plan still is in session." "How many were there?" I ask lowly. "Huh?" "How many rape kits were there?" I ask again. "I don't know." "Roughly?" Johnny shrugs. "Probably thirty. The cooler was mostly full of them." I cover my face with my hands. My phone starts ringing. I look to see a strange number. "Y/N?!" I scream into the phone. "No it's me." I immediately hang up, blocking that number. I've blocked my father's number and every number he's called me on including Kenny's. Kenny comes over so he knows I have nothing against him. "Relay this message to Hise. If he wants to start atoning his sins for hurting her, then he needs kill every rapist in and out of jail. Doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, multibillionaires, college students, coaches, relatives, firefighters, paramedics, cops, prison guards, celebrities, all of them. I don't care if they move out the country. Find every case record that's been thrown out. He can start with every rapist that walked before getting to the imprisoned ones." "That's going to take the rest of his life." "Exactly. My wife is in prison because of him. I just know those prison guards will try to take advantage of her. The only way they can succeed is by drugging her because she will kill them and I wouldn't put it past them. Get my wife out of there in twenty-four hours or you're dead." I warn Johnny. He nods. "You're dismissed." Johnny walks out of my office. There was a knock on my door shortly afterwards. "Come in." Amira walks in. "Any luck with Y/N being released?" She asks. "No." I sigh. "Go home Mr. Ackerman." "I'll be fine." "You're a wreck. Go home and spend time with your daughters." "They're fine-" "Levi!" Amira scolds. "Go. Home. I can take care of things for you here." I stare at Amira. For the first time in her life, my partner yells at me. "You have too much on your mind. I got this, now go." I get up and hug Amira tightly. "You're the world's greatest business partner." I say to her. "I know now go." I pull away and grab my trench coat. I walk out of my office. Amira doesn't know anything about my lifestyle still and she doesn't know why Y/N's in jail. I get on the elevator down to the parking lot. I get off and get into my car. I drove off towards Rose's school. I pull up and park. I get out, walking up. "I'm here to pick up Rose Ackerman." I say to the front desk. "Name?" "Levi Ackerman. I'm her father." "Can I see your identification card please? It's for security reasons." I take out my wallet, pulling out my card. I hand it over. She swipes my card. She looks at the computer and hands the card back to me. "She's in room 14B." I thank her and walk off. I walk down the hall and knock on the door. A few seconds later and a woman open the door. It was Asami. My body filled with rage. "Yes, can I help you?" She asks. "I'm here to pick up my daughter Rose." I say. She opens the door and I step in. "Rose. Your father's here." She announces. Rose gets up. "Daddy!" She runs to me. I bend down and hug her. "Hi sweetie. I'm going to ask you some questions okay? You're not in trouble. Alright?" I whisper on her ear. "Okay." "Did that woman hurt you in any way?" "No." "Are you telling me the truth?" "Yes daddy." "Okay I trust you honey. Go get your things." I pull away and stand up. Rose comes out shortly. She zip up her coat and I grab her backpack. I place her hat and mittens on. I pick her up and walk out. "Sweetie what happened to Mrs. Cortez?" I ask. "She got sick." "And how long was this lady your teacher?" "Mmmm....two days." "Thank you." I walk out of the building and to my car. I place her in the car seat and strap her in. I check to make sure she's secured repeatedly. I get behind the wheel and drive off. I wait until Rose is asleep before I call Johnny. "That bitch was in Rose's school." I growl. "What? How?" "Apparently she's now a substitute teacher. I went to go get my daughter to bring her home early and that bitch was in my face. Pretending like she doesn't know me. You have twenty three hours to bring my wife home and go through with the plan Johnny." I say before hanging up. I pull up to my house and get out when the gates closed. I grab a sleeping Rose and walk up to the door. Marcel opens it. "Good afternoon Master Ackerman. You're home early." "Yeah I just can't focus on work right now." I say as I walk in. "Daddy!" Himari runs up to me. "Hey princess." I bend down and pick her up too. "Your sister's sleeping so you have to be very quiet Okay?" She nods and I walk upstairs and into my room with them. I place them on my bed and take my shoes off. I place Rose's backpack on the chair. I take off her shoes, hat, mittens, and coat. She stirred in her sleep. I place the blanket over her and kiss her forehead. I turn to Himari. "What do you want to watch Himari?" I ask as I turn the tv on. She shrugs. I flip through the channels. "That!" "No." I tell her. She pouts. "Don't look at me like that sweetie please? It's a scary movie. It'll scare you and give you nightmares Okay?" I say as I pull her into my lap. I kiss the top of her head. "Otay!" I flip the channels again. "How about this?" I ask her. "No." "You don't like Dr. Dolittle?" She shakes her head no. "Rosie said animals can't talk." "Well she's not wrong." I agree. "Mummy please!" I thought about it for a second. I start looking for How To Keep A Mummy. "Yay!" I chuckle and watch it with her as it plays.
I love his relationships with his daughters🤧

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