Chapter Sixty-Nine: Kenny and Y/N

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

I wake up to my phone ringing. I groan and grab it. It was Hotaru calling. "Sorry to wake you Mrs. Ackerman. Your husband has called me for an emergency session today and want you to come." I jump up. "Wait already? Why the rush? Why not schedule? Are you not busy?" "I dropped my other clients last year when you went into rehab." I rub my eyes. "Oh." I yawn. "What time are you starting?" "Noon." I look at my phone. In two hours. "I'll be there." I get out of bed. "No matter what he says, do not let him drop out again. That's an order." I say. "Understood. See you in two hours." Hotaru hangs up. There's a knock on the door. "Hey good morning Princess. Breakfast is ready." Kenny announce. "Rose need to be in school!" I panic. "I took her to school already. We were all involved with helping Levi with the girls." I sigh a relief. "Come on before food gets cold." I follow Kenny downstairs. I wash my hands and sit at the table. "Where's Himari?" "She likes to read around this time." Kenny inform me. "Jeez it's like I don't know them at all." "Don't blame yourself. You've been home for less than a month. We don't expect you to know everything quickly. We're here to do everything to help you two." I take a sip of my coffee. "Can you watch Himari for me? Hotaru called and said Levi's doing a therapy session at noon." "I got you." We finish eating Inamura grabs our dishes and takes them to the kitchen. I walk upstairs and get in the shower. I get out shortly after and get dressed. I put on a white button up and some slacks with heels. I walk into the room Himari's in. "Hey baby girl. I'm going out for a bit but I'll be back soon." "Where are you going?" "To support daddy while he gets help. You remember when you, Rose and daddy came to support me?" She thinks, then nods. "That's what I'm doing. In the meantime, you'll be with uncle Kenny." "Otay." I kiss her cheek and walk downstairs. "I'll be back." I say as I grab Kenny's keys. I get into his car and pull off. I drive home. I really miss Levi. I hope he's okay. I pull up to my home and park. I get out. Marcel opens the door. "Welcome home Mrs. Ackerman." I smile and walk in. I walk into the living room. Levi was on the sofa and Hotaru was on the sofa. "Glad you could join us." Hotaru greets. Levi jumps up and rushes to me. He hugs me tightly. I flinch and stand there. Levi pulls away. "Baby...are you scared of me?" Levi asks slowly. "I don't know. I just...I don't want you to become violent." "Y/N I'm a violent person. That's my lifestyle." I nod. "I know." "But I will never hurt you. Or the girls." I wasn't sure if I believed that part. I walk to the sofa and sit. Levi sits next to me. "Alright let's get started. Tell me what's on your mind." Hotaru say. "I feel like I won't be satisfied until my-Hise is dead." "What keeps driving you this way?" "I can't stop thinking when she was taken from me. When I put her in rehab. Every day while he was in a coma, I hoped no I prayed he wouldn't make it. He's the one enemy who is still alive. And you know they don't make it. Now he's walking and contacting me. I don't want him alive." Hotaru starts writing. "Will you be happy once he's dead?" Hotaru ask. "Yes." "Let me ask this again. Will you truly be happy once he's dead?" "I said yes." His tone was cold. It sent chills and my spine. Hotaru writes again. "Why? He's your father." "As a father, he's supposed to protect his family. He failed to protect his wife and failed to protect his daughter." "Levi I'm fine." "No please don't defend him. We don't need him. The girls don't need him. Kenny has been a better father than Hise ever has. I see him more of a father. He's been supportive for the past year. He's more precious to me than Hise." "Do you think you have too much hatred your father?" Hotaru questioned. "Hell no." "I think you do. I don't think all of it is towards your father." "The fuck are you saying?!" I flinch and take a deep breath. Hotaru stares at me. He writes. "I'm saying that you have inner hatred. Along with guilt, regret and resent. You chose to go down to the hospital and not the police station first. You suspected her suspicious activity but didn't think too much of it. You didn't go with her to see Hise. You couldn't prevent her from getting arrested. You couldn't protect her while she was in prison. You couldn't stop the guards from-" "Stop!" Levi cut Hotaru off. "Stop." He whispers. Tears roll down his face as he grip the fabric of the pants on this thighs. I pull Levi into a hug and squeeze him. "It's okay Levi." "I've failed as a husband. I've failed to protect you!" Levi cries. I rub his back. "It's okay Levi." "No it's not! If-If I went with you, this wouldn't have happened." "What's done is done. I can't hold you for that." Levi pulls away. "Why are you with me? Why do you put up with me? Why do you put up with my family? You can get out of this. My lifestyle is the reason why you were taken away from me." "It's because I love you. I want to be here. Don't blame your lifestyle for what happened to me. It would happen regardless, no matter what reason I was arrested for. There are sick fucks in the world. Or your father wouldn't be catching bodies left and right." I wipe his tears as he nods. He turns to Hotaru. "Thanks doc. I'll schedule a proper appointment for next time." Levi thanks. "This session isn't over. Y/N, you need to get whatever you need to say to Levi off your chest." "I'm alright Hotaru. This is about Levi not me." I reject as I get up. "Sit, down." Hotaru demand. I sit down quickly. "If you don't do it now, it will blow up in both of your faces. Now, I've noticed you've been flinching around Levi. Why?" I remain silent. "Why?" Hotaru press on. "Levi confronted his father yesterday. It escalated so quickly. He was so angry and violent. He played Russian Roulette on Hise then made him do it to himself. I tried to stop him. Levi ordered Kenny to hold me down if I get up. I was begging and pleading but he wasn't listening to me. He made me watch. I-It felt like I was losing my father all over again. It reminded me of when Hise tried to commit suicide after Kusheru was murdered. I couldn't take it. It was like I didn't know who Levi was anymore. Being restrained by Kenny felt like I was back in prison." I admit. Hotaru writes. "Do you feel safe around Levi?" "No." "Do you think he will hurt you or the kids?" "I-I don't know." I answer truthfully. "I'm sorry Levi." I couldn't look him in the eyes. Levi grabs me and I flinch. He pulls back quickly. "C-Can I hold you?" He ask. I nod. He slowly wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I'm so sorry about yesterday baby. I was insensitive and didn't think about your well-being. I could say over and over again that I will never hurt you or the girls but I will show you. You three are the light at the end of my dark tunnel. I'll do whatever it takes so you will no longer be afraid of me. So you can come home and feel safe. I'll work on bettering my mental health." I nod as he held me. "I'm gonna go back to Kenny's. I don't want to overuse him for watching Himari. I'll be back before your next session." "Don't. Don't force yourself Y/N. I'm not saying it to be mean but not until you feel safe and comfortable." Hotaru advised. I nod as I stand. Levi gets up. "Can I kiss you?" I nod. Levi leans in slowly and kiss me. I kiss him back. He pulls away. "I love you." "I love you too Levi." I waved to Hotaru and leave out. I get into Kenny's car and drive off. I want to be by his side every day. Hotaru's right. I don't want anything to backfire. I pull up to Kenny's home. I get out and Inamura greeted me. "I'm back!" I announce. "In here!" I walk into the living room. Kenny was drinking a beer. I look at Kenny. "What?" He asks. "I can't do this anymore." "Do what?" I let out a sigh. "You're not leaving Levi again are you?" "What? God no!" "Good. You have a habit of doing that." "Kenny!" He chuckles. "So what can't you do anymore?" "I don't have the urge to kill you anymore." Kenny chokes on his beer. "Say what? I killed your father." "Don't push your luck." "So why the sudden change of heart?" "It's not sudden. It's been like that for a while." "I knew we shouldn't have told you I'm the twins' father." I roll my eyes. "That's not the reason." "Then what is?" I sit down on his sofa. He sits on the table in front of me. "I've been in rehab for a year. And during that year it's clear that you and Levi have gotten closer. He even told Hotaru that he sees you as a father more than Hise. At this point I don't even know how long Hise is going to live before Levi kills him. I hope he never kill his father but that's wishful thinking. Levi needs you. Rose and Himari needs you. Yes the twins need you too. They're both married and at some point they will start their own family. Their kids deserve to have a grandfather since Annie walked out on the twins. Levi is now your son. I can't and I won't take you away from him. And I need you to give me away at our wedding." I explain. Kenny blinks at me. He pulls me in a tight hug. "You've really gone soft kitten. But if you change your mind, I still want you to be my killer." "I'll keep that in mind. It's your fault that he's gone but it's the entire police department to blame too. For tossing his case out and not finding you." Kenny pulls away and looks at me. "I never knew how to tell you this b-but..." Kenny stammers. He swallows. "I heard around that his final words were that he was sorry and he loves you." "What?" I lowly asks. "I should've told you sooner but I wanted to tell you that before you killed me." "I had an argument with my father right before you killed him." I laugh without humor. "I can't even remember what it was about." "I really am sorry for killing him." "I know. I can tell you've been atoning for it." "I have. And it really hurt yesterday when you told Levi why he shouldn't kill his father. Because I took yours away from you. And now your daughters will never meet him. I never thought I would ever regret killing someone." Kenny chuckles. "You sure have a way of coming into our lives and changing us all. You make my nephew happy. The twins look at you as a sister they've always wanted. You've had the balls to stand up to Hise and challenge his authority. You beat my ass nearly every day. Kusheru loved you. You saved both Hise's and my ass from the Locklier sisters. You're an incredible mother to Rose and Himari. You've made a lot of mistakes but that's what makes you human. We're not perfect and we can't judge you. You're the most amazing woman to walk on earth who walked into our lives. You're loved, cherished, treasured, respected, and protected by us all. If any of us make you feel less than, please kill us. We love you Mafia Princess." Kenny place his hand on the back of my head and kiss my forehead. "You're getting soft on me Kenny." "It's your fault killer." He jokes. "In all seriousness, I have a soft spot for the women. And I wish my sister picked up a gun. I also should've stayed behind but knowing her, she would've talked me out of killing them. She never liked when I killed in front of her. You remind me of my sister a lot. I just wish she would be able to kill like you can. Maybe if she lived a little longer, you could've encouraged her to do it. You can be very persuasive." "You think I can persuade Kusheru to pick up a gun? She's so pure hearted. That's like asking me to slap a puppy." "The twins tried but failed. But they also came off strong cause they're both crazy. They got that from me obviously. You're crazy too. Even though Mikasa is level headed, she's not really good at convincing." I nod. "Ah so manipulative." "You said it not me." I laugh. "Still. She was like a new born puppy born into a life filled with vicious wolves." "And I've failed to protect her." "No you didn't." "Y/N she's my sister and she's gone. I-I can't get her back. Oh god I can't get her back." Kenny dropped to his knees and start bawling his eyes out. "Hey hey!" I drop down and pull him into my arms. "Don't start blaming yourself. You've done everything to protect her for years." "She's gone!" He cries. "I know. And I know how much you miss her." Kenny looked up at me. "I'm gonna kill him. He failed to protect his wife. My sister! And I never got back at him for hitting her." I shake my head no. "You're thinking irrationally. Your emotions are everywhere. Don't go recklessly killing." "Why not? The twins hate him. His son hate him. He has no one." "He has my daughters." "That's the only reason why you're keeping him alive and you know it. How long can you protect him before Levi just say fuck it and cancel his father's life subscription?" "I don't know Kenny. I can't answer that." "He killed my sister Y/N. He has her blood on his hands. He might as well pulled the trigger himself." "Kenny it wasn't premeditated. She was set up. We all were." Kenny starts crying again. I rub his back in circles. "Think of the bright side. Her killers are all dead. None of them are walking around peacefully. They're all resting in piss. I know it hurts." "It's karma. I got my karma. For killing your father. I took someone precious from you and someone precious was taken from me. My baby sister. Tit for tat." Even I can't lie about that. He makes a valid point and I can't deny that. I hug Kenny tighter. I start humming a lullaby as I hold him. He's been holding it in for what, seven years now? He's not the type to show his emotions. Even though he accepted both of their fates, still it's his sister. Who he grew up with. Whom he protected all his life. Kenny pulled away and wipe his tears. He plants a long kiss on my forehead. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that Princess." I shake my head. "No no it's fine. It's good to see you vulnerable. You're not a complete sociopath after all. No wonder Annie wanted you back." "She was sick of my shit." "I'm sure she found someone who truly didn't care for her and that's why she tried to crawl back." Kenny chuckles and sniff. "Probably." "Besides, can nobody protect her like you did." "That too." "Mommy!" Himari runs to us. She jumps into my arms. "Hi sweetie." I kiss her forehead. "Look who woke up from her nap." Kenny announce. Just like that, she ditched me for Kenny. I pout which caused Kenny to laugh. "Hey there Princess. Did you sleep well?" She nods. "Yes!" "Good." "Where's daddy?" "Daddy has to get help like mommy." Kenny answers. "He went away like mommy did?" "No. He's home. But mommy wanted you and Rose to spend some time over here." "Did daddy hurt grandpa again?" "No." I reply. "So why does daddy need help?" "Well sweetheart, he's not himself right now. He's not happy. And he's hurt." Kenny explains. "Daddy's not happy with us?" Her tone was completely hurt. "No no. Don't ever think like that again okay? Daddy loves you all very much. He's just mad at grandpa and he's still hurt from when mommy was away." "Oh. What's rehab?" "A place where people get help and get better." "Is daddy going to rehab like mommy did?" "No. He's getting help from Mr. Hotaru. Like mommy did. Like Rose did." "Will daddy be okay?" "He will be." "Otay!" Himari kiss Kenny's cheek and gets up. She leaves. I was so confused. "She's going to go get on her iPad." "She has an iPad?" "I bought her and Rose one." "You bought them both an iPad? Each?" He nods. "Reduce fights for not sharing." "You spoil them Kenny." "Well I don't have any grandchildren yet so..." he shrugs as he gets up. He holds his hand out. I take it and get up. "Man she's intelligent." "I know. They both are. It's scary. We can barely lie to them." "Tell me about it. Levi told me Rose once told Himari that animals can't talk. And that's why they won't watch Dr. Dolittle." Kenny laughs. "Sharp minds. They're going to graduate at the top of their class. Or even skip to college at a certain age." "If they want to they can. But we're not gonna force them. I'll talk to Levi about it. Not now though." I clear my throat. "Can you do me a favor?" I ask. "Anything for you Princess." "If Levi loses his mind again and orders you to hold me down, c-can you not do it?" I ask. "Oh god I triggered something didn't I?" I nod, looking away. "You have my word. I'm so sorry Princess." "It's okay." I lowly reply. "I'm going to keep Levi and Hise far away as possible. It's my fault Levi is this way. I keep pressing him to make amends with his father. That's why he lost it yesterday." "Don't blame yourself. It was going to happen regardless. If he didn't put my brother in a coma, I'd be holding him back every time Levi saw him. You're not the reason he's acting like this. Okay?" Kenny kiss my forehead and I nod. I get up. "I'm gonna check on Himari and then take a nap before I get Rose from school." "I can get Rose for you." "That's okay. You've done more than enough and I thank you." I walk upstairs towards Himari. Sure enough, she was on her iPad. "Three times nine equals?" I hear. Himari writes. "Twenty-Seven that's correct!" I smile. Holy shit she got it right. I walk in and pick her up. "You know multiplication?" I ask and she nods. "You are a very intelligent girl." "Thanks mommy!" I kiss her cheek. "You keep learning okay? I'll be in the other room if you need me." "Otay." I walk out and into the other room. I take my shoes off and climb into bed. I start thinking about Levi. I want him to be okay. I want him to get better. I want to be home. I want to be in his arms. I want to inhale his scent. I want him.
I miss Kusheru a lot Lmaoo. Maybe I killed her off too soon. Poor Levi and Kenny🤧

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