Chapter Two: Anniversary Ceremony

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Hiiii! Hope all is well. I added a photo of the exact gown Y/N is wearing. Feel free to imagine it in your size. If you don't like gowns, that's fine. Pantsuits/tuxedos work too! Happy reading!😊

I was at home when the phone was ringing. I answered it.

"Good morning this is your concierge letting you know that you have a special delivery. Shall I send it up?" I was taken aback.

"Y-yeah yeah sure." I said before hanging up. Special delivery? I didn't order anything.

"Daiki?" I called.

"Yeah?" I walked into the bedroom.

"Did you order something?"

"No. Why?" The elevator opened.

"Special delivery for Y/N Y/L/N."

"Me?" He nodded.

"From who?"

"Uhhh...Ackerman Levi." I was dumbfounded.

"Okay thanks" I said while taking the boxes. He got back on the elevator. I walked into the bedroom and opened the smaller box. It was a pair of nude heels. I'm not surprised that it's in my size because we all gave him our measurements when we were hired.

"Those are cute." Daiki complimented. I opened the big box. I removed the tissue paper and gasped. It was the exact gown that I wanted. The gown even came with gloves. When I tried to get it, it was sold out.

"T-This was the gown I wanted!" I freaked. I opened the envelope.

"Now you have something to wear to my anniversary party. Enjoy, Levi Ackerman." It said.

"Who is this from?" Daiki asked.

"My boss." I sighed and grabbed my phone.

"Why?" I asked as soon as he answered.

"You deserve it and I need you to look your best for my company's ceremony. A lot of people are attending."

"How did you-"

"Don't ask. You're wearing it." Levi hung up.

"This gown is really sexy coming from your boss."

"Don't start. He saw that I was looking at this gown and closed out. I didn't expect him to get it. He says it's for his company's anniversary." I closed the boxes. The party is today.

"I'm just saying."

"He buys all gifts."

"Including men?"

"Yes. He doesn't play favorites. I just haven't used his card and I refuse to until I work hard for it. Looks like he had other plans. Alright I need to get ready."

I rushed to the bathroom and and started the shower. I undressed and got in. I showered. I got out about a half out later. I walked into the room, towel wrapped around me. Daiki was in bed. It was Sunday so he was off work. I rubbed lotion on and covered myself in a robe. I sat in front of my vanity mirror, putting my hair in a bun. I put makeup on. I got up and unzipped the gown. I got in it.

"Can you zip me up babe?" I asked. He got out of bed and stood behind me. I felt as my gown was being zipped up. He wrapped his arms around me.

"You look beautiful." He murmured, kissing my neck.

"I should bend you over right now."

"Tonight. I'm all yours."

"You said that last night."

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