Chapter Fourteen: Ackerman's Annual Christmas Party

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well! If you don't celebrate Christmas you can skip this chapter. This is a time skip. I'm also using Kusheru instead of Kuchel (both were in the anime wiki) and giving Levi's daddy a random name since I'm making her married instead of a prostitute and don't know who the baby daddy is. Lmaoo. But because she's Ackerman by blood, his dad is Ackerman by marriage. Happy reading!😊

A lot has changed since I first found out that Levi is the Mafia Prince. Over time I've adjusted to it. Helping him. He's gotten really overprotective over me but he doesn't suffocate me. He just makes sure I'm safe whenever I'm away from him. I still haven't moved in with him. He's been over to my penthouse a few times but I prefer his place.

Today, we were getting ready for the Ackerman's Annual Christmas Party. This will be the first time I meet his family. I was nervous. We've been together for about three months now. I was wearing a red off shoulder gown as Levi wore a suit. I was fumbling with his tie my nerves were kicking in on high speed.

"Dammit!" I cursed under my breath.

My hands were shaking. He placed his hands gently on mine.

"Don't be nervous." He said as he fastened his tie.

"How could I not? I'm meeting the Ackerman's. Not just your parents. Your entire family. In one sitting. One night. This is a lot."

"We can skip the party if you want." He said as he pulled me close. I sighed.

"No. You go every year. It'll be a bad first impression on me if you're not going because of me. Just give me some alcohol to survive the night." I joked.

"I don't care what they think. I want you comfortable. We can sit home, snuggle on the couch and watch movies. Having you fall asleep in my arms. I kiss your forehead and carry you to bed." Levi spoke slowly.

"As much as I want that right now, we can't."

"Fine. But the moment you feel uncomfortable, let me know and we'll leave. I mean it Y/N."

"I know I know."

I smoothed out his suit jacket as I helped him out it on. Levi took my hand and lead me downstairs.

"You need a safe word for when you want to go home." Levi said.

"Pineapples." He looked at me and chuckled.

"My mind went blank and just screamed pineapples."

"You are unpredictable."

"You have no idea."

We walked outside and the chauffeur opened the door. We got in. Levi held my hand as the driver pulled off. After some time, we got out the car. There were bodyguards with guns surrounding the mansion.

"Ah right the Mafia King." I reminded myself.

Levi guided me upstairs. The double doors opened.

"Welcome Mr. Ackerman." A butler greeted.

We greeted back and walked in. I looked around. The aroma of food hit my nose and the decorations were beautifully done.

"Oh there's my boy!"

A beautiful thin woman appeared in view, arms open wide with a huge smile on her face. She pulled Levi into a hug.

"It's good to see you mom."

My heart almost ran out the door when he said mom.

"I've missed you so much. You look good sweetie. How have you been?" She asked.

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