Chapter Forty-Five: Tell me you love me

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Hiiiiii! This is the last of the flashback. Happy reading!☺️

I ended up moving again. Hise and Kenny kept breaking into my home. I threatened to get a restraining order if they didn't leave me alone. They took the hint. I ended up finally apologizing to Nanami about our date night. I took their advice on moving on. I told Nanami what I've done and how much I hated myself for it. He gave me some advice. He too moved on. I didn't blame him considering he was held at gun point. I never contacted him again. I walk into my living room and there he was. Levi standing in my living room. "How-" "We need to talk." "Please get out Levi. We have nothing to talk about. I don't want to hear you ridicule me anymore. I feel exactly how you felt when I dogged you. We're even now." I say. "No baby, no." Levi says. "I'm not your baby. Look I don't know if you have amnesia again but let me refresh your memory. You broke up with me. You got into a relationship with someone else. And no I'm not sleeping with your father. I threatened to get a restraining order on him and Kenny if they didn't stop breaking into my home. Are we good?" Levi sighs. "My memory's fine Y/N." "Please leave." I ask nicely. "I'm not leaving. Not until we talk." "I don't have anything to say." "Then I talk and you listen." I shake my head no. "Y/N please." "Get out Mr. Ackerman." "No!" "Get out!" I scream. "I'm not leaving." "Get out before I call the police and tell them, you're the Mafia Prince." "Call them. And don't forget to tell them the murders you've done. We still have the video of you torturing and killing Mei." "Go ahead and show them. I don't have a life so I don't have anything to lose." I pick up the phone and start calling the police. "Yes hi, there's an intruder in my home. He's an armed and deranged man. It's the Mafia Prince." I say once the dispatch answered. Levi stormed up to me and snatch my phone. "She's lying. I'm unarmed. I'm her husband and I'm not the Mafia Prince. She has amnesia." He says before hanging up. I pull out my gun. "Get out." I clock the gun. "You wouldn't dare." I laugh manically. "No? Then you don't know me at all." I shot the vase behind him. Levi rush to me, taking the gun out of my hands. He throws it and slams me on the couch. He sits on top of me, pinning my arms above my head. "Let me go!" "No!" "Leave me alone!" "Not until we talk." "You already hate me what's there to talk about? I haven't bothered anyone!" I scream. There was a knock on my door. Levi jumps up and goes to answer it. I go in the kitchen. I grab a stainless steel frying pan and walk out. I bang him in the head with it as soon as he closed the front door. "It's going to take a lot more than that to knock me down." I take another swing but Levi grabs it. He takes the frying pan out of my hand. He throws me over his shoulder and carries me to my room. "Put me down! Get out!" I scream, pounding his back. He toss me on the bed and sit on me. Once again, he pins me down. He starts taking off my shirt. He takes my arm and kisses my scars. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He apologizes. "Stop." I beg. He grabs my other arm and kiss the words Mafia whore. "Please stop." I beg again. Levi kisses all over my face. He kisses infertile slut on my stomach. "God I'm so sorry." Levi apologize again. I start crying. "Stop!" I scream. Levi trace the words on my stomach. I raise my knee up and kick him off me. He falls off the bed, grunting. "Get out!" I scream. "Please Y/N. Can we talk?" I shake my head no as I put my shirt back on. "Go home to your girlfriend." Levi takes out a knife out and cut his shirt open. He carve his name on his chest. He push his sleeve up and carves dumbass on his arm. "I left my girl back home. I don't love her no more. And she'll know fuckin know that...these fuckin eyes that I'm starin at. She isn't you. She will never love me like you do. She will never hold it down like you do. She's not someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. I don't see myself marrying her." He says, taking the knife and slide it on his cheek, blood trickling down his face. "Yeah well you don't see yourself marrying me either so..." I shrug. "I do. Baby I don't hate you. I only said that out of anger." "That's the second time you said you hate me and the third time your eyes meant it. Just please stop lying and leave." "Yeah. I meant it each time I've said it. But I wasn't myself nor was I thinking straight. I hate myself for even saying it. And I hate myself even more for calling you a whore and bringing up your infertility." "No. You were right and you mean it." Levi closed his eyes. "I know I can't take back what I said and god I wish I can." I wipe my tears. "Why do you keep torturing me Levi? Please just leave me alone. We're even now." "I'm not torturing you. I regret everything I've said to you. Especially when I said I couldn't marry you. And seeing you with my father...when he revealed what you've done to yourself two months ago, I saw that. And I knew I was the sole reason behind it. The reason why you hurt yourself. Why you've lost so much weight and not sleeping. I've failed to protect you. I've failed to love you. I've failed at everything. I'm regretting it for the rest of my life." Levi carved my name on his other arm. "Can you go?" I whisper, wiping more tears. "No. I'm not leaving you. Not ever again. I miss everything about you. Your beautiful smile. Your laugh. Your voice. The way your eyes sparkle. You being in my arms. And I hate that I'm the reason it's all gone. All for something so small. Because my anger and jealousy got the best of me." Levi takes out his lighter and burns himself with it. "Please don't gas me up and leave. And please stop hurting yourself." "Tell me you don't love me. Tell me you hate me and I'll leave." I remain silent. I couldn't lie to him even if my life depended on it. Levi stands. He takes off his trench coat and shoes. He climbs in bed and I crawl away from him. He pulls me down with him, putting the blanket on us. "Let me go!" I squirm in his arms. Levi holds me tightly in his arms. "I'm so sorry." I start sobbing uncontrollably. Levi rubs my back. "It's going to be alright. We'll get through this. Together. Because I love you for infinity. And I'll help you with therapy." Levi says in my ear. He press a kiss on my forehead. "You'll always be my Mafia Princess." He lowly says.
Okay this is the end of the flashback. They're both so toxic pfft.

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