Chapter Seventy: Levi Ackerman. The Man I Love

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Hiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. Sorry for the late update. I've been working mad overtime, I just got promoted to supervisor and I'm so hooked on my Enji Todoroki story Lmaoo. Happy reading!😊

Levi has been doing really well in therapy. He's consistent and putting in a lot of effort. He changed for the better too. "You got everything packed?" Kenny asks me. "I do." Kenny place our suitcases in the trunk. Kenny and I strapped in each child, triple checking it's security. I get in. He gets in and pulls off. "Do you feel safe?" Kenny asks. "Yes. Don't worry I'm not forcing myself to go back. I miss him dearly. He's improved a lot. I'm so proud of him." I respond. "Good. That kid has been through too much. You both have." "Yeah and if one more bitch you and Hise deal with start some shit, I'm killing you both." Kenny chuckles. "That won't ever happen again. But if you do find something about them or they seem off to you, please tell me first. I'm always going to believe whatever you say. And tell Levi. You know he's going to believe you too. I don't care if we don't plan on telling them we're dating, tell them if something is off." "Yeah lesson learned." "I'm sure my brother learned his lesson as well." I nod in agreement. "Do you see Levi as your son?" "He is like a son I've never had. I try to guide him as much as I can." "You're so soft." I tease. "Stop it." Kenny chuckles. He pulls up and parks. We get out, grabbing a child. Kenny takes out our suitcases as well and we walk to the door. Marcel opens the door. "Welcome Home Mrs. Ackerman." "Thank you. Is Levi home?" "No, not yet. He should be home from work any minute." "Okay good." Kenny helped me put the suitcases upstairs. "I better get going Princess. Feel free to visit anytime." He says while hugging me. "You know we will. Next time I'll bring Levi." I reply. Kenny drops down and hugs the girls. "Bye bye uncle Kenny!" They say. "Bye princesses. I'll see you two soon." He kiss their foreheads. Kenny kiss my forehead before leaving. I start to unpack their clothes. They immediately went to their toys. When I was done, I walk into my room and unpack. I hear the front down close downstairs. I hear his voice. It faded. I walk downstairs. I look for Levi. Marcel points to the living room. Levi had his back turned, drinking whiskey. He lets out a frustrating sigh. I wrap my arms around him from behind. Startled, Levi jumps. He turns around. "Y/N y-you're home?" He stammers. I nod. "Baby you're home?" I nod again. "Yes!" Levi picks me up and spins me around. "I miss you so much." He says, planting me on my feet and kissing me. "I miss you too." I reply. "Are the girls here?" "Upstairs." "Good. I miss my family so much." Levi takes my hands. "I want to truly apologize to you for the way I behaved. I can't even believe that much hatred came over me that I put you in harms way mentally. You didn't deserve that. I didn't think about how you would feel. I didn't think how it would harm you. How I made you suffer. I-I just didn't think. I couldn't think. I was so far gone wrapped in so much hatred towards my father over hurting you that I...hurt you too. Knowing you don't have a father, I made you watch me play a suicide game with mine. I made you feel unsafe around me and in our home. That's the last thing I ever want to do and I can't believe I did it anyway. I triggered you in so many ways. Apologies aren't even enough. You deserve the world Y/N. You deserve unlimited happiness. I should see you smile consistently. But all I do is cause you pain. My family cause you pain. A part of me do wish we never became intimate so your life could be better. But I'm one lucky bastard to have you as my partner. Hotaru was right. I had so much anger and hatred towards myself. I didn't rescue you first. I didn't go with you to confront Hise. I couldn't protect you from the guards. I thought, killing him would make me feel better. I see why Hotaru asked would I be truly happy if he was dead. If I killed him, it wouldn't solve anything. I'd still have hatred towards myself and I'd be on a rampage or kill my self. You're completely right. I shouldn't kill the only parent I have left. He knows he fucked up and he's atoning for it. The real villains are dead. The guards, the Locklier sisters....taken care of. That has given me a peace of mind. Every day, I was afraid of losing you forever. That this was your final straw. I can't blame you if you left. I also hoped you would come back." "Levi I don't care about any of that. I care about you and your well being. All of that is in the past. You needed help. You never healed from it during the entire year I was in rehab. But look at you now. This is the Levi Ackerman I know. The man I love. And you should know by now that you can't get rid of me. I'm not going anywhere." Levi smiles wide and kiss me. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. "If he fucks up one more time, he's dead." "I'm sure he's learned his lesson Levi." "Let's hope." I smile into the kiss. "Daddy!" I hear. Levi pulls away and drops down. He hugs Himari and Rose. "Did you two have fun at Uncle Kenny's?" "Yeah!" "Good. Go sit down and we'll watch a movie. I wanna ask mommy something." They climb on the sofa. Levi leads me out of the living room. "Do you feel safe around me?" Levi asks. "Yes." "Do you feel safe in your own home?" "Yes I do." Levi smiles wide and hugs me. He takes my hand and leads me to the sofa. We sit as Levi puts on a movie.
Yay Levi!

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