Chapter Thirty: Sleeping With The Enemy

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Hiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. Happy Black History Month and happy reading!☺️

I was in Amira's office, as she was on another vacation. Levi raised her pay as she agreed to a three month vacation. Levi left to run some errands. I think it's been an hour now since he left. My body recovered completely and it doesn't even feel like I was paralyzed once before. Levi did everything he could to hire the best doctors and therapist for me to make it out alive and to be okay. My phone starts ringing. I look down. Hise? Why is he calling? I answer. "Y/N, it's Levi. He's in the hospital. He was in a car accident." Hise tells me. I jump up. "What?!" "The hospital called me just now. Meet us there." He says before hanging up. I grab my keys and rushed out. I heard my name being called but I kept going. I got on the elevator, pressing the button frantically. This cannot be happening. "Please be okay Levi." I get off the elevator and race to my car. I get in and speed off. My car zoom down the street, making sharp left and right turns. I didn't care of my car flipped over. I kept speeding, running past red lights, almost causing multiple accidents. I hear the sirens behind me and I kick up the speed. I laugh as my adrenaline kick in. I look behind me to see that I've lost the tail. I laugh. I pull up to the hospital and park. I get out and rush in. Hise, Kenny, Mikasa and Karina's there. "How is he?" I ask. "He's stable. Come on." I follow them and we pile onto the elevator. I press the elevator button. "Y/N..." Hise removed my hand. We get off and I race down the hall. I stop and walk in. Levi was awake. I rush over and throw my arms around him. "Levi baby you're okay!" I pull away to kiss him. He didn't kiss me back. "Who are you?" Levi ask. My face fell. "I'm your wife. It's me Y/N." "No you're not. She is." Levi nudge his chin in a different direction. I look over. "Sorry baby I'm back. I got some food for us." She said. It was her. Daiki's wife, Mei. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I scream. "Hold on What's going on here? Who is this?" Kenny asks. "This is Daiki's wife. The mother of their child." I spat. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm Mrs. Ackerman." She innocently says. She walks to Levi and place food in front of him. "Who are these people?" Levi asks. "This is your family. That's Hise your father. Next to him is your Uncle Kenny and his daughters. And that woman is your delusional ex girlfriend. She cheated on you and had a baby by another man." Mei explains. "Bitch I can't even have kids!" I look at Levi. "Baby she is lying! I'm your wife." I say as I rush to him. "No she's not. I'm your wife, remember? We got married on the beach. And we have a beautiful daughter together. She's two years old. We named her Rose Ackerman." Mei leans in and kiss Levi. He kiss her back. My stomach turns. Just then, Karina gets a strong hold on Mei, putting a knife to her throat. "Just say the world Y/N and I will end her. Right here. Right now." Karina snapped before we realized it. "Let my wife go!" Levi barks. "Son this isn't your wife. Y/N is your wife." Hise explains. Mei struggles under Karina's grip. "I said let her go!" He repeats himself. "I don't want any of you here except for my wife." Levi adds. "Come on Karina let her go." Kenny says as he walk towards her. He release Mei and hugs Karina. My heart was broken. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. This has to be a nightmare. I felt as someone pulled me. "Come on Princess." Hise held my waist as he escorted me out. "Hey!" I turn around. Mei was in the hallway. I remove Hise's arm and storm to her. "Just What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask. "You took my husband away from me. So, I'm taking yours." Mei sneers. I punched her in the face. I grip her hair and bang her face against the wall. She drops to the floor. I start stomping her ribs, my anger washing over me completely. "Y/N! It's not worth it. This is a hospital and you can get arrested." I hear Mikasa as she pulls me away. I break free as I run back towards Mei. "Dammit!" I felt as someone lifts me up and throws me over their shoulders. "Put me down!" I scream as I kick. I start hitting their back. "Y/N stop it!" Kenny scolds as he carries me out of the hospital. He place me on my feet. "Y/N-" "Don't." I cut Hise off. I get into my car and speed off. I drive home. Images of Mei and Levi clouded my mind. I turn the radio on. I was on the verge of speeding off the bridge and into the river. I pull up to our home. Marcel open the door. "Good evening Mrs. Ackerman." He greets. I walk in. "Marcel we need to talk." "Something wrong?" He asks. "Levi's in the hospital." "Oh I'm so sorry. I'm sure Master Ackerman will recover." "I didn't even tell you the worst part." "Oh?" "Do you remember Levi and I speaking on my ex?" "Yes, I've overheard quite some conversations." Marcel says guiltily. "It's fine. We won't fire you. Anyway, his wife Mei is at the hospital. Levi has amnesia and Mei manipulated him into believe they're married with a baby." "Oh that's awful. Such trifles." I nod in agreement. "So from now on, I need you to do me a favor." "Anything for you Mrs. Ackerman." "I need you to play along. For Levi's safety. I'm not sure when he'll be released but they'll be here. I want you to address her as Mrs. A-" I gag. "Mrs. Ack-" "Address her as Mrs. Ackerman?" I nod. "For you and Levi's safety. I don't want either of you hurt. And I need you to call Levi's personal doctor for his checkups. And tell her to play along with that bitch being his wife. I need you to do anything she says. This woman is deranged and there's no telling in what she'll do. I'll come up with a plan to kill her. And I hope his memory comes back soon. So when they come home even with her child, address them. I'll handle his jobs so please don't mention it. I'm sure she said he's some regular dude with an average job." "Your wish is my command." "Thanks." I get up and walk upstairs. It was still hard for me to process what the fuck just happened. I call Johnny. "Mrs. Ackerman? Something wrong?" "Levi was in a car accident." "Is he okay? Who did this?!" "Daiki's wife. I'm sure she's behind it. He lost his memory and now she's posing as his wife. So I need you to report everything to me again until Levi gets his memory back. That's if he does." "Oh my god I'm so sorry." "So am I. I knew I should've tracked her down and killed her. But at the time she was innocent and that's against our rules. I'll talk to you later." I say before hanging up. I get in the shower. I was there for an hour, sitting on the floor and thinking. So much happening at one time. I get up and wash myself. I rinse off and get out. I put on lotion and get dressed. I look at my ring. I take it off, placing it in its box. I climb into bed, staring at the ceiling.

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