Chapter Fifty-Six: Mafia King vs Mafia Princess

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

I sit in bed, typing on my laptop. "What're you typing with those pretty little fingers?" Levi asks me. "Nothing important. Just trying to see how long should Rose be in therapy for when she was kidnapped." I lie. I was erasing everything off my laptop. "And?" "Too many different answers." Levi kiss my ring. "Himari's birthday is coming up." Levi points out. "Oh I know. The thing is I don't know what her theme should be. She's not really solid on a favorite nor does she has a phase." I tell him. "She also doesn't have any friends." Levi adds. "I know. With Rose in school, Himari is all alone. I mean sure we can invite Rose's friends but like...Himari need some too. I just don't trust people. Not because of our lifestyle but because if anyone hurts my babies I'm killing then." "Oh we've made that very clear." Levi chuckles. I'm gonna go ask what she wants for her birthday." I get out of bed and walk into the room Rose share with her. "Himari?" "Hi mama!" She gets up off the floor and run to me. I bend down and pick her up. "Hi sweetie. What do you want for your birthday?" I ask her. She thought for a minute. She then shrugs. I laugh. "Hey your phone's ringing." I hear Levi's voice. I turn to face him. "My dad's calling you." I raise an eyebrow. "Answer it." I tell him. Levi answers my phone. He was quiet. He then hands me the phone. I take it. Levi leaves. "What's up Ackerman?" I ask. "I want to marry Asami." My eyes grew wide. "You wanna what?" I ask. "I'm going to marry Asami." I rush out of the room and downstairs. I pass Himari off to Levi. "Are you crazy?" I ask as I leave out of the house. "Y/N I'm an Ackerman. Of course I'm crazy. But I'm also in love." "You don't even know her. You've known her for what three months?" "I've known her for a year. And Kenny wants to marry Ayaka." "Okay so both of you became stupid as fuck when I left." "Y/N what? No. Look I thought you of all people would be happy for us." "Did you do a background check on them?" "Of course we did." "Thoroughly?" "Who do you think you're talking to? We were thorough." "You haven't even told anyone. Now how the fuck are y'all going to explain this to Levi and the twins? You two keeping a secret from them for a year?" I ask. "They'll get over it. Besides they want us happy and we are. And I truly thought you would be happy for us." "How can I? Did you not notice the shit show we've been with someone's significant other? Your wife was murdered by your son's first wife. His second wife who was the widowed wife of my ex boyfriend drugged my fiancé. His girlfriend tried to scam him out of money. We cannot trust bitches out here." "Levi knew you for a few months before falling for you and proposing and you took that opportunity of him being drugged to sleep with me. You are the last person to judge." His spits. "It takes two to tango don't you fuckin dare pin this shit on me unless you want to meet your maker." "Is that a threat?" "No. It's a promise Hise. Don't think I forgot about your infertility remark and hitting your wife." I reminded him. "And who took you in when you went all psycho like some Tyler Perry movie and tried to commit suicide?" "Let's not forget who stopped you from hanging yourself after Kusheru died. Who made Kenny keep watch of you 24/7." I exhale deeply. "I'm not trying to fight with you Hise. I just want you happy and I don't trust them." "Is it trust or jealousy?" "What?" I screeched. "Jealous? Of them?" I scoff. "Because you can't have me. And I saw the times Kenny flirted with you." I roll my eyes. "I atone for my sins every damn day and regret sleeping with you. I don't want you or Kenny. I just don't want you two to get hurt in the end." "Then be happy for us." "You know I can't do that because my intuition is telling me that something is wrong with those two girls." "I thought you were better than that. That you would be above the denial but you're so caught up in your own delusion that you can't tell a dream from reality. Levi should marry someone else. He deserves better." Hise says before hanging up. I storm back into the house and throw my phone against the wall. It didn't break due to the case. "Everything alright?" Levi asks me. "Yeah." I lie. I grab my car keys and leave out. I hop into my car and speed off to Hise's. I drive. He pissed me off so much. All I want to do is look out for them. I pull up and jump out. I bang on his door. His butler Kojiro answered. I walk past him. I walk down the hall and into the living room. A tall thin woman stood up. She looked like Kusheru. Oh fuck. She looked exactly like her. "Hi I'm Asami." She introduces herself. "I'm Mrs. Ackerman. I'm the head of the household. Of every household." I introduce myself. "Mrs. Ackerman?" "She's my son's wife." "Oh the one you told me you've slept with." She realizes. I shoot a glare at Hise. "I need to speak to you." I hiss. "We just spoke." I storm over to Hise and yank him off the couch. "Now." I demand as I drag him upstairs to his bedroom. I slam his bedroom door and lock it. I fold my arms. "What do you want Y/N?" "Besides an apology? I see why you love her. She looks exactly like Kusheru. Down to the T. Her walk, her talk, her appearance." "So? What's so wrong with that?" "That's fuckin weird Hise! She seems off." "No it's normal. Y/N everyone has a twin in this world." "Yeah and if I find another you, I'm killing him." "You mean fuckin him." I slap the shit out of Hise. His mouth starts to bleed. He grips my wrist and shoved me against the wall. "I'm not Kenny. I won't let you toss me around like a rag doll." He growls. "What're you gonna do? Hit me? Like you did to Kusheru?" I challenge. "Go ahead. But before you strike me, you need to know this. That so called background check wasn't thorough. Something is off with those girls and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. To protect you and Kenny. Before this blow up in both of your faces." "Then you need to stop digging because there is nothing on them. She's a sweet innocent angel and I love her. No I don't love you anymore." "You don't love her. You love the idea of her. Because she looks exactly like Kusheru. Hise I don't think this is a coincidence either. This isn't fate. This isn't God letting you get a do over with Kusheru. This is some sick and twisted game that you two are caught up in. But you're so fuckin lonely and hard up that you're taking this lying down like a pussy. I know you Hise. I know how you are when you're in love with someone. Because you looked at me the same way you looked at Kusheru and you're not reciprocating that same energy to that girl downstairs." "You want to preach on love? You're the last person to preach on that. Not only did you sleep with me when the man you so called loved had amnesia and was drugged but you left him for two years over something stupid. Now you come back and think you can teach me on how to love. God I wish he grew a pair to leave your stupid ass. But he's an even bigger idiot." "You know what? Have it! Yo crusty, dusty, and musty ass just got some consistent pussy and your ass got real the fuck loose. I hope this EBay Kusheru stick you for all your money! Witcho nasty ass, dirty, ass, trifling ass that fuck Instagram bitches." I spat as I remove his hand off me. "Keep fuckin around and you gon get the clap bitch!" I shout as I walk towards the door. Hise grabs my arm, spinning me around and slap me across my face. "You mother-" I was cut off as he hit me in my stomach. I double over but stand up straight quickly and kick the side of his head. He falls flat down immediately. "Don't you ever hit me again! I will kill you." I scream. He gets up, and slam me into the dresser. I go in his drawer, grabbing his gun. I pull the trigger, shooting Hise in his stomach. The silencer was on. He fell backwards onto his bed. I drop his gun and walk out. I walk downstairs. "It was nice meeting you." I power walk out and get into my car. I speed off, heading towards home. I pull up and get out. I rush inside and upstairs. "Y/N is everything alright?" Levi asks. I close the door but Levi forces himself in. "Y/N talk to me." I go in the drawer and pull out a flash drive. I grab the envelope too. "Levi I need you to trust me." "I do trust you. What's going on? You're scaring me." I shove a note in the envelope with the flash drive in it. "I show your father. And he might die if she doesn't get to him fast enough." "What? You shot my what? My father? Why?!" "Levi!" I scream as I turn to face him. "Oh my god baby your face! What the hell happened?" He asks as he cupped my face. He wraps his arms around my waist hugging me. I scream in pain. Levi lifts my shirt up. "Oh my god. What the fuck?! Your back!" I give Levi the envelope. "I need you to read the note and look at the flash drive. I need you to contact Johnny. He knows everything." I say as I walk downstairs. The police were down here. "Y/N Y/L/N? You're under arrest for the shooting of Hise Ackerman." One cop says as he turns me around and handcuffs me. "Y/N!" Levi calls. Himari comes running in. She looks at me and starts crying. "Mommy!" She run towards me. Levi grabs her. "It's okay sweetie! Everything will be okay I promise." Tears stream down Levi's face. "Levi go look in the envelope. Please I am begging you! Save your father and your uncle! Promise me!" They start to drag me to the door. "Maria!" Levi screams. She rushes in and grabs Himari. Levi rushes to me and pulls me away from the police. "Levi don't!" I plead. "Sir I need you to back off." Another cop says. "Fuck you SHES my wife!" He screams as he punches a cop. "Levi!" I scold. Another took out his baton and hits Levi. He grabs it from the cop and hits him. A third cop reaches for his gun. He pulls it out, aiming it at Levi. "Levi!" I stomp on the police foot who had me. I ran over and kick the guy who had his gun at Levi. It went off as he went down. The cop who had me tased Levi. I scream. "Levi!" Tears stream down my face as he falls to the floor. And just like that, he was out. "Marcel!" I call. He never left the scene. "Call him. Get him and Levi to look into the envelope. Look after the house for me while I'm gone. Don't worry about me I'll be fine." I instructed. "Yes, Mrs. Ackerman." The police drag me away and into their squad car.
I was supposed to end this story. Guess not. Sorry I took so long to update. I really hate my job. For those who don't know, the "clap" used here stands for Chlamydia🤧

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