Chapter Sixty: Two: The Mafia Prince vs The Prison Guards

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Hiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This chapter will contain extremely gruesome content. Feel free to skip. This is still Levi's POV. Happy reading!☺️

Dark Impulse: an intersection of three of the most malevolent tendencies of human nature – psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism. But the truth goes deeper, and darker. There's also egoism, sadism, spitefulness, and more.

Machiavellianism: is a personality trait that denotes cunningness, the ability to be manipulative, and a drive to use whatever means necessary to gain power.

so·ci·o·path: noun
a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Unforgiving, relentless, unbending, inflexible

I was playing dolls with my daughters in their room when I heard a knock on their open door. "So this is where the party is huh?" I hear. "Auntie Mikasa Auntie Karina!" Rose gets up and takes off. "Kasa, Rina!" Himari takes off too. I chuckle. "There's my favorite nieces!" The twins say in unison. I get up. "What're you two doing here?" I ask. "We're here to check on you since Y/N left. Again." Mikasa explains. "What did you do?!" Karina scolds. "I didn't do anything!" I defensively say. "Then where is she?" I let out a sigh. "I sent her away." They gasp. "You threw her in jail?" They ask in sync. "Can y'all not do the twin thing? You've never done that. It's creepy. And she's not in jail anymore." "Anymore?" Mikasa stares at me. They put the girls down. "You two keep playing, I have to talk to your aunts." "Okay daddy!" I leave out, the twins hot on my heels. Karina starts hitting me. "Ow hey stop that! Mikasa get your sister!" I whine. "Why was she in jail Levi?!" Karina yells. "I'm not the one who put her in jail. Ask your uncle." "Hise got her arrested?" "No his fiancée got Y/N arrested." "Fiancée? So he had a fiancée like daddy too huh?" "Wait why did his fiancée get Y/N arrested?" Mikasa asks. "Because Y/N shot Hise." "Did he talk about her infertility again?" Mikasa ask me. "No. She wouldn't shoot him for that. She'd beat his ass." Karina explains. She gasps. "He hit her?!" "Karina you're jumping to conclusions." "This is the same Hise who hit his wife on Christmas Eve." Karina reminds her twin. "He vowed to never do it again-" "Karina's right. And that's why she shot him." "Wait back up. There's no way Y/N would even shoot him just for that. She can beat his ass. I feel like we're missing some pieces. And why would some random bitch call the police?" "Y/N was starting to find out that both of these women weren't who they say they were. She didn't trust them. She kept warning Hise but he wasn't listening. She even got Johnny to do research on them. But she went over to Hise's house without Johnny's solid evidence. She met the woman. She-she looked like mom. So Y/N realized he only liked the idea of her because she looks exactly like my mother. They argued. He said something foul to her, she slapped him. They got back into another heated argument. Before Y/N left she said one more foul thing to him. He slapped her. He punched her in her stomach and after she kicked him down, he slammed her into the dresser. That's when she went into his drawer and shot him." I explain briefly. The girls were silent. They both pull out a gun and clock it back. "Where is he?" Mikasa demands. "Put that away. My daughters can't see that." I tell them. Karina pulls out her knives. "Where is Hise?" She demands. I storm up to her and grab the knives. "Karina!" I scold. "Fine." I let go of the knives and she put them away. "When Hise told me what he's done to her, I lost it. He's in a coma." "God I hope he doesn't make it." Mikasa prays. "He deserves it. So where's Y/N?" Karina asks. "In rehab. And in therapy." "What?" I close my eyes and inhale deeply. I exhale, opening my eyes. "She's suffering withdrawals from Fentanyl. When she was in prison for four days, the-the guards...." "No." Mikasa whispers. Karina gasps. I nod. Karina throws her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I feel as Mikasa hug me from behind. I break down. "I don't know what to do. I feel helpless. They can't do anything about her withdrawals. I-I saw the needle marks on both her arms. In the beginning of her first therapy session she started having withdrawals while in my arms. She kept apologizing for being raped." "Shhh Levi. You've done the right thing. You're doing everything you can." Karina coos. "It's so hard, explaining to our daughters where mommy went. They ask about her every day and they miss her so much." "Listen if you want us to live with you until Y/N gets better to help you with the girls, we'll do it. I know it's hard. I know you can do it too but please know we're here for you. I know you're not okay mentally. I wish you two weren't put in this situation." Mikasa offers. I sniff and pull away. "We're family. We got you. We love you both. We're here to support you both." They kiss my cheek. "Thank you. But I'll be fine. Besides, what about your husbands?" "Y/N saved Aerocelli's life when we took down her ex boyfriend and he's been trying to find a way to repay her. I told him she wouldn't want that so he'll understand." "As for Eren, he liked Y/N the moment we met her on Christmas. He knew she was just as crazy as us." "I'm not taking you away from your husbands." "We're not taking no for an answer." "Fine." "Master Ackerman, Sir Kenneth is on the phone." Marcel announces. "Daddy?" Karina asks confused. "Thank you." I thank as I take the phone. "We got 'em. Bring your ass down to the port." Kenny says before hanging up. I give the phone to Marcel and walk upstairs. I go into my room and get dressed. I put my gloves. "Daddy?" I look to see Himari and Rose standing in my doorway. I drop down and open my arms. They both run into my arms. I hug them. "Daddy have to go away for a little while to take care of business alright?" I tell them. "Are you going away like mommy?" Rose ask. "No. I'll be back soon." "Promise?" "I promise Princess." "Is it bad things like grandpa did?" Himari asks me. I nod. "I'm going to make it right." "Are you doing bad things like you did to grandpa?" Himari asks. "I'll tell you when you two get older. Don't worry about it. You're safe and I'll be home soon. And then we can have any dessert you want alright? Oh and Mikasa and Karina will be staying with us for a while." "Yay!" They cheer in unison. I smile and kiss their foreheads. "You two go on ahead and think about what you both want for dessert." They take off. I walk back downstairs. "They got the rapists?" I nod. "We're coming too." "No." "This isn't a debate Levi." I put my arms through my sleeves of my trench coat that Marcel was holding. He did the same to the girls. "So you told daddy everything and not us?" Mikasa scolds as we get into my car. "I didn't tell him anything. Only told him about their fiancée were criminals and Hise hit my wife. He must've shaken Johnny down for more information." I respond as I speed off. "He would do that." Karina agrees. "When we get there, nobody is touching them but me." I demand. "That's no fun." Karina pouts. "Karina..." I trail off. She sighs and folds her arms. "Fine. I'll just record then." "Whatever happened to the lookalike girl and the other one?" Mikasa asks. "The Locklier sisters. Joyce was a former plastic surgeon and turned her sister Heather to look like my mother. Johnny erased Y/N's fingerprints and planted Heather's onto Hise's gun. They had it in the evidence room. They charged Y/N with attempted murder for Hise and any murders used on that gun." "Did Y/N even get a lawyer?" "No. I didn't hear from her until she was released. She confessed to shooting Hise." "So why aren't these bitches dead?" "Because Johnny plans on getting them killed inside of prison." "Well that's a stupid plan. Hire someone in prison to kill. That's stupid. And gang bangers so that. We're mafias. That's not our style." "Let us do it. If you're going to waste money, bail them out anonymously and have us kill them." Karina chime in. "No." "Levi she's our cousin. We have to avenge her. Not some stranger." "Karina I'm not saying no just to say no. She begged me to not kill those rapists. When she finds out I did, I gotta take the heat from her. I don't want you two get heat from her too." "And you think we can't take heat from her too? We're in this together. She'll be mad at us now because she's blaming herself but I promise you, she will thank us later when she's better." Mikasa points out. "Fine. You're right. It just pisses me off so much because she's protecting them. I'm not mad at her, I'm mad at them. This is a new side of her that I never saw before and I never want to see again. She's always going to have vulnerable moments she's human. But this will be the last time she is traumatized. Mark my words." I say as I pull up to the port. We get out, the wind blowing. We walk on the port and walk into one of the shipment storages. Twelve men were hanging, badly bruised. They were also naked. "My turn!" Just like that, Mikasa and Karina takes off. They start attack each man, one by one. Karina stabbing each one. Each let out a scream. Kenny hands a bat to Mikasa and she swings. "Home run!" She screams. I take out a cigar and light it. Kenny calls his twins to fall back. I walk up closer. " are the twelve motherfuckers who raped my wife." I say as I smoke. "The hell are you talking about?" One asked slowly, out of breath. I punch him. "Don't play stupid with me." I growl. I start describing Y/N. "Remember her now?" He starts laughing. "Yeah I remember that bitch. Fine ass Bitch. Fantastic pussy too." He chuckles, remembering. I nod slowly as I blow out smoke. I take out my lighter and set his dick on fire. "Ahh what the fuck?!" He screams. "Not so tough now are ya?" I ask as I continue to light his dick. "No means no." I inform him as I move the lighter to his balls. "When a woman says no, she means it." "Yeah? Then why was she so wet and ready for me?" "She cannot control her bodily fluids. It's human nature. That doesn't give you a right to take advantage of her just cause she was 'wet' you sick fuck." I turn off the lighter. "Now. Which one of you fuckers decided to drug her?" I ask. "I did. That bitch already killed five of our men." The same guy said. "Here boss." I turn to get a machete from one of my men. I start cutting the guy's fingers off. He screams. "Wait a minute. I know you." The second guy says. "You're the Mafia Prince." I walk over to the second guy. "And what of it?" I challenged. "Fuck we didn't know she was married to you." I raised an eyebrow. "So what you're saying is, if she was single it'd be okay to rape her?" I ask. "No that's-" I grab his tongue and sliced it off with the machete. "Wrong answer." I tell him. "It doesn't matter who they are with and not with. No woman deserve to be raped. No woman deserves to be drugged. No woman deserve to have a sick selfish bastard force themselves on her." I say as I chop the second guy up. His screams were blood curdling. Music to my ears. I take the bat from Mikasa and start swinging on the third one. I aim for his ribs. "Which one of you, is the ring leader?" I ask. "It's me." I walk down to the tenth person. "Oh. Okay." Johnny hands me a bottle. I open it and pour it on the man's dick. He scream as it sizzles. I nod in approval. I pour the acid on his face, watching it drip down his body. I walk to the ninth guy. I put down the bottle of acid. In one swift motion, I sever his penis. Kenny hands me a bottle of alcohol. I pour it on the man. "Don't want you to get infected." Karina hands me a blow torch. I walk back to the first guy. "You had a lot to say earlier. Why so quiet?" I ask. "Fuck you." I laugh and shove it into his mouth. I turn the blow torch on. I enjoyed watching his mouth on fire. I take it out and aim for his eye next. I walk back to the ninth guy. I throw more alcohol on him. "Set your heart ablaze." I quote before setting him on fire. I look at the tenth man and whistle at his melted skin. "If you put some ice on that, it'll help with the burn." I joke. Karina gives me a cigar. I put it to my lips. "No! It's not for you. Give it to one of them." Without objection, I walk to the eighth guy and stick it in his mouth. I light it for him. His face blew off. "Damn girl. You almost killed me." Luckily I used the blow torch to light it and I jumped back quickly. Karina laughs. "Why do you even have one of these?" I ask her. She shrugs. "I just do." The eighth man was dead. "You guys are sick fucks!" Said the fifth man. I laugh darkly. "Criminals don't deserve mercy." I tell him. "You're a criminal too. All of you are." "Yeah. We are. But we don't hurt women and children." "And that makes you better than us? You're a killer." "I'd rather be a killer than a rapist. How many have you raped?" I light a cigarette. "You're crazy." I blow out smoke. "Maybe I am." "Release me. And fight me like a man. One on one." I nod. "Deal." I snap my fingers. Two of my men release him. He falls and gets up. "Fight to the death. You can use any weapon you like." I say with the cigarette in my mouth. The guy cracks his neck and preps himself. "I don't need any weapons." He says before charging towards me. I dodge out of his way, my hands in my pockets. I duck and punch him in the gut. I take my cigarette out and blow out smoke. "Come on. You can do better than that." I dodge. "There you go." I encourage. I take my trench coat off and walk over to Mikasa. I dodge left and right as I give her my coat. "Are you even taking me seriously?" I ask when I punch him, knocking some teeth out. I keep hitting him repeatedly. "Fight back. Fight back man. Fight back!" I scream. "Beat his ass Levi!" Karina and Mikasa cheers on. I give him an uppercut which sends him flying. "Men who abuse women are pussies." I say as I roll my sleeves up, walking towards him. He grabs the machete I had. He gets up and swings. I dodge. I check the time on my watch, dodging. "What do you girls want for dinner?" I ask Mikasa and Karina. "Worry about that later Levi." Mikasa scolds. "Don't take me so lightly!" The man screams. I snatch the machete out of his hand and shove it through his throat, his head falling off. "Well...he was a disappointment." I sigh as his body drop. "Anyone else want to fight me?" I ask. "Please put me out of my misery." The fourth one begs. "So you want me spare you the trauma? You didn't show no mercy to my wife. Her screams. Her cries. Her saying no. Her looking half dead when she was drugged. She never put a single illegal drug in her body. Thanks to you. She's hooked and suffering terrible withdrawals. But you want me to end your life so quickly? Take the easy way out?" "I'm sorry for what I did." "Sorry? You're only sorry because you were caught." "I am so-" "If you say sorry one more time, I will skin you alive." I warn. "How many?" I ask. "How many what?" "How many women did you rape?" He starts crying. "I don't know." "How many?!" My voice booms. "Your wife made the eighteenth!" "Like I said, you're only sorry cause you got caught." I light another cigar. I walk up to him. "No. Please no!" I take the machete and start cutting his skin off. He screams. "Did it make you feel like a man when you raped them? Huh? Did you feel empowered? Did it boost your ego? Was it worth it?" I ask as I continue to slice his skin off. I squat down and put the blow torch over the skin. I stop before it's completely burnt. I pick them up and walk to the other guys I haven't tortured yet. I shove it into their mouths. One spit it out. I punch him and shove it back in. "Swallow it." I demand. I watch as they chew the skin and swallow, gagging. I sliced open the fourth guy's stomach, organs falling out. I set it on fire. I chop it up and then pick it up. I feed it to the same men who ate the skin. "How does it feel to do something against your will?" I ask as they throw up. They start crying. "Pussy." I spat. The fourth one died. I walk back to the first one. I slap him away. "Hey." I greet as his eyes open. I sever his burnt dick and shove it into his mouth. He starts choking. "Here!" I turn around to see Johnny holding out a whip. I take the whip and beat the first guy with it as he gags. He choked to death. "Alright. Six down and six to go." I announce. I go to the sixth guy. "What to do with you?" I ask. I start thinking. "Sadly I'm coming up blank. Any ideas?" "You're asking me to pick my own torture?" I shrug. "Sure. Why not?" I look at the tenth guy. "Aye you still breathing down there?" I ask. He slowly nods. "Good." I snap my fingers. "Let's skip the torture this time." I slice his throat open, careful not to sever his head and pull his tongue through it. "A Columbian necktie. Where'd you get that from?" Kenny asks. "My wife." I respond. "That's one crazy woman." Kenny laughs. "She sure is." I agree as I walk down to the tenth man. "You still breathing?" I ask. I slap him, his skin sticking to my glove. "I think he short circuited. Anybody have some rice?" I joke. My men chuckle. I feel for a pulse. "Oh he's dead." I pout. "What a shame. I was just getting started with him." I walk to the seventh man. I take my gun out and shoot both of his knees. He screams. "Don't die on me." I tell him as I make my way to the third guy. I open cylinder of my gun and take out the remaining bullets except for one. "Russian Roulette?" He asks and I nod. I spin and close the cylinder. I light another cigarette and aim at his head. I pull the trigger. Nothing. He let out a sigh of relief. "Don't get too cocky." I humble him as I spin again. I close and pull the trigger. Another blank. I can see the fear in his eyes. "Third time's a charm right?" I ask as I spin. "Please-" his words were cut off by my bullet. "Nine down. Three to go." I walk to the eleventh guy. "How many?" I ask. "Huh?" "How many women did you rape? That's how many bullets I'm putting in you." I reply. "Your wife...she-she made my thirtieth." "A deal's a deal." I snap my fingers. My men line up with their guns. I take them and empty it into his body, counting. I purposely miss his organs and arteries. He was already dying. I continue to empty into his body long after he died. "Thirty." I say, dropping that gun. I walk back to the seventh man. I start breaking his fingers. He screams. "Oh? I thought you died. You know. I used to want to be a psychologist when I was a kid. To look inside the minds of sick fucks like you." I say as I break his seventh finger. "But I've learned to realize, y'all are just crazy. There's no logical reason why men rape. Even a traumatic backstory doesn't justify it." "My sister raped me growing up." He says. "Did I ask for a backstory?" "I'm just's a logical reason." "Let me to find a tear to shed for you." I break his ninth finger. "Did you guys hear that? He thinks him being raped by his sister justifies why he rape women including my wife." I announce. I turn my attention to him. "So instead of going to therapy and seeking help, you decide to terrorize women because you were terrorized?" I ask. "Therapy wasn't helping." "How long we're you there?" "A year." I snort. "If you think a year would help you get over your trauma then you're stupid as fuck." I say, breaking his pinky. "You were better off killing your sister." "I did kill her. I raped her and killed her. She claimed she forgot but I didn't forget." "And that's where it felt good didn't it? That all women deserve to be raped. That raping them will make up for the trauma your sister caused. Including my wife and so many others." I shake my head. "This is a cult." I tell him. "I want to turn my life around." I laugh coldly. "Turn your life around? Then you better ask God for a second chance." I tell him. I pick up the machete and slice his body in half.  I walk to the twelfth and final man. "Last man standing." "She was my first. I didn't want to do it but they forced me to." He starts sputtering out. "Force you?" I laugh. "What'd they do? Put a gun to your head?" I ask. "They threatened to hurt my wife and baby. My daughter is six months." I nod slowly. "You know you could've rat them out and atone for your sins. Nah. You can never atone for it. So you'd rather traumatize my wife." "I didn't have a choice! I have a daughter. She needs to be raised by her wife." "Really? My wife has kids. We have two daughters together. Adoptive daughters as you already know, she's infertile. Regardless, they still need her. Rose is five. Himari is two. They ask about their mother every single day. They miss her dearly." "Oh god I didn't know she had a family. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He apologizes, bursting into tears. "You don't understand how hard it is to explain two a five year old and a two year old why their mother is away. I can't tell them I put her in rehab and therapy. I went to her first therapy session. She suffered withdrawals as she was in my arms. When she was released from prison, she told me what happened. That woman is incredible. She's strong. She's crazy. She's honest. She's loyal. The best wife I've ever had. She's put up with a ton of my shit and held it down for me. She almost seemed invincible. But each and every one of you broke her. This woman has been kidnapped twice in her life. Experimented on. Stabbed. Branded by my enemy. Paralyzed. She burned my house down, trying to kill me. She even attempted suicide. She died twice. The first time, when she was stabbed after being branded. The second time when she committed suicide. She always managed to pull through and bounce back like nothing happened. Sure she was in therapy. But she feared nothing. When she told me how each and every one of you raped her, she was terrified. I've been with her for seven years. This will be the first and last time I ever see her traumatized." I spoke. "I truly am so-" I pistol whip him. "I am so sick and tired of hearing the word sorry. Sound just like my father. He put his hands on my wife. Now he's in a coma. It'll be a fuckin miracle if he pulls through. I don't care if he doesn't. He is the reason she was put in prison anyway. He trusted some random Instagram bitch who got surgery to look like my dead mother for revenge against him. He's known her for a year. He's known my wife for seven years. My uncle believed her. That's why he's standing over there, watching. He believed that his fiancée was also a fake. They both got engaged to the sisters." I turn my attention to my men. "Anybody got any alcohol left?" I ask. They walked up. "Pour it on him." I back away as the douse him with alcohol. "You're gonna set me on fire too?" "Naw. I'm not really repetitive with my tortures." I walk towards live wires. "Wait boss put these on." Johnny hands me thick working gloves. "We don't need you electrocuted too." I put them on. I pick up the live wires. "Oh. I have one more thing to say before you're fried chicken. My wife begged me to not kill you all. She blames herself. That's also part of her trauma and fear. Had this happened to anyone else, she'd kill you all herself. She's killed many people. Not just your fellow guards. She's killed her ex. Her ex's wife who also was my wife when I was drugged with amnesia. Long story that you don't have time for. She also killed my first wife. She killed my ex girlfriend. She almost killed my father when our his hands on her. That's twice she almost killed him. First time was when he slapped my mother. And she's killed many more who had no relation to us. Rest in hell." I say as I hold the wires against his nipples. His body shakes as he's being electrocuted. He starts foaming at the mouth. Sparks fly everywhere but I didn't bother to move. "Levi!" I hear faintly. I feel as someone tackle me. "Levi stop." I look to see Kenny on top of me. "He's dead. Any longer and you'd be next." I nod as he helped me up. "Alright fine. Dispose of this shipment." I order, taking the electrical gloves off. We all walk out. Kenny hops into a machine. Johnny closes the doors and locks it. Kenny lifts up the storage unit it. He drives it over the water and drops it. "Come on Levi." I feel as Karina and Mikasa drag me to my car. I take my gloves off and follow. I get behind the wheel and pull off. "I got everything on camera." Mikasa chimes in. "How did you-" "Daddy gave it to me." I laugh. "Of course he did." "Y/N will be so proud of you. I know she will cause I'm proud of you. You torture just like we do." Karina adds. "Is that a compliment?" I ask. "Yes silly." She laughs. "Okay then thank you." I pull up to my house and park. We get out. Marcel opens the door. "Welcome home Master Ackerman." He greets. "Hey. Burn these." I hand over my gloves. "As you wish. You're just in time for dinner." He adds. I walk upstairs and take a quick shower. I get dressed and put my clothes in a trash bag. I walk downstairs and walk to Marcel. "These too." He takes it and walks off. I walk into the dining room table. "Daddy!" Rose gets out of the chair and runs to me. I squat down and hug her. "Hi sweetie. I kissed you." I kiss all over her face, causing her to giggle. "I missed you too." I pick her up and place her in the chair. I walk over to Himari. She was eating. "I sweetie." I kiss the top of her head. She turns to look at me. "Were they bad guys?" She asks. "Yes." "Worse than grandpa?" "Grandpa isn't a bad guy. He's just done something bad and stupid. But those guys were bad." "Are they still bad?" "Not anymore sweetie. They made up for it. Finish eating your food." "Otay." "Levi. A word?" I follow Mikasa and Karina into the living room. "Since when did Himari question you like this?" Mikasa asks. "Since she saw me beat Hise to a bloody pulp." "Oh shit she saw that?" Karina gasp. I nod. "Ever since then, she question me." "Where the hell was Maria?" "Maria was holding her. She kept calling my name, telling me to stop." "Why didn't she take Himari upstairs?" "I don't know." "Is Himari scared of you?" "I hope not. She was at first. I promised to never hurt her, Rose and their mother." "Jesus Levi, you need to be more careful. You have babies now. You just can't pop off like that randomly. I mean it's justifiable but you need to remember Himari isn't in school yet. She's still at home. You need to keep this place a safe space for them. You're a father. Father and husband comes before Mafia Prince." Mikasa lectures me. "You think I don't know that? That's why Himari will go to therapy the moment I see any signs of trauma and fear. Those three are my priority. I will do anything to protect them." "I'll beat your ass if you hurt them." Karina adds, walking off. I follow her to the dining room table. After dinner and dessert, we watched whatever Rose and Himari wanted to watch. I took them to bed when they fell asleep in Mikasa and Karina's lap.
I feel like I could've made this more gruesome but like I came up blank, which made Levi come up blank Lmaoo. Hope y'all enjoyed it🤧

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