How you tell them you're pregnant.

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Hey! It's been a while! Been having a rough time. Will be updating as much as I can until the new year!
This is a request from The_Lonely_Blue
This will be a long one! I didn't expect it to be so long but I hope you enjoy!!

Sherlock Holmes:

You had found out you were pregnant a few weeks ago. You went to the doctors and found out you were around Seven weeks pregnant. Surprisingly, Sherlock was oblivious. Which you found odd, cause he was able to quickly notice that Mary was pregnant at her wedding. But thankfully, he didn't notice. You had been planning a while to tell Sherlock you were pregnant. You were scared to tell him. You didn't think he needed you in his life and that you were expendable. After all sentiment isn't Sherlocks forte. You thought Sherlock wouldn't want to be a dad. You thought that he wouldn't want you him his life no more. You fell into a depression. Which wasn't unusual for you. You wanted the baby and if Sherlock wanted it or not you will still raise baby Holmes alone.

As a usual day Sherlock was out on a case and you were wrapped in a blanket in front of the fire. You placed your hands on your belly and rubbed it gently.

"Hey baby. I know you can barely hear me. But mommy loves you so much and I hope your daddy will love you a lot too. Even if he doesn't, I'll love you with every breath I take."

You looked at the Christmas decorations around the room. It was a literal Christmas miracle.

You decided that you were going to tell Sherlock on Christmas.

A few days before Christmas you put your pregnancy test and results in a box with tissue paper. You wrapped it gently and tied a cute little bow.
All you had to do know was wait.

It was Christmas sooner then you expected. You and Sherlock were hosting dinner and invited John, Mary and Rosie. And Mrs Hudson of course. But in the morning you and Sherlock decided to exchange your presents for each other privately.
You woke up before Sherlock and gazed lovingly at his face. You gently moved some of his hair off his face and gently caressed his face.
Sherlock groaned a little and opened his eyes and tiredly smiled at you.
"Good morning my love." He said groggily.
"Good morning handsome. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you."
"No waking up to you is the best thing in my life. Don't apologise."
"Merry Christmas handsome."
"Merry Christmas my love."
After a while of cuddling you both decide to get up.
You put on the turkey and cooked you and Sherlock a small breakfast.
You both ate in silence. Well not quite silence. You put some Christmas songs on in the background.
After breakfast you both exchanged presents.
"This one's for you my love." Sherlock said handing you a small cube box.
You opened it and gasped. It was a beautiful Ruby ring.
"This is a promise ring. It's my promise to you that I'll love you and be with you forever. And it's a promise that one day we will get married and spend the rest of our time together." Sherlock said placing the ring on your finger. Tears filled your eyes.
"Oh Sherlock."
"I love you more than anything." He said kissing you gently.
"Okay here's your present." You handed him the box and watched nervously, yet eagerly.
He lifted the lid off the box and his eyes opened wide. Get grabbed the test and the results and sat there shocked. Eyes wide. Mouth agape.
"Sherlock?" You whispered.
He was silent. His hands shook slightly.
"Your pregnant?" He whispered. Eyes still locked on the test.
You looked down at your lap.
"I understand if you don't want it. I don't want to force this on you. But I'm going to keep it. And it'll be okay if you leave me because of it. I'll leave after the party." You wiped your tears away your gaze still fixed to your lap.
You heard Sherlock move from his seat and in your blurred vision you seen him kneel in front of you. He grabbed your hands gently.
"My love. Thank-you."
"For what? For a life on your own again?" You said through tears.
"No. God no. You are the greatest and the brightest person in my life. Without you my skies are grey. I love you. And out baby. I want to be in their life every single day of mine and their life.
Don't ever think for  second my life will be better without you."
He rested his hand on your face and gently lifted you head to look at him. Tears streaked down your face. He gently brushed them away with his thumb.
"This is the bestest present ever."
You smiled as Sherlock pulled you into a hug and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
You pulled him by his shirt and pressed a kiss to his lips.
He pulled away and lifted your shirt. Well his shirt. With permission of course.
"Hey little one. It's daddy. I can't wait for you to come to this world. Me and mommy will protect you and love you forever." At his words you started to cry again.
"Oh Sherlock! I love you so much."
"I love you too. I love both of you. Thank you."
Sherlock sat in his chair and pulled you gently onto his lap. And spoke gently to your stomach.

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