Mycroft Holmes

650 14 1

On the 8th day of Christmas 2019
Requested by sherlockholmes397.

"Mycroft!" You yelled walking out your bedroom.

"Yes, darling?"

"Let's go to the Christmas market!"




"But Mycroftttt. I want to go."

"Go on your own, I'm busy Y/n. I don't have time to do stupid things with you. Stop being so clingy. "

"Fine." You said upset. He hasn't been spending time with you anymore.

You put on your shoes and your coat, sighing as you left your house.

You decided to see your two best friends at 221B.

Knocking on the door, you waited. You hesitated. Should you be here? Are you bothering them with your problems?

Just as you was about to leave. Mrs Hudson opened the door.

"Y/n! How are you dear?"

"Mrs Hudson! I'm fine thank you!"

"Lets get you out the cold. Come in! I suppose your here to see the boys?"

"Thank you Mrs Hudson. And yes I am."

"Well you head on up. I'll bring some tea!"

You slowly walked up the stairs.

Your anxiety grew? Why? They are your friends.

Just as you reached the top. The door swung open and Sherlock came racing towards you John looking dumbfounded.

He grabbed your wrist and gently dragged you into the living room of 221B.

He gently took your bag and helped you take your coat off.

He then gently sat you down on his chair. In front of the lit fire place wrapping a blanket around you,

Then Mrs Hudson come in with a tea pot and poured you a cup.

She then left the room knowing you needed comfort of your friends.

John come over, bent down and hugged you. Kissing your forehead.

Sherlock did the same, on the other side of you, he then brushed your tears away with the pad of his thumb.

You explained what happened with Mycroft. Your tears subsiding.

The two boys released you from their grasp.

You all drank a nice hot drink in silence, Sherlock looked pissed. John looked lost in thought.

Sherlock's phone rang. He ignored it, like usual, but the ringer was persistent. So he answered.

You were lost in thought to hear the conversation.

You only hear fine 'fine'

Sherlock whispered to John.

Then John pulled me up. Gave me my coat and bag. Sherlock and him putting their own coat on.

Then they both grabbed your hands. Again, gently dragged out of 221B.

"Going out Mrs Hudson!"

Sherlock hailed a taxi and handed the driver a piece of paper. Probably the location of where we are going.

Once there, you seen it was under a massive Christmas tree in the centre of London. Sherlock and John smiled warmly at you. You pulled a suspicious look. But their grins grew. You noticed them look behind you.

You slowly turned around.

When you gasped, hands rose to cover your mouth.

There. On one knee. With a lovely silver ring in his hands. Was Mycroft. That's when snow started to fall all around.

"Y/n, I'm sorry how, I treated you today. When you left, I realised how much you mean to me and I don't want you to leave and never come back. Out of all Goldfish's I am so glad I fell for you. I love you so much. So, will you marry me?"

"Oh my god. YES!" You said throwing your arms around him. then pulling him into a kiss.

You then pulled away from him and he grabbed your left hand, sliding on the ring.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

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