Sherlock Holmes.

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You had been dating Sherlock for a few months. So far only John knew. You had a feeling his brother knew also, but if he had then he'd have thrown a fit about it by now. So you were safe. For now anyway. You knew Mycroft Holmes and he knew you. Though thankful you hadn't seen him in years.
You were cuddling Sherlock on the couch. Him lying on his back, you on top of him. Watching the TV. He played with your hair absentmindedly as he was somewhere in his mind palace.
You loved being in his arms. How arms meant peace. Love. Something that you never had yet learned to appreciate.
You closed your eyes in contempt. You were madly in love with Sherlock Holmes.
His phone started ringing. Breaking the silence. But it was ignored. It rang again.
"Your phone."
"Leave it. Whoever it is, is irrelevant to me right now. If they want me they can wait."
I smile.
I snuggle into him more.
The phone rang yet again.
"Are you sure they can wait? It seems like they want you."
"Mhm." He hummed tightening his hold.
You shut off the TV, closing your eyes.

You had fallen asleep listening to Sherlock's heart and his breathing. Along with him still playing with your hair. But it didn't quite last long when the door knocked and a happy Mrs Hudson answered.

You heard the muffled conversation but did not move.

In your bliss, you were unaware that the guest had made their way upstairs. You heard Mrs Hudson promise some tea.

"Sherlock, are you busy? There's a new case for...." The person walked in and trailed off at the sight of you lying on Sherlock.
"Who's this?"
Sherlock sighed.
"Go away Mycroft. I didn't want to talk to you or else I'd have answered my phone."
"Why is there a girl on you? Is this another fling? Not another Irene Adler I'm sure."
Sherlock sighed once more. His hand left my hair and he sat us both up slowly. His brother had yet to see who I was.
"Piss off."
"Who's this?" He said once again.
He moved around the room. His eyes widened at the sight of me.
"Get away from my brother you feind!" He said grabbing my arm and pulling me off the sofa.
I gasped and I was then flung into the seat by the fireplace.
"Mycroft!" Sherlock hissed. "What are you doing?"
"Do you have any idea who this is?"
"Yes. That's my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend? Are you out of your mind?"
"No. But you must be out of yours."
"She's a criminal!"
"I know."
"You know? And you still cuddle with her?"
"Well, it's not like I have a clean record."
"Yes, but you aren't wanted in so many countries!" He turned to me.
"I should have you arrested!"
"You can't. You don't have jurisdiction."
"I am the British government. I can have anyone locked up."
"Yes. Except that I am exempt from that."
"What makes you say that?" He sneered.
"The Queen."
"You arrest me and the Queen finds out. Well, that would be the end of your career."
"Well yes. It would be. Hadn't I saved her and her husband's life?"
"I'll ship you to a country where you are a wanted criminal. Where the Queen has no jurisdiction. You'll be screwed then."
Mycroft scoffed.
"You know that the governments of most countries are scared of the Queen or are even friends with her."
Sherlock sat there and watched his girlfriend piss off his brother. Amused.
"Sherlock. You can't date her. I forbid it."
"You forbid it? What are you our father?"
"No. I am your brother. You will listen to me, Sherlock. She is a snake. She's a murderer. The most foul being you'll ever meet. Her family even abandoned her because she was a burden. A failure. She'll never bring you peace and love. She's the most heartless, villainous woman."
My shoulders fell in defeat as Mycroft hissed those words to his brother. Sherlock's eyes widened at the words that were uttered. He opened his mouth to say something big I started speaking before he could.
"Do you want to know something? My family didn't abandon me. They were killed by some gang and they were caught in the crossfire. I travelled the entire world looking for every one of them to kill them myself. Sure I'm a burden. I'm all those bad things that you said. But I love Sherlock Holmes. I would never hurt him. So call me what you want. But nothing will change." I said standing up. Brushing past Mrs Hudson who just came in with a tray of tea and biscuits. I left the flat. Slamming the door behind me.

"How dare you."
"How dare I? I'm trying to protect you."
"I don't need protection. Not from you."
Mycroft scoffed.
"Of course you do. You always need my protection. You end up in drug dens or some kind of shoot-out."
"And do you know who was there with me at the end of the day? Her. She was here. Always here with me. You leave after you see I'm fine but she stays. When I'm I'm hospital you don't even visit. She'll threaten the nurses to stay so I'm not alone."
"Ugh, sentiment. I thought you were better than this Sherlock."
"I am better than that. I'm even better than you. Cause at least I have people who love me. Who do you have?"
Mycroft scoffed once again.
"You sent away the woman I love. I don't care what she's done. I only care about her future. Our future. Get the fuck out of my flat." Sherlock hissed.
Mrs Hudson still stood there. Dumbfounded. She glared at Mycroft walked by her exiting the flat.
"Sherlock dear. Are you okay?"
"No Mrs Hudson. But I will be."
"Go and get her. I'll make sure the tea stays warm for you both." Mrs Hudson smiled gently.
"You're a gem." Sherlock said.
Sherlock left the flat in search of you hoping that you're in the one spot you always went to."

I stood there. Leaning against the railing. Watching as the Thames water flows by. The tears were now dry. But that didn't stop the thoughts that wouldn't leave my head.
Mycroft was right. Sherlock didn't need me. I'm not good enough for him. I'm a murderer.

"I knew I'd find you here," Sherlock said standing next to me.
"I should find somewhere else to hide."
"It's not hiding if you're in public."
I chuckle halfheartedly.
"Go home, Sherlock."
"Not without you."
"Yes without me."
"Why? Because of what my brother said?"
"He spoke the truth."
"He insulted you."
"It's still the truth Sherlock. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve any of this."
"Of course you do."
"No. I don't. I've killed people and I enjoyed it! I'm a burden to everyone."
Silence fell between us.
"I don't care about what you did. Just like you don't care about what I've done. You were erratic. It's only normal to find that enjoyment in that. I did too. When I was undercover when I was 'dead' for two years. I enjoyed killing and I enjoyed the torture I received. Made me feel something. Like it made you feel something. Y/n you're the love of my life. You can never be a burden to me. You can't be anything bad to me. You're the light of my life. You were there when I was heartless. When I just cared for cases. When nothing mattered to me. But now you matter to me."
I look at Sherlock, tears brimming my eyes once again.
"I love you. I don't care what anyone thinks. Especially my brother."
"I love you too Sherlock." I said.
Sherlock pulled me towards him. Then proceeded to kiss me gently.
"There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you." He said after he pulled away.
I smile at him. Grateful that he was here, that he was mine.
"Let's go home shall we?" He said offering his arm to me, which I took. He led us back to 221B where a hot pot of coffee and biscuits were waiting for us.

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