Greg Lestrade. Part 2

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Not long after giving Sherlock his gifts you decided to return home and catch up on well needed sleep knowing that now you've returned to London you will see him more.

"Sherlock, dear?" You said.

"Yes Y/n dearest?"

"I'm going to leave now, I need some sleep I have to get up early tomorrow. We can catch up in the week if you wish."

"Okay dearest. Thank you for coming and thank you for the gifts." He said giving you a big hug.

"I'm taking my leave now as well Sherlock. Scotland yard don't wait for no one especially if we over sleep."

"Alright Jeremy."

"It's Greg."

"Goodbye Sherly." You said.

I walked down the staircase with Gregory following behind.

We both left the flat and now was stood on the streets. No taxis passed. Looks like I have to walk.

"Hey, Y/n I can drive you home if you like."

"Oh! No, I don't want to be a bother."

"No it's alright. I don't want you walking down the streets of London in the dark with creeps around."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." He said as he opened the passenger door for you.

You smiled as you got into the car. Once Gregory closed the door behind you he walked around to the drivers side.

You told him your address and thanked him again.

"Hey, if you want to come down to Scotland yard ask for me and we will set you up and get you used to things so you can start working." He said driving away from Baker street

"Yeah that sounds great. Thank you again for this. I know you didn't have to."

"It's okay! Your the best agent in the FBI I'd love to have you on my team."

"Hey before you go would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?" Greg asked before I got out the car once we arrived at mine.

"Yeah that sounds perfect! Here's my number. Call me." You said kissing his cheek giving him a card with your number on before leaving the car to get to your flat.

-Time skip-

You woke up to the sun shining in your face. You groaned. Pulling the sheets over your face.

Sadly and slowly you got out of the bed and stepped in the shower. You done your usual normal hygine process. You grabbed an apple from your fruit bowl while making yourself a nice hot drink to warm your stomach in the early London morning. 

You got dressed in a black summer dress with black heals. Grabbing your bag you slung it over your shoulder and walked out the door.

Since Scotland yard wasn't far you decided to walk. 

On the way I decided to grab me and Gregory a coffee. 

I looked to the sky. And smiled; my life has changed for the better and now i'm living the life I've always wished would happen. 

I reached Starbucks and ordered two coffees and payed for them praying inside that Gregory likes coffee. I thanked the staff member that took and made my order. 

Two cats. No stable relationship. Has a girlfriend but is cheating on her. Lives with his mom. Smokes frequently. He- No stop it. Why must I do it.

Walking out of Starbucks and towards Scotland yard I kept thinking of how I had no one to talk to or to call my friend. I never had anyone in my life but Sherlock and his family. I also knew about Euros from when I accidentally seen it on Mycrofts laptop when I stayed at the Holmes' for Christmas.

Once all the thoughts left me I noticed I was at Scotland yard. I took a deep breath and walked up towards the entrance. A police officer walked out and held the door for me allowing me to walk in, thanking him as I walked passed him the walking out to continue his day. I walked to the receptionist.

Loves her job. Engaged. Is pregnant but she doesn't know yet. Don't have any animals. Is moving in a new house with her fiance soon. Fuck me

"Hello, I'm here to see Gregory Lestrade."

"Yeah. His office is down the hall to the right."


I followed the instructions; down the hall and to the right.

I seen on the door D.I Lestrade.

Knocking on the door my anxiety increased. Blood pulsing faster through my veins. I took a deep breath hoping to calm my anxiety. I wanted to run back home. Just as that thought come to me the door in front of me opened. It's too late now.

I seen Gregory's face. His face from unhappy and dull changed to Happy and nervous. Why is he nervous? 

"Hi Y/n! Come in!"

"Hello Gregory. I got you a coffee. I didn't know what you like so i got you a milk coffee with two sugars."

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I needed this. I'm filled up with so much paper work."

"It's no problem Gregory. If you'd like I can help. I've done a lot of paperwork in America it comes normal to me now."

"You don't have to."

"I insist Gregory."

"Okay, if your sure."

"I wouldn't have offered if i wasn't sure."

Authors note.

Hey guys I'm back I hope you liked this update.

Part 3 will be out soon!

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