John Watson.

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This is a request for broadway_0and0_books

Your pov.

I was in 221B with John. We wanted a casual date, nothing to extra. So we decided to have a lazy movie day.

"Hey Y/n?"

"Yeah john?"

"Do you some pizza? I'll order one now"

"Okay. As long as we get some snacks as well."

He laughed.

"Okay, love."

He ordered pizza and we settled on the sofa under some blankets.

"Where's Sherlock?"

"Who knows. He comes and goes as he pleases. Probably a case. Now lets start watching grown ups!"

When the pizza arrived we ate it until we were full and he was about half way through the second film, grown ups 2.

I was laughing.

"I really love your laugh Y/n"

"Really? because I don't."


"Because I sound like a rodent getting squished"

"No you don't. Your laugh sounds like a melody and i'm gonna do something to make you laugh. so i can hear the sweet melody."

"What you gonna DO- AH"

He started tickling me. I was laughing so so hard.

"Stop it- AH - JOHN"

"I'll stop when you say 'i'm the most handsome person ever'"

"FINE! i'm the most handsome person ever!"

"Not you, me."

"Fine your the most handsome person ever!"

"Thank you. I know."

"You have a big ego!" He started to tickle me once again.

"Hello John and random person."

I stood up, because I haven't met Sherlock yet.

"Hi! i'm Y/n and your Sherlock Holmes. It's pretty obvious you need John for a case. A murder! I can tell because I can see it in your eyes, and you need Johns help but you didn't want to call him and 221B was on the journey to the crime scene. John will most likely start getting dressed to join you or he wont hear the end of it, if he didn't come with you, and you are mostly shocked I can deduce you, it's not just you that can deduce people Mr Holmes. Now excuse me i'm going to get dressed," I turned to john. "I'll be getting dressed in your room if that's okay?"

He nodded. I looked at Sherlock. His mouth open probably from shock.

"Close your mouth Mr Holmes you will catch flies." I said walking into Johns room getting changed into some normal clothes

When I walked out john was laughing.

"John, this is no time to laugh, I need your girlfriend to help with the case. No not you, you're not nearly as helpful as her"

"But you should've seen your face." He said laughing loads more.

"I'll be happy to join you on the case Mr Holmes." I said.

"I'm coming if she's going. There's no way I'm letting you two stay together alone."

"Aw he cares." I said.

"Of course i care; I love you Y/n" My heart swelled. He said the first 'i love you'

"I love you too John."

We shared a kiss.

"Ugh. Sentiment. I hate it."

"We know Sherlock." John said.

Me and John laughed when Sherlock pulled a face

Me and John laughed when Sherlock pulled a face

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