John Watson

617 14 1

Your pov:

It was pretty much a normal day at 221B; Sherlock was doing an experiment in the kitchen, John was writing  his blog. I was getting ready to go out.

"I'm going shopping for Christmas decorations, liven up this flat a bit."

"Why? The flat looks fine to me."

"Because it's s Christmas Mr Scrooge."

"My named Sherlock Holmes."

"Yes, but your acting like Scrooge. We should get three spirits to visit you so you'll stop being so grumpy"

"I'll come with you." John said closing his laptop.

"You dont have to, but you can come if you like I'd love the company"


"What about this?" John asked holding up a horrible colored tinsel.

"Ew no."

"Why it looks nice."

"Yeah, if you are a maniac."

"Well I must be maniac then."

"Just put it down john."


Once we got back to the flat, Sherlock wasn't home, so we knew he had another case.

"I'm going to make some tea. Want some Y/n?"

"Yes please. I'm going to start decorating."

I got out the medium sized tree out of it's box and started to assemble it together which didn't take long. I started putting the fairy lights around the tree when John came in with the tea.

"Thanks john."

I got the silver and blue tinsel out of the bag.

"Mind helping me John?"

"No i don't mind."

He helped me put the tinsel around the tree and all the little ball-balls on the branches.

I got the spare tinsel and wrapped it around the mirror and the fireplace.

I looked at the tree and noticed there wasn't anything on top of the tree.

I looked in the bag and found the silver star I got for the tree.

I looked at the star and I couldn't help but think about my parents who died months ago and it was going to be my first Christmas without them. My eyes started watering. I quickly left the room, John looking startled that I quickly left. I locked myself in the bathroom and I slid down the door. I started sobbing clutching the star to my chest.

A knock sounded at the bathroom door.


I sniffled, ignoring the person at the other side of the door.

"Y/n. Open the door. Please."

I didn't.

I heard footsteps fading as John walked away.

I heard him talking on the phone.

I looked at the star still in my grasp.

I calmed down after a while.

I got up and unlocked the door and walked into the living room, where I seen John and Sherlock.

John quickly got up and pulled me into a hug, where I started sobbing again.

I stopped crying again.

"Are you okay Y/n?"

"It's just, its going to be the first Christmas without my parents and it makes me so sad because I couldn't save them they were my only family, now I don't have no family."

"Y/n, It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known. They love you so much and are so proud of show strong you are. You do have family; you have the Watson family, granted we don't get on but they like you."

"And you have the Holmes family, even though most of us don't do sentiment." Sherlock said

"Thanks John. And you Sherlock."

"Your welcome Y/n."

Sherlock got up from his chair and gave me a hug. It was unusual but very appreciated.

He kissed my head. Not in the lover sort of way, but like an older brother does.

Once he let me go he walked out the room.

I looked at the star once again and I placed it on top of the tree.

I looked at john who was smiling.

"Y/n, i have something to tell you."


"I like you. As in like like you."

"Oh john, I like like you too"

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"


He smiled at me and I smiled back.

We both leaned in and kissed. It felt so magical.

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