Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Part one)

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A/N- There is nothing romantic, its just about friendship and like most of my stories there is going to be a few parts. Enjoy part one! Requests are open like usual!!

You are an ex-mafia soldier, you left Russia to move to the heart of great Britain; London. In London you are a criminal. You're better than James Moriarty. After he died, someone had to take his place; and take his place you did.

Sherlock Holmes has yet to know you. But you knew his brother, Mycroft. You and Mycroft knew each other from University. 

You knew a lot about Sherlock and John, after all, you did read his blog.


It was 10 PM. You was at a bar. Watching people drink their sorrows away. You was on a mission. Some low life tried stealing off you.

He didn't recognise you. Though, you wasn't surprised if he did. 

"Hey baby. Why don't we get out of here and have a good time." he said looking at your revealed cleavage. He then put his hands on your waist. You turned and smirked.

You raised your fist and punched in hard in the nose, breaking it. He went flying into the table behind him. 

Glass broke, drinks were spilled and gasps were heard.

"You bitch!"

"That's the last sentence your ever going to say." you replied to his insult.

You reached into your bag and brought out a magnum and shot him in the forehead. 

Screams filled the bar, people running out in panic. 

The pricks friends stood around you (which was like five men, who pretended to be gangstas) ready to fight.

"Come at me bitches." You said. You shot the first two 'gangstas' both shots killing them both instantly. 

The other three stood there in shock. 

One of the guys ran towards you, you tripped him over, then grabbing the back of his head and smashing it into the counter, knocking him out. You grabbed a glass bottle filled with whiskey, you took a long sip and threw the bottle at one of the last two guys, knocking him into the other person. You raised your gun and shot them both in the stomach. 

You heard a gun cock from behind you.

You turned around to see your two favourite people. Sherlock and John.

"Sherlock! John! So lovely to meet you! I'm a big fan! I absolutely love your blog John! Anyway boys, I'd love to chat! but I've got business to attend to."

"Wait! Who are you?"

"I'm the new consulting criminal! I'm sure Mycroft knows a lot about me! After all, we are old friends."

"How do you know my brother?"

"Goodbye, Sherlock. John." Just as you said that you threw a smoke grenade down and ran out the bar safely while Sherlock and John lost sight of you cause of the smoke.

Sherlock pulled out his phone and dialled a number

"Brother dearest. You have information I need. And your going to give it me."


You sat on a cream fabric sofa, in lingerie, with a lace and fluffy gown on top, your makeup was done perfectly. Your red lips stood out. You also wore really high black heals. 

You slowly sipped your hot drink, smirking

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You slowly sipped your hot drink, smirking.

Watching the news about the bar fight that took place the previous night.

You walked into the kitchen again to put your mug into the sink.

You heard a gun cock. You sighed, still smirking.

"You saw what I did to those guys at the bar last night. Do you really want to point a gun at me? At 9 AM? In my kitchen? My own home?"

"Who are you?"

"You have no right to be here. Go away or else you'll regret it." you said putting the kettle on.

"He said who are you?" Another voice asked.

You gave a sinister smile.

"Sherlock. John. I'm sure you've already asked your brother who I am."


"Then why do you ask who I am if you already know?"

There was then a deadly silence.

"Sherlock we need her help." John said.

"No we don't."

"Even Mycroft agrees we need her help."


"Y/n. We need your help."

"Tea?" You asked dismissing what John said.

"We need your help." Sherlock repeated.

You started to laugh.

"Forgive me for laughing. I just find it hilarious you need my help! You have a gun aimed at my head! You invaded my home! And you have the decency to ask for my help? You guys are hilarious."

"Please, Y/n. We can't do it without you."

"First, you remove your gun. Second, I want to be in all the action."

"Fine." Sherlock said lowering his gun.

"Good! When do we start?"

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